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  1. #1
    Houdiniact is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2010

    Testosterone Sustanon Clariffication

    Hello everybody this is my first post. I have viewed the forums for years but this is the first time that my questions and your input will be put to actual use so any help will be much appreciated.

    First I will give some info as I know most of you will be asking me these things if I dont.

    -I'm 26 years old

    -I have been training off and on for 7 years. I played sports I currenly do some serious mma style training also.

    -I think my diet is pretty sound. I eat 6 meals a day
    -protien shake, oatmeal and fruit Vitamin creatine and glutamine
    -tunafish sandwich what bread and fruit
    -chicken breast mixed vegetables steamed or grean beens with brown rice
    -fish or chicken breast again with bread or some vegetables or fruit
    -protien shake before gym
    -shake after gym
    -dinner turkey burger steak real burger chicken or fish what ever I feel like with vegetabls and usually some brown rice
    -Casien shake before bed.

    -I am 5'8" and weigh about 175 pounds

    This will be my first cycle and am looking for some info and tips. I have read most of the info on this site but would like just a little tailored info for myself

    My first question is about Testosterone Sustanon 350mg/ml 10ml Vial

    I want to do the beginner test and dianobol cycle. I currently have sustanon 350 and am wondering how much of this to take per week. From my reading it seems like .5ml twice a week is good but im not sure. Thank you for any help in advance. If this first question gets answered I have a few more so I will start with that.

  2. #2
    bjohnson1968 is offline Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    personally IMHO I think that does is on the low side most recommend 400-500mgs but 350 would probably be arite I would do more myself


  3. #3
    Houdiniact is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    ok. the reason I was going so low is I thought sustanon was stronger with less. But from from what your saying susatanon should be treated like a straight test dose? From your comment im now thinking I might bump my dose to .75ml twice a week witch would put me at 525mg a week. That also means im gonna need another bottle to make a 12 week cycle.

    Is the amount of dianabol dependent somewhat on how much test you take?

    Also should I take clomid during my cycle? My friend is doing the same stuff and cycle except he is going to add tren ace and hes taking winni instead of dbol and he is taking clomid throughout his cycle should he or I do this? then 2-3 weeks after cycle do more pct?

    One final question. Is there somewhere I can purchase my pct all in one line? like a package deal? I was going to take clomid l dex and nolva as recommended but not sure what brand to purchase and from where to get the best price. I figure since the pct is so important that someone must sell a package deal
    Last edited by Houdiniact; 03-11-2010 at 08:42 PM.

  4. #4
    bjohnson1968 is offline Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by Houdiniact View Post
    ok. the reason I was going so low is I thought sustanon was stronger with less. But from from what your saying susatanon should be treated like a straight test dose? From your comment im now thinking I might bump my dose to .75ml twice a week witch would put me at 525mg a week. That also means im gonna need another bottle to make a 12 week cycle. That's a better dose IMHO

    Is the amount of dianabol dependent somewhat on how much test you take?
    No not really personally I wouldn't get above 40mgs a day but thats me

    Also should I take clomid during my cycle? My friend is doing the same stuff and cycle except he is going to add tren ace and hes taking winni instead of dbol and he is taking clomid throughout his cycle should he or I do this? then 2-3 weeks after cycle do more pct? No to clomid during cycle save for pct

    One final question. Is there somewhere I can purchase my pct all in one line? like a package deal? I was going to take clomid l dex and nolva as recommended but not sure what brand to purchase and from where to get the best price. I figure since the pct is so important that someone must sell a package deal
    AR-R top right corner of your screen

    I would have adex on habd for gyno/erse just in case they develop

  5. #5
    Houdiniact is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Thanks a lot for you input! I really appreciate it. You are a huge help.

  6. #6
    irongamer is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    You are on the right track houdini. This is what I would do if I were you...

    Sus 525mg/wk 1-12
    Dbol 30 mg/day 1-5

    Do not get Adex if you can get aromasin . It is worth the extra money. It's better on your lipid profile and it is very useful for PCT as well. Use it is you feel you are holding to much water or if you feel your nips getting sensitive. Personally I run it throughout at 12.5mg per day throughout cuz I'm sensitive to estrogen. It works beautifully at keeping me away from gyno. You might not need it so you make your choice of when to start it.

    For PCT

    Clomid 50mg/day week15-18
    Nolva (if you want to use both) 20mg/day week 15-18
    Aromasin at 12.5/day week 15-19

    You can run the clomid or novadex up to 2 weeks longer if you want to make sure your test production is back up and running, but for this cycle 4-5 weeks should be just fine. You can use HCG according to the posted protacals (2 schools of some research and you will find them easily) leading up to PCT to get you guys woken up. You might not need it but I'd run it in wks 10 at 500iu on monday and Friday, wks 11 250iu on Tuesday and Saturday, and for wk 12 just 250iu on Wed. That should be enough with your low test dose to get you covered. You could probably get away w/out it but I wouldn't risk my gains because of one vial of HCG as that would be all you need for all 3 wks. REMEMBER: Eat and sleep consistent. That is as important as the fact more important. If any funny sides come up get over here and ask and we will help. Researchstop is awesome for PCT prods...I trust them way more than others...Great luck to you. I hope this helps.

    Last edited by irongamer; 03-12-2010 at 03:05 AM.

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