So I'm considering starting my first cycle mid-April, I will be going for a full physical and blood work this week or next week to make sure that is all ok, based on my research and help from a few people this is what I've thrown together any feedback or suggestions/comments would be greatly appreciated, weather its on quantities, substances, length of time etc. My main goal from this cycle is to get between 200-210 staying fairly lean, not bloat too much, and really focus on increasing all my lifts as much as possible.
Background info:
26 years old
been lifting on and off fairly consistantly for close to 8 years
5' 8.5"
currently 190 10-12%bf
when I started training when I was 18 & 130 lbs, so I have made a lot of natural progress before considering this.
Test Prop: 400mg/week shot EOD
Masteron: 400mg/week shot EOD
Nolva on hand just in case
PCT (still doing a bit of tweaking here, so feedback appreciated)
4 weeks
1 - 20 mg Nolva/day, HCG 500iu 2x's/week, Aromasin (if I can get my hands on it) 20mg/day
2 - 20 mg Nolva/day, HCG 500iu 2x's/week, Aromasin 20mg/day
3 - 20 mg Nolva/day, Aromasin 20mg/day
4 - 20 mg Nolva/day
Probably some type of natural test booster throughout and lots of vitamin E
will probably be consuming somewhere in the neighborhood of 4000-6000 cals/day, haven't completely laid it out yet.
Will be training 5 days on, 2 off.
The training and nutrition Iam extremely confident I manage a gym, and I have a friend with about 20 years of AAS experience who will be helping me with that, the steroids however are new to me and I wanted to get as many different opinions along with the research I have done.
Like I said absolutely any feedback would be awesome.