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  1. #1
    Shadeed's Avatar
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    Question Your opinion please (different test to choose from for tren A cycle!)

    Hi, i need your insight about which brand from the below tests do you think will work well with my Tren A cycle?

    Brand 1 Composition/1 ml:

    - Testosterone Propionate 25mg/ml amp
    - Vit E (Tocopherol) 50mg/ml amp

    Brand 2 Composition/1ml:

    - Testosterone Undecylenate 150mg/ml
    - Testosterone Valerianate 80mg/ml
    - Testosterone Propionate 20mg/ml

    Brand 3 Composition/1ml:

    - Testosterone Decanoate 100mg/ml
    - Testosterone Isocaproate 60mg/ml
    - Testosterone Phenylpropionate 60mg/ml
    - Testosterone Propionate 30mg/ml

    Brand 4 Composition/1ml:

    - Testosterone Oenanthate 110mg/1ml
    - Testosterone Propionate 25mg/1ml

    Brand 5 Composition/1ml:

    - Oestradiol (Estradiol) Benzoate 1mg
    - Testosterone Isocaproate 40mg/ml
    - Testosterone Phenylpropionate 40mg
    - Testosterone Propionate 20mg
    - Oestradiol Phenylpropionate 4mg

    Brand 6 Composition/1ml:

    - Test E 250mg

    I originally wanted to do this cycle:

    8 weeks Testosterone Propionate (Testolic), 100 mg ED
    6 weeks Tren A, 50 mg ED

    but my source wasn't able to provide all the needed Testolic and now i only have the Tren A and only 10x2ml Vials with 100mg of test P.

    So i need to choose from the above mentioned 6 compounds the most compound that will work with my Tren cycle, i see that the test P in the above compounds are not much, but these compounds are available as human grade brands in the pharmacies.

    If you want to propose a different setup, please do.

    Last edited by Shadeed; 03-12-2010 at 03:40 AM. Reason: Added Test E as compound number 6

  2. #2
    hankdiesel's Avatar
    hankdiesel is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Test is test dude. You don't need to start two threads for this.

  3. #3
    Shadeed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hankdiesel View Post
    Test is test dude. You don't need to start two threads for this.
    about the Test, I am not sure about what you said, there must be some difference!

  4. #4
    Shadeed's Avatar
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    Any help/advices?

  5. #5
    D7M's Avatar
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    Of those choices, I'd go with Test E.

    But you'll have to run it longer than 8 weeks then

  6. #6
    Shadeed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by D7M View Post
    Of those choices, I'd go with Test E.

    But you'll have to run it longer than 8 weeks then
    Thanks D7M,
    And should I use the 10 vials of Test P as a kick start?
    BTW, my cycle purpose was to cut.

  7. #7
    Shadeed's Avatar
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  8. #8
    RANA's Avatar
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    here is a simple cycle if you're going to run test E and Tren A

    1-12 wks 500mg PW Test E
    4-12 wks 50 mg ED Tren A
    What are you doing for PCT?
    Are you going to use caber and/or bromo?

  9. #9
    Shadeed's Avatar
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    Thanks Rana, in this case my PCT will start 14days after Test E last injection and will include:

    - Clomid: 100/50/50/50
    - Nolva: 40/20/20/20
    - Albuterol, 4-6mg 3times (every 4 hours) + 2-3mg ketotifen before bed time.

    I will add proviron during the whole cycle and until I start the PCT, I can go up to 100mg per day with no issues, would this be okay?

    Concerning the use of caber and/or bromo, I will buy Caber (dostinex) and still I am not sure how to run it, I recall from reading few threads that it can be used with your tren at 0.25 mg E3D, Correct? thinking to add it to my PCT as well, is that okay? at what dose during the PCT?


    Do you recomened running Nolva at 20mg per day during the cycle and the 14 days before the PCT? Should I have Letro as will?
    How can i benefit from the 10 vials of Test P?

    After all the above, any recommended supplements for protecting the different organs?

    Thanks for the support,
    Last edited by Shadeed; 03-13-2010 at 01:39 AM. Reason: Adding more Questions ;)

  10. #10
    RANA's Avatar
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    Is your caber liquid or pill. .25 E3D is fine. I know Dukkitlaw wrote a great post regarding caber. Keep the dosage the same during pct.

