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  1. #1
    gymfu's Avatar
    gymfu is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    first cycle check

    hey guys i have gotten some great advice from everyone, thanks again. I would like to post my plan and see what ya'll think.

    208 lbs
    30 yrs old
    about 12% bodyfat
    9 years exp lifting (weighed 140 when i started)
    5 10 tall

    500 mg test e/week
    liquid clen for AI, 12.5 mg EOD or ED depending on sides
    clomid, nolvadex , t-bomb II for pct

    my diet has about 300 grams of protein a day, sufficent cals.
    i lift 6 days a week and do cardio 3 to 4 days a week.

    is the liquid clen at 12.5 mg good?
    should i front load the test?
    how many extra cals should i eat?
    can i expect to loose body fat too?
    is there anything else i need to do?

  2. #2
    gymfu's Avatar
    gymfu is offline Knowledgeable Member
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  3. #3
    sanchez is offline New Member
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    clen for AI?

    I wouldnt reccomend running clen during your cycle, could affect your gains

  4. #4
    shadey33's Avatar
    shadey33 is offline Associate Member
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    Firstly clen is not an AI check out the board sponsor AR-R top right of your screen
    You'll want liquidex as an AI at 0.25mgs eod
    If its your first cycle theres no need to front load wait to see how your body reacts to the test first.
    You should be eating your maximum cals wether your on cycle or not.
    Im not sure what t-bomb is but nolva and clomid will be fine.

  5. #5
    gymfu's Avatar
    gymfu is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    lone star state
    sorry not liquid clen but stane from ar-r
    the t bomb II (i know sounds gay) is a natural test booster, will that even help?
    is liquiddex better than the stane?
    Last edited by gymfu; 03-11-2010 at 05:49 PM.

  6. #6
    shadey33's Avatar
    shadey33 is offline Associate Member
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    Jan 2010
    From what ive read and heard first hand the test booster is not all that suffient.
    imo go the l-dex over stane

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