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  1. #1
    Wayacrucis is offline Associate Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2009

    Test Enanthate and cutting

    I'm aware that steroids are not "designated" to be used as a cutting supplement, but I'm 5 weeks into my test e cycle and I'm about 220lbs at 6'0. I'm fairly happy with my size, but give or take I'd say I'm approximately at 16% BF. I'd like to know, based on experience, if I were to start cutting for the next 7 weeks what would the out come be?

    According to most sources that I've read on about test e, it states that it does increase fat loss to an extent. I'm not too worried about using test e to lose fat, but I'm wondering will it preserve almost all my muscle if I cut slowly? I'm also gonna post up my diet and routine, I'd appreciate any input on this


    Monday - Back (1 hour) followed by 30 minutes of low intensity cardio
    Tuesday - Chest (1 hour) followed by 30 minutes of low intensity cardio
    Wednesday - Legs (1 hour) followed by 30 minutes of low intensity cardio
    Thursday - Bicep/Tricep (1 hour) followed by 30 minutes of low intensity cardio
    Friday - Rest
    Saturday - Shoulder/traps (1 hour) followed by 30 minutes of low intensity cardio
    Sunday - Rest


    Meal 1 - 8 egg whites with two whole eggs, Multivitamin and fishoil
    Meal 1.5 - 25g Whey mixed with 30g Oats with water (For some reason I cant down any carbs in the morning, so I have this meal about an hour after my first meal)
    Meal 2 - 50g Whey mixed with 60g of Oats with water
    Meal 3 - 2 Chicken breasts with a Yam (Pre work out)
    Meal 4 - 50g Whey with water
    Meal 5 - 8 egg whites with two whole eggs
    Meal 6 - 50g Whey with water, Multivitamin and Fishoil

    My previous diet included much more calories and carbs. I often mixed Milk and olive oil into my shakes to increase calories and had more carbs with every meal. I also did zero cardio.

    With my new diet I'm keeping protein intake at around 300g a day, about 100g of clean carbs (Yam and Oats) with fairly low fat intake and calories are about 2500. Goal is to cut down to 10% and preserve muscle, only thing I'm on is 500mg Test E a week. I'm not interested in taking a fat burner or clen , I'm pretty sure diet is key when it comes to cutting and I'm having enough problems on test e alone :/
    Last edited by Wayacrucis; 03-10-2010 at 12:46 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Yes, you can cut with test e and you will keep more strength and lean muscle. Diet and cardio will determine how much fat you lose

    "dirty d"

  3. #3
    shafts basson's Avatar
    shafts basson is offline Associate Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    i feel your pain with the carbs in the morning. im basically force feeding myself oats and by the time i take my last bite i want to puke it all back up.

  4. #4
    Just2Big is offline Associate Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    I hear keep you daily calories around your daily needs and use cardio to cut.

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