    Regarding nolva, I know a few people that have added to their cycle, I have only used it for PCT.

    I guess there is someting I failed to ask, what are your stats and cycle experience?

  11. #11
    Shadeed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RANA View Post
    Is your caber liquid or pill. .25 E3D is fine. I know Dukkitlaw wrote a great post regarding caber. Keep the dosage the same during pct.

    Regarding nolva, I know a few people that have added to their cycle, I have only used it for PCT.

    I guess there is someting I failed to ask, what are your stats and cycle experience?
    Caber is pills.

    My Stats:

    Hieght: 180cm
    Weight: 95 Kg
    BF%: 10-13%
    10 years serious training.
    This will be cycle no#6 but 1st time Tren .

    Rana, what about the rest of the questions?

  12. #12
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  13. #13
    RANA's Avatar
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    You can front load with prop, some people think it's benefitical some think it's a waste of gear. You will have to make that call.
    Since you are using caber pills, .25mg E3D if fine.

  14. #14
    RANA's Avatar
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    If you want to start your tren earlier you can do something like this:

    1-3 wks 50 mg ED Test prop
    1-12 wks 400mg PW Test E
    1-8 wks 50 mg ED Tren A

    By using your prop from day one will allow you to start tren at the same time also allowing you to bridge from prop to test E. Do you have enough tren to run an extra week or two? I only ask this because it might work so well for you that you might want an extra week or two, I like to have just a little extra just in case

  15. #15
    Shadeed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RANA View Post
    If you want to start your tren earlier you can do something like this:

    1-3 wks 50 mg ED Test prop
    1-12 wks 400mg PW Test E
    1-8 wks 50 mg ED Tren A

    By using your prop from day one will allow you to start tren at the same time also allowing you to bridge from prop to test E. Do you have enough tren to run an extra week or two? I only ask this because it might work so well for you that you might want an extra week or two, I like to have just a little extra just in case
    Thanks Rana, i can get more Tren in 2 weeks, if i found myself reacting well from Tren, i will get more. i like this setup with small modification:

    # Week 1 --> 750 mg PW Sustanon (250mg 3 times: Saturday, Monday & Wednesday)
    # Week 2 and only for 10 days --> 100 mg ED Test prop (i only have 10x2ml ampules each with 100mg of test P)
    # 1-12 wks --> 500mg PW Test E (250mg 2 times: Saturday, Tuesday)
    # 1-8 wks --> 50 mg ED Tren A
    # 1-14 wks --> 100mg Proviron

    The injection days with Sustanon+TestE+TrenA = 2.5cc injections
    The injection days with TestP+TestE+TrenA = 3.5cc injections
    The injection days with TestE+TrenA = 1.5cc injections

    What do you think?

  16. #16
    Shadeed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shadeed View Post
    Thanks Rana, i can get more Tren in 2 weeks, if i found myself reacting well from Tren, i will get more. i like this setup with small modification:

    # Week 1 --> 750 mg PW Sustanon (250mg 3 times: Saturday, Monday & Wednesday)
    # Week 2 and only for 10 days --> 100 mg ED Test prop (i only have 10x2ml ampules each with 100mg of test P)
    # 1-12 wks --> 500mg PW Test E (250mg 2 times: Saturday, Tuesday)
    # 1-8 wks --> 50 mg ED Tren A
    # 1-14 wks --> 100mg Proviron

    The injection days with Sustanon+TestE+TrenA = 2.5cc injections
    The injection days with TestP+TestE+TrenA = 3.5cc injections
    The injection days with TestE+TrenA = 1.5cc injections

    What do you think?

  17. #17
    Shadeed's Avatar
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    Rana, were you able to check my setup?

    Does anyone else have any comments and/or recommendations?

  18. #18
    Shadeed's Avatar
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    No more help JK
    I got so many good answers, was looking for more but that's fine. Thanks for your support.

  19. #19
    Shadeed's Avatar
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    Rana, i was able to get more Tren to last 20 more days, if i found my body reacting well, with no sides, i can increase the daily intake from 50mg/day to 75mg/day.

    Thanks for your support.

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