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Thread: Newbie cycle

  1. #1

    Newbie cycle

    i was just wondering what u all think to this cycle i am about to start...

    50mg oxydrol british dragon ed 4 weeks
    250mg test enanthate 10 weeks
    i am also taking 4 milk thistle capsules each day for 6 weeks
    and have clomid for pct which i plan to start after my last shot of test

    i am 20 years old and have been training for 4 years now, i weigh 14 stone and am benching 110 kg 1 set of 8 reps.......

    i was also wondering if anyone has heard of t5 tablets???? ephedrin caffiene and asparin stack for cutting up and was wondering if i could take these throughout my cycle also or would it be best to weight untill after???

    thanks in adavance to whoever can give me advice

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    dont ask for a source thx
    you need to do a bit more reasurch exspecialy about pct as it is obvious you have no clue...and as most will tell you you are to young to use aas...also you need to spend some time in the diet forum and learn how to eat for your particular goals its not about how many chemicals you can put in your body....good luck...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Yay area, Cali
    Yeah bro like GB said man your to young to think of that right now man, I know your over 18 and all but your body is still evolving give it some time, I doubt that you were hitting the gym as hard as you are right now at 16 years old. but for reals man to young let your body develope a little more and give it a few more years before jumpoing on the sauce. I have read a bunch of threads of young guys like you that didnt take peoples advice and end up missing up there bodies and or wasting there money...or both. But good luck.

  4. #4
    ive been takin the oxymetholone 50 now for 7 days and had my first shot 250mg of test tnight so ild best finish the course anyway right? and as for pct i was thinking of after my last shot of test goin back on the oxy for 14 days as ive heard its best to start ur pct straight after that?

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