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Thread: HGH Gyno - How Many IU's Cause it?

  1. #1

    Exclamation HGH Gyno - How Many IU's Cause it?

    Hi Guys,

    Was wanting to know from anyone with experience around people using HGH or from anyone who has gotten gyno using HGH - how many IU's were they/you using when gyno flared up?

    Studies have shown HGH gyno is induced by IGF blood concentrations of 1 unit / ml or higher see:

    Carpal tunnel syndrome and gynaecomastia during growth hormone treatment of elderly men with low circulating IGF-I concentrations.

    Cohn L, Feller AG, Draper MW, Rudman IW, Rudman D.

    Department of Medicine, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee.

    OBJECTIVE--We studied the relationship between plasma level of insulin-like growth hormone I (IGF-I), changes in lean body mass and in adipose mass, and adverse side-effects during human growth hormone (hgh) treatment of elderly men who had low IGF-I levels. DESIGN--The first six months was a period of baseline observation. The subjects were then randomized into two groups so that during months 7-18, men in group I received hgh, and men in group II served as untreated controls. SUBJECTS--Eighty-three overtly healthy elderly men, who were selected because their plasma IGF-I level was less than 0.35 units/ml. The men were randomly assigned in a ratio of three to one into group I (n = 62) or into group II (n = 21). MEASUREMENTS--Plasma IGF-I level was measured monthly. Lean body mass and adipose mass were measured every six months. RESULTS--Fifteen men left the study during the baseline period because of personal reasons or intercurrent medical events. In those who received drug (group I), there were a number of adverse reactions which could have been related to the hgh therapy: carpal tunnel syndrome 10, gynaecomastia 4, and hyperglycaemia 3. In total there were 27 dropouts from group I and two dropouts from group II after the six-month point, for a variety of medical and non-medical reasons, the majority probably not related to hgh therapy. During the hgh treatment of group I, plasma IGF-I increased from the range 0.10-0.35 units/ml into the range 0.5-2.2 units/ml. Among the 18 men who completed 12 months of hgh treatment without experiencing one of the three above-noted presumed hgh side-effects, mean and peak plasma IGF-I during treatment were significantly lower than among the 13 men who experienced carpal tunnel syndrome or gynaecomastia (one subject had both) while on hgh. With one exception, neither carpal tunnel syndrome nor gynaecomastia occurred in any individual with a mean IGF-I level less than 1.0 units/ml during hgh treatment. Twelve months of hgh treatment (group I) caused an increase in lean body mass to 106% of the initial baseline (month one of the protocol), and a reduction in adipose mass to 84% of the baseline. Meanwhile, the lean body mass of the untreated men in group II declined to 97% of the initial baseline. The body composition responses after 12 months of treatment in group I were larger in the men whose mean intra-treatment IGF-I level was 0.5-1.0 units/ml, than in the men whose mean intra-treatment IGF-I level was 1.0-1.5 units/ml. CONCLUSIONS--These observations show that when elderly men with low circulating IGF-I concentrations are treated continuously with hgh, elevation of plasma IGF-I above 1.0 units/ml is associated with a substantial frequency of carpal tunnel syndrome or gynaecomastia. It may be that the effects of the hormone in expanding lean body mass and reducing adipose mass can be achieved, and the side-effects avoided, by maintaining the mean IGF-I level in the range 0.5-1.0 units/ml.

    It seems most people on this board who got HGH gyno were using 4IUs or more....

    So what's the IU level that causes gyno in most people? And what if you are also taking Anavar (which boosts IGF) with HGH? Would that increase your changes of getting HGH gyno?

    Last edited by aaroz; 03-13-2010 at 05:34 PM. Reason: omission

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    awaiting the answer...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    I have never heard of one case of HGH gyno.I am on 10 iu ED and other than the fact my hands are swollen and hurt and I get quad pumps from just standing in one spot I dont have any other sides to speak of.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    That sort of problem would not only be dose related to HGH, but would likely be much more related to an individual's personal propensity for this type of problem, along with other factors, such as what other steroids the person may be or may have used and how much estogen is floating around in your system.

    I would have to agree with gymnerd's assertion that this sort of side effect is VERY rare, and I suspect that those who have sounded the alarm, warning people of all the hazards of HGH, may have ulterior motives and simply want to win the debate that the only correct use of HGH is with their (well-paid) AMA blessing and recommendation.

    I look at any prohibitionists' claims and look for what scientific evidence the naysayers provide. Without unbiased scientific evidence, I always consider what their agenda is... as it's not always honorable or in your best interest to believe unsupported exaggerations or outright lies when the informer had their own, sometimes unrevealed agenda.

  5. #5
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    Aug 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by gymnerd View Post
    I have never heard of one case of HGH gyno.I am on 10 iu ED and other than the fact my hands are swollen and hurt and I get quad pumps from just standing in one spot I dont have any other sides to speak of.
    10iu ed?
    How long will you run it for?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by BJJ View Post
    10iu ed?
    How long will you run it for?
    Just while I'm on cycle. I wanted to take advantage of it being thats its costly to run but I will drop it down to about 3iu ed after I come off. The regenerative abilities at that dose are amazing so far.

  7. #7
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    Feb 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by gymnerd View Post
    Just while I'm on cycle. I wanted to take advantage of it being thats its costly to run but I will drop it down to about 3iu ed after I come off. The regenerative abilities at that dose are amazing so far.
    I hear a kit ((10) 10iu bottles in a box) edit...that would be like a bottle a pin....edit....are those numbers about right?

    no price talk, marcus300

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by gymnerd View Post
    Just while I'm on cycle. I wanted to take advantage of it being thats its costly to run but I will drop it down to about 3iu ed after I come off. The regenerative abilities at that dose are amazing so far.
    How long will you stay on HGH for?
    I mean once your cycle is over?

    Any PCT after a HGH cycle only?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    You should review what you wrote.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    No PCT required for GH.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by cgb6810 View Post
    No PCT required for GH.
    That is a good news.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Yeah no pct for GH, honestly I dont know how long I will stay on prob till my supply runs out which should be around a yr on. Then I will come off I want to try igf1 LOL

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