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Thread: first cycle,please critique

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2002

    first cycle,please critique

    Thanks in advance bros.First cycle.
    weight 230
    3years of hard training
    strict vegetarian diet,diet's not an issue,very informed on nutrition
    all right, know to the good stuff.
    wk 1-12 400mg Deca
    wk 1-12 200mg EQ
    wk 1-6 500mg sustanon
    wk 4-12 400mg test enanthate
    wk12-20 75mg tren E.D.
    clomid & nolvadex post cycle

    what's a realistic expectation of gains?
    any other pearls of wisdom you all care to part with?
    I also have clen & T-3 if these can be worked in.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    boom town
    this how i would run it...Madmax..

    sust 500mg (1-12) - shoot mon/wen/fri
    fina 75mg (8-15)
    deca or eq 400mg (1-12)

  3. #3
    I second Madmax's suggestion.

  4. #4
    Too many drugs for a first cycle. Your running 1100 mg's of AAS, 1500mg between weeks 4-6..thats waayy to much. More gear doesnt mean more would ger equal gains with less gear IMO


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    South Carolina
    deca and eq?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    I would leave the sus out b/c it sucks and it can be painfull. I would go with test ENT. and up the EQ to 400 MG. but i agree with
    Disposable to many drugs.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Why do you want to use so many drugs for a first cycle?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Toronto, Canada
    What are your goals? 20 wks for a first cycle is too long IMO and way too much gear / unnecessary switching in there.

  9. #9
    I was looking for some definite results.should I break this into 2 cycles? What would you suggest as a more prudent approach. My knees' are shot so the deca stays.Plus my wife's gonna be pised if I can't get it up.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    boom town
    Originally posted by teampain
    I would leave the sus out b/c it sucks and it can be painfull. I would go with test ENT. and up the EQ to 400 MG. but i agree with
    Disposable to many drugs.
    ive shot over 90 something cc's of sust and maybe 5 have been painful..
    sust is a great of the best IMO..they are saying that your original cycle had to many drugs..stick with the one i layed out..if you don't want to run fina then run winny...heres two suggestions.Madmax..

    sust 500mg (1-10)
    deca 400mg (1-10)
    winny 50mg ed (8-13) or fina 75mg (7-13)


    sust 500mg (1-12)
    deca 400mg (1-12)
    fina 75mg ed (8-15)
    Last edited by Madmax; 01-27-2003 at 12:16 PM.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Baton Rouge

    Here's my idea

    wk 1-12 400mg Deca
    wk 1-12 200mg EQ
    wk 1-6 500mg sustanon
    wk 4-12 400mg test enanthate
    wk12-20 75mg tren E.D.

    that was your proposed 1st cycle, here is my idea for you

    week 1-12 400mg Eq
    week 1-6 50mg/ed proprionate
    week 1-12 400mg/ enathate

    You could expect good 20-30 pounds off of this cycle if you use nutrition/supplementation/training/rest/recovery/proper meal-supplement timing.

    If you try to use as much AAS as first proposed you will have to jumpt to mega dosages for your second cycle....

  12. #12
    What madmax said,

    sust 500mg (1-12)
    deca 400mg (1-12)
    fina 75mg ed (8-15)

    this is a great first cycle,, dont forget the anti e's

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Baton Rouge
    I dont suggest using Fina on your first I stick to my previous advice

  14. #14
    thanks guys,I think I'll drop the EQ and fina for anothertime.
    So here's a revised cycle
    wk 1-12 400mg deca
    wk 1-6 sustanon
    wk 4-12 test enanthate
    this is what I have access to,no more any time soon.
    can I still expect respectable gains?
    my goal is 15=20 lbs lbm.

  15. #15
    hit eq at least 400mgs a day...and the fina at least 75ed

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    FKIT that is what I am planning for my first cycle- assuming I can get my hands on those particular items. I may sub deca for EQ and D-bol for prop., but given a choice what you advised is what I want.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    boom town
    it's not good to run deca and test at the same dose...always run your test higher than the deca..since it's your first cycle i'd lower the deca to 300mg per week...the reason i suggested fina was because i saw you already had it on your original cycle and didn't know if you had already bought it..thats also why i suggested using the winny if you didn't want to run the fina...Madmax..
    Last edited by Madmax; 01-27-2003 at 04:20 PM.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Baton Rouge
    I agree that your test should be higher then deca but... if I were in your position I would run the test at 600mg/wk but some people do not advocate dosage higher then 400mg for one drug but... If you are only running deca and test the total would still be only 1000mg/wk which is good starting point in my opinion.

    week 1-12 600mg/wk test
    week 1-12 400mg/wk deca/eq

    Hell i'd add proprionate as well or dbol in the beginning to frontload and jumpstart your cycle but that is me,some do not agree with my ways

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