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Thread: AAS/Diet Theories correct or not? Vets/ the knowledgeable

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2010

    AAS/Diet Theories correct or not? Vets/ the knowledgeable

    There will be multiple parts to the question please answer what you can also feel free to explain to me the points where i am wrong if i am indeed wrong as well as take the time to tell me if im correct and why? If you have the knowledge and take to time to read this post i would like to hear your input. I will ask the questions then explain the theory behind my point/question either explain why im right or correct me and teach me if im wrong, that is the gist.

    Part 1: Cutting and AAS- Am i correct to assume the point behind cutting while on AAS say TEST E for example is to maintain lean mass while in a state of caloric deficit and if possible acquire new mass in the process. I assume if this is the case the process summed up works as such. You cut while being in a caloric deficit and while on AAS Macros are better unitized by the body, protein gets shot into the muscle and aminos into cells for growth, carbs are jettisoned into muscle for glycogen and stored for energy more readily rather than being laid down as fat and essential fats are better unitized for maintenance and all around bodily health ( Also because hwen taking in fat your body sees if you will that it is ok to release stored fat.. all these metabolic processes are enhanced thus easier to lose fat while holding onto muscle, correct?

    Part2: Bulking- Plain and simple while on AAS it is easier to bulk, protein synthesis is enhanced which leads to greater gains and creatine stores are improved leading to more physical strength and muscular endurance. summed up you may retain water but for the post part easy to bulk. AAS+clean eating 500-1000 calories OVER maintenance then Walhalla BULK

    Part3- Body recomposition- The process of gaining lean muscle mass while losing %BF i believe this process is harder than just straight bulking or cutting it is much easier to choose one than the other. I believe this [process is made possible via AAS> It is slower IMO then picking one or the other. THis can be achieved easily (if you wil) By carb cycling and staying high on protein and getting just enough fats so your body knows its ok to release stored fats? The AAS increases all the wonderful metabolic process's possible that lead to trimming fat while gaining muscle. Higher carb weight training days lower carb on rest days, cardio in AM on empty stomach and there you have it. an example diet of this would be:
    Diet High Carb Day
    Lifting Chest / Shoulders
    Cardio None

    Diet Medium Carb Day
    Lifting Back / Traps / Abs
    Cardio 30min on Stepmill (level 4 or above)

    Diet Low Carb Day
    Lifting None
    Cardio 30min HIIT (on stationary bike)

    Diet High Carb Day
    Lifting Legs / Abs / Forearms
    Cardio None

    Diet Medium Carb Day
    Lifting Biceps / Triceps
    Cardio 30min on Stepmill (level 4 or above)

    Diet Low Carb Day
    Lifting None
    Cardio 30min HIIT (on stationary bike)

    Diet Low Carb Day
    Lifting None
    Cardio 30min HIIT (on stationary bike)

    High Carb Day
    Meal #1 65g carbs / 35g protein
    Meal #2 same as above
    Meal #3 same as above
    Meal #4 same as above
    Meal #5 same as above
    Meal #6 same as above
    Meal #7 40g protein w/ unlimited green veggies

    Medium Carb Day
    Meal #1 55g carbs / 50g protein
    Meal #2 same as above
    Meal #3 same as above
    Meal #4 50g protein / 10g fat
    Meal #5 same as above
    Meal #6 same as above

    Low Carb Day
    Meal #1 50g carbs / 50g protein
    Meal #2 same as above
    Meal #3 50g protein / 15g fat
    Meal #4 same as above
    Meal #5 same as above
    Meal #6 same as above

    and there you have it any comments and corrections on the body recomp portion?

    As for me right now i enjoy bulking because i do a little bit of carb cycling and get to enjoy the foods i want when i want as long as i keep protein intake high eat simple and complex carbs at the right times like morning post workout and post workout meal and even cut loose a bit on the weekends, it is a most enjoyable process for me. And as for cutting hunker down get committed go into a deficit and use AAS/ the right supplements and hold onto what ya got and shed the fat. Body recomp can be great but slow and a bit of a pain. If i were to do a recomp it would be via a cyclical ketogenic diet such as the Anabolic Diet byt Dr. Mauro DiPasquele. There you have it my questions and comments, indulge me please

  2. #2
    dec11's Avatar
    dec11 is offline 'everything louder than everything else'
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    *no sources i wont reply*
    abs 2 days apart? they need recovery like any other muscle group

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    ALright ill keep that in mind and spread it out a bit perhaps.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by AnimalJ View Post
    There will be multiple parts to the question please answer what you can also feel free to explain to me the points where i am wrong if i am indeed wrong as well as take the time to tell me if im correct and why? If you have the knowledge and take to time to read this post i would like to hear your input. I will ask the questions then explain the theory behind my point/question either explain why im right or correct me and teach me if im wrong, that is the gist.

