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Thread: Gyno please help bros!!!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2007

    Gyno please help bros!!!

    Hey bro's

    I seem to have gotten a really bad flareup of gyno (2 lumps under left nip).... while on cycle and was looking for some advice.

    cycle is

    500mg test e
    300mg tren e
    100mcg clen (2on 2 off)
    100mcg t3

    At the beginning i could only get a-dex (1mg caps) so i took 1 e3d while taking 1.5mg of pramipexole split 1am / .5pm(cant take anymore i sweat like crazy/ tired / feel wonkey in general )..... about 9 or 10 weeks in i noticed 2 lumps under my nip so i immediately switched to 1mg/day a-dex and got ahold of some exemestane. I began exemestane @ 25,g/day and the lump started shrinking a little then stopped after 3 days ((Was on for like 7 days)... i then i spilt my x-stane and had to go back to a-dex... got a new batch from of **** arimiplex took it at 1mg a day and the damn thing blew up (2x the size it was originally).... now a week later i got some letro... taking 2mg/day of letro (on day 3) and havent seen any noticable shrinking of the lump.... however it does seem to be more itchy than before (no pain just itchy occasionally and hard)

    currently running 1.5 prami and 2 letro.... (both from research_ _ _ _ as per many peoples vouches)

    i have winny, a-dex 1mg caps and 1mg tabs, nolvadex, clomid all on hand... and was wondering what i should take... as it seems ai's like a-dex , letro and exemestane are not working... should i try nolvadex? maybe its estro gyno not progesterone caused?

    what im wondering is because the a-dex, letro and exemestane arent working... (maybe i should give letro more time??) maybe because of a-dex e3d caused fluctuations in a-dex and allowed estro to creep up and maybe since im not lactating it may be estro gyno?

    help please !!!! dont want bitch titties!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Staring into glory!!
    You need to run tamox asap

  3. #3
    amcon's Avatar
    amcon is offline physical pain is temporary. It may last a minute, or an hour, or a day, or a year, but eventually it will subside... The pain of quiting will lasts forever!!
    Join Date
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    in the freaking cold
    you need letro, and cabergoline - look them up - i will give you the link to steroid . com and just hit the cems you want to research - and why.

  4. #4
    Nolv 40mg a day and exemastane .25mg ed cleared my gyno right up. Get nolva ASAP IMO

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Letro is the best for gyno issues you can even run it with Nolva too.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Atlanta Ga
    If none of the above mentioned options dont work PGCL killed my two year old gyno. Hurt like hell but they went away fast.The sides blow!!!!!
    Last edited by N2Deep; 03-21-2010 at 06:26 PM. Reason: Spelling error

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by N2Deep View Post
    If none of the above mentioned options dont work PGCL killed my two year old gyno. Hurt like hell but they went away fast.The sides blow!!!!!
    Id be curious to hear how you ran it exactly for your gyno.

  8. #8
    I would also

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Atlanta Ga
    I did 25 mcgs per nip three times a day its been a few days now and the gyno is melted away along with all the bf within inches of the injection site. The soreness by the second day was tough but the results are worth the pain.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by N2Deep View Post
    I did 25 mcgs per nip three times a day its been a few days now and the gyno is melted away along with all the bf within inches of the injection site. The soreness by the second day was tough but the results are worth the pain.
    Did you get any excess skin hanging?

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Atlanta Ga
    Quote Originally Posted by THEYEAHYEAH View Post
    Did you get any excess skin hanging?
    No hanging skin but my stretch marks eased.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    I did some reading on PGCL (PG-CL) and it sounds like some serious stuff. It was all the fad in 2007 but died out due to cost and the constant diarrhea effect and the pain/discomfort of having to inject 2x a day. Most people turned to ECS stack for cutting fat overall.

  13. #13
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    Atlanta Ga
    From everything Ive read people got crazy with the dosage, I keep it within a normal range. I am now using PGCL for local fat loss and keeping bloat down. The sides have became just mild sh*t cramps, and sweating. I have found the pumps to be crazy all the time. Ive used almost everthing available besides insulin, and have never seen results this fast with weight loss and body comp.

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    Yay area, Cali
    I got to research this some more, so do you inject it where you want the fat loss to occur??

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    Atlanta Ga
    Beyond the gyno Ive inject into my front delts ,they are my weak spots among others, but they have responded with fat loss around the area of injection and growth.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    sad truth- if 2.5 mg of letro a day or a month does not help. you are going to need them cut out. 2.5 mg of letro makes me feel horrible. I had some gyno- waited to the near end of my cycle hit it hard with letro and some days could not lift my joints hurt so bad. and like every joint at once hurt and could not get it up if my life depended on it. if you feel good with 2.5 mg of letro for a couple weeks then I think you should find a different source for letro.
    but in the end worth every miserable moment

  17. #17
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    Nov 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by dieseljimmy View Post
    sad truth- if 2.5 mg of letro a day or a month does not help. you are going to need them cut out. 2.5 mg of letro makes me feel horrible. I had some gyno- waited to the near end of my cycle hit it hard with letro and some days could not lift my joints hurt so bad. and like every joint at once hurt and could not get it up if my life depended on it. if you feel good with 2.5 mg of letro for a couple weeks then I think you should find a different source for letro.
    but in the end worth every miserable moment
    honestly bro im on 2.5 mg letro 50mg winny.... both are legit and no joint pain? guess im a lucky one? maybe i should up my letro dosage?

    also im off tren.... just waiting for Wednesday to start my nolva..... the gyno seems to be less inflamed now... so we'll see what happens.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    May 2006
    glad to see the letro is working so well, definitely great for fighting gyno problems.

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