I was wondering how often is SYnthol used? Like is it everwhere in BB? Does jay cutler touch up with it? do any vets and aas users on this site use it? would be recommend to be used eventually?
I was wondering how often is SYnthol used? Like is it everwhere in BB? Does jay cutler touch up with it? do any vets and aas users on this site use it? would be recommend to be used eventually?
I personally enjoy using SEO, but I would never recommend anyone who hasent done a SERIOUS amount of research on to use it. Many people will bash it, and say you shouldnt use it, but if used properly, it can be amazing.
I have to be honest, I have no idea how prominate it is in the world of Pro BB.
Well you stated the thread title as "holy shit" and so here it is: holy shit synthol:
(warning, graphic) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oac1jyky78s
yup that is "holy shit something" for sure
Oh. My. God. What a moron. That crap just keeps coming and coming and coming.
Only complete morons use synthol. It doesn't even look good.
Take a look at Pro Muscle.com.
A shit load of top level BB guys over there take it and do well with it.
Also Perfect Beast had a journal on this site for his use of synthol....worth a look.
Not my thing BTW.
Used correctly it looks good. Abused, like anything, it looks radiculas.
I have no doubt top level Pro's use synthol. Bu they use it correctly and bring up lagging bodyparts.
There is a video out there that points out some of the Pro's that use it. Like Swifto said, like any drug if it is abused it will make you look retarded.......
Why would you down talk him not knowing anything about him? I am sure he is not 100% synthol.....
Synothol however does have its place in body building.... However is abused very easily... There are a lot of videos on youtube on synthol abuse.
Flashes threw pics of synthol abuse.
This guy has some ridiculous synthol arms.
Synthol Pecs....
Shows how this tiny kid starts using synthol.... Retarded.
The music is the best on this one. LMAO.
Your right the music on that last video is dope!
4.51 secs... If you fancy puking!
Dear Lord...
^ i literally just got really really nauseated....that is so messed up. why would u tell me to look at that. my whole day is ruined lol
I understand its importance. But when you don't even look like you stepped into a gym your whole life and then use it.....it's just a joke in that case.
absolute retarded freaks, it looks fookin horrible
that was vile i feel sick lol i havent cycled yet is that what i have to look forward to lol
Like I mentioned before, while SEO can be very beneficial, it is not something I would recommend to someone who has not researched it extensively.
SEO is no joke, and all the videos you see show the negative side effects of ignorance on this compound.
i would pump up my calves a little and thats it, these guys are freaks!
Yeah I don't get it at all. So is it just some shit you inject like collagen? Just for the look but no real muscle at all? If so that's the gayest shit ever.
its not that bad.. i am currently thinking about using it. these are just the obvious cases of abuse. thats the same as someone compiling videos of steroids gone wrong, and everyone going wtf! why would some one do that?
that's not size that just liquid..not real muscle..screw that shit.
deen i think u missed the point. ofc its not real muscle the point is to strectch the fascia and allow more pressure and blood flow into the muscle and creat an anabolic atmosphere so that new muscle can grow. here is some thing from BigA
To begin with, Syntherol™ does not stay in the muscle for 3 to 5 years as wrongly assumed. Syntherol™ gets dissipated gradually within months. However, during this time, Syntherol™ will stretch the fascia of that muscle. The fascia is a great constrictive factor in muscle growth. The more stretched the fascia is the more the muscle will grow and the more it will have that “popping†look. Syntherol™ stays in there long enough for the fascia to stretch.
As the oil starts to dissipate, the “space†left by Syntherol™ is replaced with new muscle tissue growth, if the user is in a proper anabolic environment. That is an environment conducive to muscle growth, ie. resistance training, proper nutrition, recovery and supplementation. The new muscle tissue growth in the space left by Syntherol™ is the reason that when x-rays where performed on some of the people that have 25+ inch arms, there was no Syntherol™ found to be present. Syntherol™ dissipated and it was replaced by real muscle.
IFBB Pro Big A
In my honest opinion synthol should only be used by experienced body-builders who have tried every other method to bring up a lagging bodypart. I am also not talking about filling your muscles full of oil for cosmetic purposes and re- filling them up as the oil disperses, I am talking about creating new muscle growth through stretching the fascia by implementing a proper protocol along side AAS stack.
Some body-builders spend yrs trying various training programs to make certain body parts grow but with no results, one of the problems is that the fascia which envelopes the muscle is tight and restricts growth from happening and by a synthol protocol you can stretch the fascia and make it more flexible and hopefully grow new tissue within this area via the AAS stack.
Many don't fully understand how synthol is used and what it can do for various bodyparts if its done correctly. Alot of the times all we see are the freaks of synthol and the abuse.
Ive used it and ive advice many a competing BB on how to use it, if done correctly its just another tool to increase and help build muscle tissue
This might have a bit more meaning if he didnt have just a tad bit of personal interest in this. Being he owns the company I am going to go on record as saying he is a bit biased. As a matter of fact I have seen first hand posts and threads on that board removed that are anti syntherol.
What the hell, I just watched those vids
Thats just disgusting,
how long before that stuff wares off?
I can see where this would be pretty beneficial if used properly. Yes, those vids were an eye opener for people considering using it, but if used correctly i can see it coming in handy with muscles that can't keep up.
My question is, how quickly does the specific muscle grow after injection and reps begin?
"dirty d"
Synthol = FAIL! But hey, that's me...
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