ive never taken steroids before and i am willing to try them only in capsules..
torinabol has been recomended for me since i dont want water retention and i dont think i will be doing more than 2 cycles..
my goal is to gain weight (about 20lbs) and i need advice just to see if ive been doing sumtin wrong or need to change anything, also the effectiveness chart left torinabol (oral) as empty spaces.. perhaps there is another type or brand that i could start with.. or maybe to early for steroids ..
help would be much appriciated
i have been working out 6 days a week for 4 months
(never missed a day) started at 149lbs now at 156lbs @ 22yrs old.
my recent diet is:
8am - protein shake 2 scoops
9;30 - oatmeal and 4 eggwhites + 1 whole egg
+multivitamins, vitamin E and 2 omega3 capsules
11am - 5oz steak + 1 cup rice
12;30 - gym
2pm - protein shake 2 scoops
3pm - 5oz chiken breast + 1 cup rice + vegetables
6pm - 5oz chiken breast + 1 cup rice
9pm - 500g fish in pita bread with ketchup (only way itll go in.. lol)
10;30 - protein shake 2 scoops
midnight - sleepy time..