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Thread: how many weeks is the maximum cycle of Test enthate

  1. #1

    how many weeks is the maximum cycle of Test enthate

    how many weeks is the maximum cycle of Test enthate?

    before i took test enthate im 110lbs

    and now im 120lbs im at my 4th week

    and going to take my 5th week today

    im taking it intramascular every monday and thursday and goes to hard

    workout, 1 amp monday 1 amp thursday so 500mg a week

    Help me! thanx im hoping to go 140lbs i want to know the right cycle or weeks

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by richmondchiu View Post
    how many weeks is the maximum cycle of Test enthate?

    before i took test enthate im 110lbs

    and now im 120lbs im at my 4th week

    and going to take my 5th week today

    im taking it intramascular every monday and thursday and goes to hard

    workout, 1 amp monday 1 amp thursday so 500mg a week

    Help me! thanx im hoping to go 140lbs i want to know the right cycle or weeks
    110? You need to eat FOOD and train hard and gain weight naturally so when and if you do cycle you know how to take advantage of steroids. How old are you? I've never told someone not to take steroids, because it's their own business, but 110 pounds? If you are atleast 5'5, then you're extremely skinny, almost anorexic (i'd know because that was my height and weight in high school)

    To answer your question there is no limit in how long somebody runs a cycle, if it's a first cycle people usually go for around 12 weeks using test E. People usually stop cycling eventually because of side effects, and results diminishing over time.
    Last edited by Kiki; 03-22-2010 at 01:30 PM.

  3. #3
    im eating so much bro.. 6x a day

  4. #4
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    How long have you been training? How old are you? Height?

  5. #5
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    My gf is 110 lbs so dont come here tell me you eating alot at that weight as a man.. no disrespect bro but at that lightweight am interested about your diet and what you mean by alot.


  6. #6
    im 24 5"4 very skinny

    about a year but my weight doesnt increase when i took test E i gain 10lb in 4 weeks

  7. #7
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    Damb bro 110lbs!?!?!?!? Are you a midget sorry a little person??? Or a female??? Man that is freaking light as hell you better check your diet bro. I aint trying to flame you or anything bro but man that is hella light how old are you anyways? But good luck I hope you do achieve your goal but you need to do some heavy eating. Good luck

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by richmondchiu View Post
    im 24 5"4 very skinny

    about a year but my weight doesnt increase when i took test E i gain 10lb in 4 weeks
    Yes you're extremely skinny bro. If you trained for 1 year and gained nothing naturally, then your diet is EXTREMELY bad, and your training is probably bad too, but your DIET is the key. If your diet sucks, your gains will suck, it's that simple.

    It's been said time and time again on this forum, steroids are not magic, they won't give you muscles and size if your diet most importantly sucks, or if your training is bad.

    The weight you gained now is probably mostly water retention, assuming you're still eating that diet you were on for a year and gained nothing.

    Let me just rephrase what I said, if you trained for 1 year, and didn't gain weight, your diet and/or training is absolutely horrible. I'm trying to help you understand your problem in gaining weight, that's all bro.

  9. #9
    im aiming for 140lbs
    i workout about a year but my weight doesnt increase when i took testE i gain very fast 10lbs in 4 weeks i tookfeb 22 2010 it march 22 now i gain 10lbs

  10. #10
    im planning to buy weight gainer

  11. #11
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    Holy shit bro, I weighed 110lbs when I was like 8 years old. You have diet issues which I`m sure you don`t believe but it's true. Your diet needs work badly.

  12. #12
    im an asian guy bro so its normal on my country to have A weight like this LOL

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by richmondchiu View Post
    im aiming for 140lbs
    i workout about a year but my weight doesnt increase when i took testE i gain very fast 10lbs in 4 weeks i tookfeb 22 2010 it march 22 now i gain 10lbs
    If you didnt gain any weight at all over a whole year while working out an eating your doing soemthing very wrong...

  14. #14
    dec11's Avatar
    dec11 is offline 'everything louder than everything else'
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    *no sources i wont reply*
    fookin hell im over double your weight!! you are way too light for aas, you need to eat right.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by richmondchiu View Post
    im an asian guy bro so its normal on my country to have A weight like this LOL

    Man it's not about race. Believe me, I have the thinnest bones in the world, my frame is very small like you.

    Your diet is bad!!!!

    What do you eat? Tell us the 6 meals you eat every day.

  16. #16
    but i think test E helped me bec i gain 10lbs in 4weeks
    can i used test E for 12weeks?
    after taking it what is the next step?
    can i take dBol for a month?

  17. #17
    complete meal when i woke up
    then go to gym snacks while in the gym
    then complete meal again after gym
    complete meal for dinner
    midnight snack
    before i go to sleep complete meal

  18. #18
    i know my im under weight so i join the forum to have knowledge on how to gain eight fast

  19. #19
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    but i think test E helped me bec i gain 10lbs in 4weeks
    When somebody takes steroids, like test E, you gain some water retention. Your weight increases because your body is holding more water. When you stop taking test E, after a few weeks you will lose the water weight. What you've gained now is not muscle, it's probably water!!!!

    Right now we need to know what you eat.

    can i used test E for 12weeks?
    after taking it what is the next step?
    can i take dBol for a month?

