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Thread: noob needs answers..

  1. #1

    Question noob needs answers..

    ive never taken steroids before and i am willing to try them only in capsules..
    torinabol has been recomended for me since i dont want water retention and i dont think i will be doing more than 2 cycles..

    my goal is to gain weight (about 20lbs) and i need advice just to see if ive been doing sumtin wrong or need to change anything, also the effectiveness chart left torinabol (oral) as empty spaces.. perhaps there is another type or brand that i could start with.. or maybe to early for steroids ..
    help would be much appriciated


    i have been working out 6 days a week for 4 months
    (never missed a day) started at 149lbs now at 156lbs @ 22yrs old.

    my recent diet is:
    8am - protein shake 2 scoops
    9;30 - oatmeal and 4 eggwhites + 1 whole egg
    +multivitamins, vitamin E and 2 omega3 capsules
    11am - 5oz steak + 1 cup rice
    12;30 - gym
    2pm - protein shake 2 scoops
    3pm - 5oz chiken breast + 1 cup rice + vegetables
    6pm - 5oz chiken breast + 1 cup rice
    9pm - 500g fish in pita bread with ketchup (only way itll go in.. lol)
    10;30 - protein shake 2 scoops
    midnight - sleepy time..

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    How tall are you? also what is your bf%?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    I seek Immortality
    Hey Noob,
    Steroids arnt the ansewr for you right now.
    You have made really good gains on your diet alone.
    Tweak your diet a bit and you will gain more over the next couple years.

    You should really be happy with your progress.
    The "steroids" you are looking to take will just mess you up

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Yay area, Cali
    Man if you gained that much weight naturally you should keep doing it natural until your body plateaus which wont be for a while. Also alot of people would tell you that you are to young to jump on gear and the fact that you have only been working out for 4 months would just add to the fact that you are not ready for gear. Thats very good that you have been going to the gym on a regular basis and keep it up you will see the results bro no need to jump on just yet if you wait a couple of years and get some real work behind you it would do alot more for you then if you do it now. But I cant tell you what to do just inform the way how tall are you and what would you put your BF% at??

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Yeah, unless you're 5'1", you're much too light to consider using steroids at this point. And you've only been training 4 months? That's not enough time at all. You are nowhere near your natural potential. I was 3 years in before I took anything. Wait a while longer.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by twotimer View Post
    Hey Noob,
    Steroids arnt the ansewr for you right now.
    You have made really good gains on your diet alone.
    Tweak your diet a bit and you will gain more over the next couple years.

    You should really be happy with your progress.
    The "steroids" you are looking to take will just mess you up
    not that im suggesting he do it, but how would a cycle or 2 of tbol mess him up? isnt tbol one of the more mild steroids out there

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Scylla and Charybdis
    ^Agreed with everyone else.

    Also, your diet needs some work.

    2 omega3 capsules a day? That's it?

    You need a lot more EFA's than that.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Scylla and Charybdis
    Quote Originally Posted by scorgasm View Post
    not that im suggesting he do it, but how would a cycle or 2 of tbol mess him up? isnt tbol one of the more mild steroids out there
    It's not just the fact that a cycle of Tbol would "mess him up", it's more a matter that he clearly isn't ready for a cycle.

    4 months of training and a sub par diet.

    Even if he runs the tbol now, he'll be severely disappointed in the results, because he hasn't built enough of a natural base.

  9. #9
    ok i guess im not ready for "tbol"
    im 5'8 and dunno bout body fat i dont know how to calculate it but i can see my 6pack (on contraction only..)
    btw been training for a year before i stopped for 6 months thats when i picked up 4months ago.. but ill take the advice and keep it natural for another year or 2..

    i appreciate the help very much, thank you everyone

  10. #10
    btw is my diet good for mass gain? of does it need more or less of anything else?
    (its been made clear that i need more than 2 caps of omega3 per day but how many? and what else)
    cuz ive seen the diets posted but i find mine kind of different..

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