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Thread: Cycle advice Sus or Test E to stack with with Cyp?

  1. #1

    Cycle advice Sus or Test E to stack with with Cyp?

    This will be my 4th cycle and want to know manly if the dosage is okay and also if my jump start and pct are okay(what i need help with is in bold). A little background is Im out of season right now but I still can not have deca in my cycle due to the long detection rate . But I was thinking of testosterone sustation or testosterone enanthate to stack with the cyp and there dosage. Also I did the front load to make sure this took effect quickly because it is a must at this time in my off season to get it working quick but please feel free to let me know if it should be altered. I have not used test e before but have used sus. I know test e is recommended a lot with cyp but I wanted to make sure the two together did not blot me to much and I thought sus might help not blot me as much as test e...??? I also wanted to what HCG plan looked better please let me know with the amount of test I want to use which plan should I go with or works best for you. So please let me know what you think it would help a ton!!!

    I have been lifting/ training seriously for over 5 years now.
    22 years old
    240 pounds
    6 feet 1 inch
    B/F-? but im not out of shape by any means (athlete)
    Bench- 370
    Dead lift- 620
    Cling- 325

    Week 1-3
    Test Prop 200mg eod

    Week 1-12
    Test Cyp 600mg
    Test Sus 750mg?? OR Test E at 600mg??

    Week 1-13: 500iu HCG every 3 days???
    Week 6-13: 500iu HCG every 3 days???
    Week 14: 40mg Nolva/100mg Clomid Every Day
    WEEK 15: 40mg Nolva/ 50mg Clomid Every Day
    WEEK 16: 20mg Nolva/ 50mg Clomid Every Day
    WEEK 16: 20mg Nolva/ 50mg Clomid Every Day

    So let me know and constructive input on if I should use sus or test E and dosage and how the front loading looks and PCT. Also if you have another idea I did not mention feel free to let me know!

    Thanks For The Help Guys!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    East Coast
    First off wow...your really young to start out and not only that but you have 4 cycles under your belt? Not good. What did your previous cycles look like in the past? I have a few other questions but answer that first before I go on.

  3. #3
    Thanks for the reply E Police
    Cycles are as fallowed:
    One oral only 40 mg Dbal... Trust me I know oral only does not work now

    Then I started off with winny 40 mg week 1-5, then Sus at 500 mg and for 10 weeks and PCT

    Then I had a 12 week Cyp cycle and did dbal 1-5 weeks at 40 mg and test cyp at 600mg. Cyp works for me thats why Im set on using this in my next cycle. Thanks and please let me know what you think I figured it was better to get advice then to do it wrong like that oral only cycle.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    East Coast
    are your trying to do test cyp and sus both at the same time for 12weeks? and also have the test pro for 3 weeks? assuming your using the prop to jump start the cycle?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Scenic Purgatory
    You are still young and have run 4 cycles? Have you had your bloodwork checked? I recommend not running anything until you get everything checked out first.

    What are your goals?

    As far as stacking Test E with Test C, why? They are basically the same thing.

  6. #6
    Yes i wanted to stack Cyp and Sus but all the form threads i read before position said to stack Cyp and E I also was told they were close to the same. Also i do get blood work before and after to make sure PCT worked correctly. My main goals are to get stronger for better performance since I throw for my track team. Let meknow if i need to dum down any of the dosages this will probably be my last one for a long time so i kinda wanted to gain as much as possible thats why i decided to stack this cycle. And to the other post yes i wanted to do cyp and sus with a 3 week jump start with prop.

  7. #7

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Prop is a good jumpstart- at 200mg eod it should be nice. I'd run it 4 weeks not 3 though. And if i were you i wouldn't stack test c with sust, i would just up the dose of the test c to a higher dose since thats pretty much what you are doing stacking dual test with different esters. I'd say 750-800mg's is plenty test for you. There is no reason to stack sust and test e/c. If you are already going to jump with prop then you are pretty much doing what the sust was initially intended to do and thats to get a short ester working before the long esters (c/e) take to kick in. With a prop jump i would just run the test c at 800mg's a week shot monday morning thursday evening.

    Good luck,

    "dirty d"

  9. #9
    Thanks Dirty D thats one of the big things i was wondering about does anyone know about the HCG and which choice would go best with this new cycle?

    Week 1-3
    Test Prop 200mg eod

    Week 1-12
    Test Cyp 800mg

    Week 1-13: 500iu HCG every 3 days???
    Week 6-13: 500iu HCG every 3 days???
    Week 14: 40mg Nolva/100mg Clomid Every Day
    WEEK 15: 40mg Nolva/ 50mg Clomid Every Day
    WEEK 16: 20mg Nolva/ 50mg Clomid Every Day
    WEEK 16: 20mg Nolva/ 50mg Clomid Every Day

    Thanks for any help you can give!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Both HCG protocol's will work IMHO. A larger initial dose may be required if your starting HCG at week 6.

  11. #11
    Awesome thanks for the help Swifto that was what I was wondering. I saw most people using 300 to 500iu but I only found a few using this dosage from the 6 week point on. What dosage would you recommend steping it up to and should it stay steady through out the 6-13 week period or should it be tampered off?

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