This will be my 4th cycle and want to know manly if the dosage is okay and also if my jump start and pct are okay(what i need help with is in bold). A little background is Im out of season right now but I still can not have deca in my cycle due to the long detection rate. But I was thinking of testosterone sustation or testosterone enanthate to stack with the cyp and there dosage. Also I did the front load to make sure this took effect quickly because it is a must at this time in my off season to get it working quick but please feel free to let me know if it should be altered. I have not used test e before but have used sus. I know test e is recommended a lot with cyp but I wanted to make sure the two together did not blot me to much and I thought sus might help not blot me as much as test e...??? I also wanted to what HCG plan looked better please let me know with the amount of test I want to use which plan should I go with or works best for you. So please let me know what you think it would help a ton!!!
I have been lifting/ training seriously for over 5 years now.
22 years old
240 pounds
6 feet 1 inch
B/F-? but im not out of shape by any means (athlete)
Bench- 370
Dead lift- 620
Cling- 325
Week 1-3
Test Prop 200mg eod
Week 1-12
Test Cyp 600mg
Test Sus 750mg?? OR Test E at 600mg??
Week 1-13: 500iu HCG every 3 days???
Week 6-13: 500iu HCG every 3 days???
Week 14: 40mg Nolva/100mg Clomid Every Day
WEEK 15: 40mg Nolva/ 50mg Clomid Every Day
WEEK 16: 20mg Nolva/ 50mg Clomid Every Day
WEEK 16: 20mg Nolva/ 50mg Clomid Every Day
So let me know and constructive input on if I should use sus or test E and dosage and how the front loading looks and PCT. Also if you have another idea I did not mention feel free to let me know!
Thanks For The Help Guys!