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Thread: Time Has come (Clen)

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2009

    Time Has come (Clen)

    Well, The time has come. I have my Clen. I have researched for many months. There are just a couple other small things.

    Do you generally mix the liquid clen with water to take it or straight?

    Also, After doing research, I decided to start with 20mcg a day. Should it be taken all at once? also, on the measuring vial I got with it, it does not have mcg. it has ml and tsp. Just trying to figure out how to convert it.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Scenic Purgatory
    Drink it straight, if it tastes bad, then chase it with something.

    What is the mcg/mL?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by going4ripped View Post
    Drink it straight, if it tastes bad, then chase it with something.

    What is the mcg/mL?
    Everywhere I have looked, everyone has suggested I start with 20mcg. the bottle I got has 200mcg/ml. I am just trying to get a good conversion so I dont take to much.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Scenic Purgatory
    Well, you will have to do the math on this one (downside to liquids).

    1mL = 200mcg
    .5mL = 100mcg
    .25mL = 50mcg
    .125mL = 25mcg
    .06mL = 12.5mcg

    So probably around .10mL, ballpark of course...... if my math is correct (which isnt allways the case)

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by going4ripped View Post
    Well, you will have to do the math on this one (downside to liquids).

    1mL = 200mcg
    .5mL = 100mcg
    .25mL = 50mcg
    .125mL = 25mcg
    .06mL = 12.5mcg

    So probably around .10mL, ballpark of course...... if my math is correct (which isnt allways the case)
    Doesnt seem like alot of liquid but your math is correct so I will probably start with 10mL for the first day and go from there.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by joeb82 View Post
    Doesnt seem like alot of liquid but your math is correct so I will probably start with 10mL for the first day and go from there.
    Please tell me you forgot to put the decimal point in front of that 10

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Squating at the Curl Rack
    0.1mL = 20mcg

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by going4ripped View Post
    Please tell me you forgot to put the decimal point in front of that 10
    opps. Yeah. Thats what I ment. lol. Thats what I get for typing at 2:26am

  9. #9
    So what's your cycle looking like? Did you get your clen from ARR?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Walnutz View Post
    So what's your cycle looking like? Did you get your clen from ARR?
    Its pretty basic. Im going to do 20mcg to start out with then bump it up by 20 every couple of days. I dont think I will go above 60mcg a day for the first cycle from what I hear. I am going to do 2 on 2 off than another 2 on 2 off.
    That will bring me to about May 3rd.

    The only other thing I will be taking is taurine. For my first cycle, i plan on keeping it simple.

    Any yes, I got it from ARR

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    So is clen something you take post cycle after pct? I assume its to try and retain as much of the gains as possible? Does it really work? What are the sides since it's not a AAS?

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by SportbikeBob View Post
    So is clen something you take post cycle after pct? I assume its to try and retain as much of the gains as possible? Does it really work? What are the sides since it's not a AAS?
    Clen is a cycle in itself. Its my first time taking it. I would honestly do a ton of research and as alot of questions like I did. I researched Clen since about November of last year and I am now ready to take it. I myself can only answer a few questions. These guys on these boards are great and can help. Thatss my best advice. Ill keep you guys up to date on my progress with this when I start taking it next week

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