  20. #20
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    yes u can take dbol for a month , dont run it longer. Get your diet in order and make sure you have pct, if you dont know what that is go to the pct section and start reading

  21. #21
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    thats more like 4 meals u need like
    breakfast - biggest meal
    morning tea - decent meal
    lunch - decent meal
    snack - shake
    afternoon tea - decent meal
    late afternoontea - after gym - decent meal
    before bed meal

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by richmondchiu View Post
    but i think test E helped me bec i gain 10lbs in 4weeks
    can i used test E for 12weeks?
    after taking it what is the next step?
    can i take dBol for a month?
    Man, do your research pls! a 10-12 week cycle is normal an ur asking if ur allowed to run it longer than 5 weeks? I hope your living on this forum for the next week so you can learn all the shit you need to know lol

  23. #23
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    Is this a joke? I realy hope so... Steroids with your diet and training is worthless.. You prob should stop doing steroids and take a look in the diet forum.

  24. #24
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    I would never do this, because real food is always better then shakes, but I know you probably won't stop your cycle no matter what anyone buy a huge weight gainer protein shake with loads of calories and drink loads of that stuff all day along with the food you eat, since your diet is bad, this will help you achieve a caloric surplus to hopefully build muscle, but you will probably gain some fat too. You need to train HARD too.

  25. #25
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    Me and all the rest can tell by your posts that you have no idea what you are doing when it comes to diet and using AAS.

    Post your diet in detail please so people here can help you sort it out.

    Yes you can run Test-E for 12 weeks, but you have not sorted pct out either have you??

  26. #26
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    P.S You have gained only water, if you didnt gain aything for 1 year with the same diet you dont gain muscle with Test either on the same diet.

    AAS is a booster but worth nothing with a bad diet...

  27. #27
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    You must be doing something different because Test E doesn't even kick in until around week 4 - 5. Most guys gain 10 - 20lbs total (according to their diet) after 12 weeks, but 4 weeks in and you have gained 10lbs?

    What does your PCT look like?

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by going4ripped View Post
    You must be doing something different because Test E doesn't even kick in until around week 4 - 5. Most guys gain 10 - 20lbs total (according to their diet) after 12 weeks, but 4 weeks in and you have gained 10lbs?

    What does your PCT look like?
    Pretty sure he doesn't know what PCT is.

    OP read

  29. #29
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    i have gone 20 weeks of test E at a gram a week and another 6 weeks of prop.
    I would recommend 14 weeks.
    dont f*ck yourself up- yet.
    enjoy it and screw your girlfriend silly(or boyfriend whatever)

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by dieseljimmy View Post
    i have gone 20 weeks of test E at a gram a week and another 6 weeks of prop.
    I would recommend 14 weeks.
    dont f*ck yourself up- yet.
    enjoy it and screw your girlfriend silly(or boyfriend whatever)
    Lets hope you weight slightly more than "110lbs"?

    This thread is the perfect example of researching before conducting a cycle.

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swifto View Post
    Lets hope you weight slightly more than "110lbs"?

    This thread is the perfect example of researching before conducting a cycle.
    yeah almost 3 times his weight. but truthfully I have been saying that for 2 years. I am 285 and have tried everything to get to 300- but become a gold member at the old country buffet.

  32. #32
    Testosterone enanthate we would need to wait 2 weeks from the last shot and continue the clomid for 3 weeks.

    is this true after the cycle?

  33. #33
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    dont ask for a source thx
    Quote Originally Posted by richmondchiu View Post
    Testosterone enanthate we would need to wait 2 weeks from the last shot and continue the clomid for 3 weeks.

    is this true after the cycle?
    yes 2 weeks after your last shot start pct....i really hope youve taken what peeps have said and maybe learned somthing, although i doubt that your here please take some time to educate yourself about all things aas so next time you have a better understanding of what you have done and what you are doing in the future...

  34. #34
    im planning to run test e 12weeks it is ok

  35. #35
    Quote Originally Posted by ghettoboyd View Post
    yes 2 weeks after your last shot start pct....i really hope youve taken what peeps have said and maybe learned somthing, although i doubt that your here please take some time to educate yourself about all things aas so next time you have a better understanding of what you have done and what you are doing in the future...
    how many weeks will i take the clomid? and how many mg? thanx

  36. #36
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    All you are doing is living off the water retention from the cycle, your blinded by those results IMHO, if you cant gain weight without AAS your wasting your time being on.

    My advice would to come off and re-design your diet and training program because it needs serious work, fix what is wrong and dont use something what could cause you more issues than what you have already.

  37. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by redz View Post
    Holy shit bro, I weighed 110lbs when I was like 8 years old. You have diet issues which I`m sure you don`t believe but it's true. Your diet needs work badly.
    110 at were a hefty little kid!!!! :P No wonder you look like Jay Cutler now!!!!!

  38. #38
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    I was skinny at one time couldnt gain a pound ,I need to write down HOW MANY CALORIES you are getting in a day. Eating 10 times a day wont make you gain weight if the calories are not there.

  39. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by richmondchiu View Post
    im planning to run test e 12weeks it is ok
    Yes, 12 weeks is fine.

  40. #40
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    your mom's vagina
    Quote Originally Posted by Swifto View Post
    Lets hope you weight slightly more than "110lbs"?

    This thread is the perfect example of researching before conducting a cycle.
    This thread is the perfect example of NOT researching before cycling.

    Do your meals consist of water and lemons?

    this forum is for people interested in health and AAS knowledge_ not for androgynous anime characters..

    if you do not listen to what is said then this forum is mute to you and worthless..

    listen to what is being said by these extremely knowledgeable gentlemen and soak up all that you can from the forum_ ESPECIALLY, the diet section..

    EeEeAT! and read... and then read some more..

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