View Poll Results: What is HOLLYWOODS secret?

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  • Good old hard work

    0 0%
  • Computer enhanced muscles

    1 9.09%
  • Good old hard work plus AAS

    10 90.91%
Results 1 to 6 of 6


  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2010

    Question HOLLYWOOD on AAS

    ok i have been wandering this for ages now and i want some opinions guys! last night i watched NEW MOON from the twighlight series and the lads in that were all in good physical condition they were big lads. But my question is in the previous film shot only 10 months before the same lad was scrawny go figure? i know as a lad in my 20's myself your still growing but seriously to get that big in 10 months is it possible and what am i doing wrong?
    i know some of you are going to say that they can train day in day out for hours on end have the best kit and the best trainers but surely you can only train the same body part once a week twice at a real push and we ll know training for hours on end is bad so is it AAS they are using?
    Another example: if you google the new Prince of Persia film you will see a certain lead role actor who has bulked up massively in no time at all how?
    last one now guys is the film the wrestler starring Micky Rourke. I used to be a subscriber to Mens health magazine and they outlined his vast short time scale high intensity work out which led him to be around 210lbs and around 6% bf, come on seriously it cant be all down to hard work did he have a helping hand?
    I know aas arent wonder drugs and entail the user to be lazy and for it to work miracles, but given such short time frames is this really achievable honestly?
    Now i bet your thinking of loads of films arent you like the small time frame between Australia and Wolverine which were shot 1 after the other and he went from ripped and buff to normal.
    the newest rambo etc etc i could go on for days!!!!!!!!!
    im going to post a poll to get your feelings on this matter anyway guys.
    Thanks for reading hope my rant hasnt bored you to much

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Sydney, Australia
    Re: Rambo

    Stallone is on big time! He got caught bringing GH into oZ

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Have seen Twilight, haven't seen New Moon, so I can't comment on that.

    No idea who the lead actor is in Prince of Persia, so I don't know about that either.

    No way was Micky Rourke 6% in the Wrestler, dude was on AAS though, for sure.

    Stallone's always been on the gear.

    I don't think Wolverine was on it though, he was just lean as, maybe 8%, and on the pump hard. Probably just sarcoplasmic pump from high rep-short rest training for a few months prior to and during shooting. Hence why he was 'normal' in Australia.

    Though, I do think a lot of Hollywood actors are on AAS, plus they would have nutritionists and trainers, not to mention the time they would have to train and rest effectively.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    i know bro didnt he throw them out of the hotel window or something? google the new prince of persia film and look at the lad whos starring in it you will see what i mean!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2010

    Jake gyllenhall is the lead actor in prince of persia i just checked

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    This really belongs in the Lounge, been asked many times already.

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