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  1. #1
    john_sh is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2010

    Few steps before starting a cycle...

    I need an approval for this cycle, is it responsible enough?
    Is the chanse for gyno is small enough?
    Weeks 1-14:Nolvadex 10 mg ED.
    Weeks 1-14:L-dex 0.25 mg ED.
    Weeks 3-6: D-bol 40 mg ED.
    Weeks 3-12: Test Cyp 400 mg/wk.
    PCT-18 days after last Test inj.
    Day 1: 300 mg Clomid, 20 mg Nolvadex, 0.25 mg L-dex.
    Day 2-30: 100 mg Clomid, 20 mg Nolvadex, 0.25 mg L-dex.
    Day 31-37: 20 mg Nolvadex, 0.25 mg L-dex.
    * During the PCT 4 g Tribulus ED.
    Thanks & best regards, John.
    P.S- This is my first cycle, i'm 29 y.o., 81 kg, 180 cm, 11 % BF.
    Last edited by john_sh; 03-20-2010 at 02:45 AM.

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