    Part 1: Cutting and AAS- Am i correct to assume the point behind cutting while on AAS say TEST E for example is to maintain lean mass while in a state of caloric deficit and if possible acquire new mass in the process. I assume if this is the case the process summed up works as such. You cut while being in a caloric deficit and while on AAS Macros are better unitized by the body, protein gets shot into the muscle and aminos into cells for growth, carbs are jettisoned into muscle for glycogen and stored for energy more readily rather than being laid down as fat and essential fats are better unitized for maintenance and all around bodily health ( Also because hwen taking in fat your body sees if you will that it is ok to release stored fat.. all these metabolic processes are enhanced thus easier to lose fat while holding onto muscle, correct?

    Lower calories (carbs) and increase fat. Keep protein high/moderate. 5 days low carb 50-200grams (depending on bodyweight), then carb load for 2 days. Everyone has there various versions of ketogenic diets. Carb loads vary from 1 day to 2.5-3 days.

    Part2: Bulking- Plain and simple while on AAS it is easier to bulk, protein synthesis is enhanced which leads to greater gains and creatine stores are improved leading to more physical strength and muscular endurance. summed up you may retain water but for the post part easy to bulk. AAS+clean eating 500-1000 calories OVER maintenance then Walhalla BULK

    Protein synthesis/turnover and nitrogen retention increase vastly on AAS.
    Part3- Body recomposition- The process of gaining lean muscle mass while losing %BF i believe this process is harder than just straight bulking or cutting it is much easier to choose one than the other. I believe this [process is made possible via AAS> It is slower IMO then picking one or the other. THis can be achieved easily (if you wil) By carb cycling and staying high on protein and getting just enough fats so your body knows its ok to release stored fats? The AAS increases all the wonderful metabolic process's possible that lead to trimming fat while gaining muscle. Higher carb weight training days lower carb on rest days, cardio in AM on empty stomach and there you have it. an example diet of this would be:

    This is very possible, but one needs to know there body very well.

    Diet High Carb Day
    Lifting Chest / Shoulders
    Cardio None

    Diet Medium Carb Day
    Lifting Back / Traps / Abs
    Cardio 30min on Stepmill (level 4 or above)

    Diet Low Carb Day
    Lifting None
    Cardio 30min HIIT (on stationary bike)

    Diet High Carb Day
    Lifting Legs / Abs / Forearms
    Cardio None

    Diet Medium Carb Day
    Lifting Biceps / Triceps
    Cardio 30min on Stepmill (level 4 or above)

    Diet Low Carb Day
    Lifting None
    Cardio 30min HIIT (on stationary bike)

    Diet Low Carb Day
    Lifting None
    Cardio 30min HIIT (on stationary bike)

    HIIT isnt very good on low carb days. Go with low/mod intensity 60-75& MHR for 20-60mins/ED.

    High Carb Day
    Meal #1 65g carbs / 35g protein
    Meal #2 same as above
    Meal #3 same as above
    Meal #4 same as above
    Meal #5 same as above
    Meal #6 same as above
    Meal #7 40g protein w/ unlimited green veggies

    Medium Carb Day
    Meal #1 55g carbs / 50g protein
    Meal #2 same as above
    Meal #3 same as above
    Meal #4 50g protein / 10g fat
    Meal #5 same as above
    Meal #6 same as above

    Low Carb Day
    Meal #1 50g carbs / 50g protein
    Meal #2 same as above
    Meal #3 50g protein / 15g fat
    Meal #4 same as above
    Meal #5 same as above
    Meal #6 same as above

    and there you have it any comments and corrections on the body recomp portion?

    As for me right now i enjoy bulking because i do a little bit of carb cycling and get to enjoy the foods i want when i want as long as i keep protein intake high eat simple and complex carbs at the right times like morning post workout and post workout meal and even cut loose a bit on the weekends, it is a most enjoyable process for me. And as for cutting hunker down get committed go into a deficit and use AAS/ the right supplements and hold onto what ya got and shed the fat. Body recomp can be great but slow and a bit of a pain. If i were to do a recomp it would be via a cyclical ketogenic diet such as the Anabolic Diet byt Dr. Mauro DiPasquele. There you have it my questions and comments, indulge me please

    Your on the right track, yes.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Thank you Swifto!

  6. #6
    stumbled upon this and figured I would bump it. The body recomp part is by far the hardest to achieve. I'm actually starting to try something like this today

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