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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    in the sky

    extending test prop cycle to 14week/ adding in tren a, will i live to tell about it?

    okay i want some more cutting time?
    i started off with

    1-3 100mg prop/80mg anavar ED
    3-6 100mg prop eod/ 100mg anvar /50mcg t3 /5mg albuterol
    7-8 100mg prop eod/ t3 at 80mcg 4mgs of albuterol
    8= this is were im at now..

    i would like to do this here
    8-12 50mgs prop/50mgs tren ace ed/ t3 50 mcg ed
    12- 14 test p/ and maybe some winstrol

    im eat 3,400 cals everyday my tdee is 3600..

    planning a heavy pct.. clomid,nolva hcg or armide

  2. #2
    Schmidty's Avatar
    Schmidty is offline Test Is Best!
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    i assume u have a good amount of cycle exp... ull live man have fun

  3. #3
    Vitruvian-Man is offline Banned
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    if you're only on week 8 why don't you just throw in the tren + winstrol now?!


    tren-a 350mg/wk (weeks 8 - 13)
    winstrol 50mg/ed (weeks 8 - 13)

    I'd start using some HCG from now (week 8 - 12) @ 250iu/e3d.

    You'll definitely live... ... hope that's a joke?


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    in the sky
    Quote Originally Posted by Vitruvian-Man View Post
    if you're only on week 8 why don't you just throw in the tren + winstrol now?!


    tren-a 350mg/wk (weeks 8 - 13)
    winstrol 50mg/ed (weeks 8 - 13)

    I'd start using some HCG from now (week 8 - 12) @ 250iu/e3d.

    You'll definitely live... ... hope that's a joke?

    AWESOME LOVE THE WAY YOU LAID IT OUT, much apretiation.. and i have all that on hand so ima give it go... thaks again bud

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    in the sky
    thanks for your chime in to schmidy, who i thought i knew..lllol

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