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Thread: Cycle #2 8 Weeks

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    Cycle #2 8 Weeks

    should be cycle #2 in 8 weeks, dirr.. oh well ~

    Alright guys, made amazing gains off First cycle, still on the recovering road, but I think I'll be up and running before 3 months, I'm going to get my blood work done pretty shortly.

    but either way this is what I'm thinking for cycle #2 summer baby <!

    Week 1-9 test prop ED 75MG
    week 2-8 Tren A 100MG ED
    week 2-5 Anadrol or DBOL not sure debating (loved dbol / 40mg if it is)
    week 6-9 Winstrol / injectables (need to know MG for this one)

    Also looking into getting HGH <-- but I might start it before cycle,

    I've done test/dbol/tren = 0 sides other then impatiences off the tren which I can handle.

    never did winstrol but I heard it's pretty good for cutting down, and basicly I will not be taking oral for winstrol due to 2 Oral in 1 cycle <-- just horrible imo.

    I'm currently 205-208Lbs, about 10-12% bf (will know on 23 exactly my bf)

    so please comment, also will need advice on winstrol and HGH if possible.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Scenic Purgatory
    What did you run on your first cycle?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Test E 500mg weekly 1-12 weeks,
    Dbol 1-4 weeks 40mg
    Tren A week 6-11 50ed then switched 100 eod for last 2 weeks

    Everyone loves Test, but I hate test to be honest, so I'm just keeping it in so I don't have a limp D, my sex drive is 10x higher when I'm off a cycle then when I'm on a cycle which is odd, but now I'm off cycle my sex drive went up everything went up, most people said I'd crash but I didn't.... kinda odd..

    I know tren wasn't good for first cycle, but I do not get any sides off tren so I don't mind it, I went with 100eod, to find out if my body could handle being injected 100 and no changes,
    Last edited by CanYouDigIt; 03-20-2010 at 06:35 PM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2009

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    bump.. need feed back !~

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by CanYouDigIt View Post
    Week 1-9 test prop ED 50MG
    week 2-8 Tren A 100MG ED
    week 1-4 D-bol @ 40mg or D-drol @ 75 - 100mg/ed
    If you don't like test, then you should just lower it. You definitely don't need 500mg/wk, especially if you're using 700mg/wk of tren. ^^ Anyways, those are all the modifications I would make to the cycle..

    I wouldn't use the injectable winstrol.. Especially not only for 3 weeks. Injec-Winstrol hurts so bad, I can't stand the stuff. I would honestly just change it up and use winny oral. (and then I'd just get rid of the d-drol/d-bol kick-start) For example:

    Week 1-9 test prop ED 50MG
    week 2-8 Tren A 100MG ED
    weeks 4 - 9 Winstrol @ 50 - 75mg/ed (oral)

    Test/Tren combo + DHT derivative is one sick stack IMO.

    But yeah, if you have your heart set on using injectable winny then 50mg/wk will be suffice.


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    I'll take your advice on dropping my test, I didn't know what dose to take to be honest, I just thought 500mg was like lowest dose someone would put in there body but if I can drop it down, I'll go with 50mg ed.

    also winny woulda been for 4 weeks, but I'm not set on using winny yet, I just wanna cut up in the last few weeks, but I loved bulking up on DBOL(best stuff I took up till now). I know I don't wanna use 2 orals but if winny inj wont be a stress on my liver, I'll probably tough up 4 weeks of injecting it.

    thanks for the advice.

    might do 1-4 for dbol / then 5-9 week of winny, or just move it up to 10 weeks for the cycle.. blargh...

    also need to know on HGH ~
    Last edited by CanYouDigIt; 03-21-2010 at 04:05 PM.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by CanYouDigIt View Post
    I'll take your advice on dropping my test, I didn't know what dose to take to be honest, I just thought 500mg was like lowest dose someone would put in there body but if I can drop it down, I'll go with 50mg ed.

    also winny woulda been for 4 weeks, but I'm not set on using winny yet, I just wanna cut up in the last few weeks, but I loved bulking up on DBOL(best stuff I took up till now). I know I don't wanna use 2 orals but if winny inj wont be a stress on my liver, I'll probably tough up 4 weeks of injecting it.

    thanks for the advice.

    might do 1-4 for dbol / then 5-9 week of winny, or just move it up to 10 weeks for the cycle.. blargh...

    also need to know on HGH ~
    Yah, I definitely wouldn't use D-bol and then Winstrol (oral) both those compounds can reek havoc on your HDL and your lipids. lol.

    If you think you can handle the winstrol then go for it bro, I wasn't trying to deter you, just sharing my experiences lol.

    For the GH i would suggest getting on at least 4iu - 6iu/ed for the next 6 - 8 months. You are going to have to ramp up slowly (IE) build up from 2iu/ed.


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