03-16-2010, 11:39 PM #1
Tren A, Cycle setup but requesting your Help!
Tren A, Cycle setup but requesting your Help! So please post your Advices & Comments
1st My Stats:
Height: 180cm
Weight: 95 Kg
BF%: 10-13%
10 years serious training.
This will be cycle no#6 but 1st time Tren .
My Planned cycle setup:
# 1-14 wks --> Proviron 100mg ED (50mg every 12 hours)
# Week 1 --> frontloading 1.5g PW Sustanon (500mg 3 times: Saturday, Monday & Wednesday)
# Week 2 and only for 10 days --> 100 mg ED Test prop (i only have 10x2ml ampules each with 100mg of test P)
# 1-12 wks --> Test E 500mg per week (250mg 2 times: Saturday, Tuesday)
# 1-8/9 wks --> Tren A 50 mg ED (Starting week 1 on Tuesday)
# 1-12 wks --> Bromocriptine 2.5mg ED (1.25mgs every 12 hours)
# 1-14 wks --> Nolva 10mg ED (before bed time)
I found Cabergoline (Dostinex) but it is very expensive (it is only 2 tablets x 0.5mg), but also i found Bromocriptine and it is cheap (20 tablets x 2.5mg). i am thinking of using Bromocriptine and to get Cabergoline if Tren side wasn't under control.
# 14-17 wks --> Clomid: 100/50/50/50
# 14-17 wks --> Nolva: 40/20/20/20
# 14-17 wks --> Albuterol, 4-6mg 3times (every 4 hours) + 2-3mg ketotifen before bed time.
1- Do you see anything that needs modification (doses, timing, Duration, etc...)?
2- Do i need any recommended supplements for protecting the different organs?
Please be generous and post your recommendations and advices.
Note: the reason why i wasn't able to use Test P only (for the whole cycle with Tren) is because my source wasn't able to provide all the needed Testolic.
ShadeedLast edited by Shadeed; 03-17-2010 at 11:41 PM. Reason: To not annoy Drizztix ;)
03-17-2010, 04:05 AM #2
You have 3 different kinds of test in there but I don't see a problem with it. I personally don't see frontloading as neccesary in this cycle since you are running tren A from the door. Not a bad setup though. It looks like you've done you're homework.
03-17-2010, 09:42 AM #3
03-17-2010, 11:53 AM #4
03-17-2010, 04:37 PM #5
No more feedback!
03-17-2010, 08:24 PM #6
03-17-2010, 08:32 PM #7
anyways regardless of the insanely obnoxious use of font effects and other eye candy that does nothing but inhibit ones ability to properly read and comprehend your proposed cycle... i see a few problems imo.. firstly do you really need bromo and nolva?
secondly why so much test .. its rather weak anabolically and has a very high rate of aromitization... tren is your primary compound.. dont eff it up w/ added estrogen when its just gonna increase your progesterone receptor binding affinity. i mean why do you wanna add more gas when you are using a bigger flame? (this is retrospect to sides not gains)
i dont care for bromo, and i'd never run nolva during cycle.. especially w/ a compound that is a potent 19nor group, and the last thing i would do is frontload test of any form.. nothing says SUCK like having a huge estrogen spike and hormonal flux.. just keep your test low with consistent dosing patterns to maintain proper physiological functions.
03-18-2010, 12:14 AM #8
i Killed the Turtle for you
I do not think that this is really annoying, but anyway sorry if this irritated you that much
I am a slow learner can you explain why? knowing that almost in all the Tren threads, at least the Cabergoline or Bromocriptine is recommended
If you noticed, the high test dose was only the Sustanon , and i am not using it for the whole cycle, i faced a problem where my source wasn't able to secure on time all the required Test P.
In my setup i added the nolva and proviron (in addition to its other benefits) to fight the estrogen.
The second part make sense but the 1st part i really do not get it, i read a thread by one of the Vets (don't remember the name or the link) he was saying that controlling estrogen will also minimize the prolactin levels. please explain?
03-18-2010, 05:09 AM #9
03-18-2010, 07:34 AM #10
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