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Thread: Good question

  1. #1
    evil30 is offline Junior Member
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    Good question

    My buddy and I were lifting last night and he posed a good question.

    How much of improvements are due to hard work in the gym or diet?

    He is trying to add weight and muscle and I am trying to lean up.

    My guess is that diet is 70% and lifting is 30% for him and for trying to lean up and add lean muscle it is probably 60% diet, 25% cardio, and 15% weights.

    Everyone's thoughts?

  2. #2
    D7M's Avatar
    D7M is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer (RETIRED)
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    Always tough to give an exact percentage breakdown,

    but regardless of you goals, diet, training, rest (in that order) will be the most significant factors.

  3. #3
    evil30 is offline Junior Member
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    D, I forgot about rest. That is a good point. What do you advise is a good rule of thumb for sleep and also rest in between workouts.

  4. #4
    D7M's Avatar
    D7M is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer (RETIRED)
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    8-9 hours is sufficient for sleep. It's equally important to be on a schedule, or as close to one as you can get (ie, going to bed at 11pm, getting up at 7am) on a regular basis.

    Time off between workouts is VERY important, imo.

    You'll find as you get stronger and start lifting heavier weights, you'll need more time off between training, to allow CNS recovery.

  5. #5
    evil30 is offline Junior Member
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    I am pretty solid on my schedule and also on my diet. I have been talking to my buddy(workout partner) about our routine.

    Unfortunately, due to kids, jobs, wives, etc.., we workout 3 times a week currently and do a total upper body lift. Also, it is at night from 8:30-10:00. I am trying to talk him into 4 times a week on a Sun./Mon., Wed./Thurs routine where we do back/biceps, and chest/tris/shoulders. This would give us min. 2 days recovery. In your opinion, which would be best?

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