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Thread: finding a AAS friendly doctor

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2010

    finding a AAS friendly doctor

    I have been on and off the stuff for the better part of the last five years. I have run all types of cycles and the only really health concerns I have had is the PCT and maintaining/recovering test levels adn muscle retention. Sure I am concerned with gyno, hair loss etc... but I have found what works and what does not by trial and error. never had a blood test.

    I recently have discovered that I am going to have a baby and my perspective is suddenly different. I am suddenly very concerned about my health/future for her. I will likely still use but I want to make smart decisions and monitor myself. I have started looking and it is amazing how difficult it is to find a doctor that is "friendly". I am not looking for someone to legally supply or do anything questionable at all. I simply would like to go to a doctor and not get read the riot act and be treated like a criminal. I want someone who I could go to for blood test, injection issues, other health issues. Someone who will know certain values will be high or out of line but understanding why they are out of line and maybe not try to correct issues that are really not that bad.

    I know a handful of users and they are all in the same spot. some go to a HRT guy that has some experience but really I would like to do it on the legit.

    does anyone have any ideas on how find a doctor that is friendly. I know this is a wierd forum topic but I thought maybe someone may have an idea.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Scenic Purgatory
    Good luck. Most doctors want to stay away from all of that stuff for legal reasons.

    You just have to keep talking to different docs until you find one who is open minded about all of it.

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