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Thread: Overtraining on AAS

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2010

    Overtraining on AAS

    Is it possible?

    I'm just feeling really run down all of a sudden.

    Only in to my eighth week of Test E & Deca, just added Winstrol at 100mg/day 3 days ago.

    Training 4 days a week (Legs/Abs, Chest/Tri, Back/Bi, Shoulders/Abs). 20-24 sets in the 6-12 rep range. Studying, getting 6-7 hours sleep (probably more often 6) except on weekends I might get a good 8-9hrs in on a friday or saturday. Eating over maintenance.

    Could it be,

    1. Too much volume
    2. Too little sleep
    3. Just getting Test Flu, or an actual flu
    4. Addition of Winstrol 3 days ago (I doubt this one)



  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    it is possible to over train.

    but 4 days a week, i doubt you are

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Check your diet. Every time I start feeling worn down it's due to lack of sleep and/or poor diet, not enough intake or not the right foods at the right time.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2010

    I'm leaning towards lack of sleep. Although I am only training 4 days a week, sleep is still important with this much volume, combined with the stress of my engineering degree.

    Diet, may be a contributing factor, but my diet is pretty high in vitamins and minerals, so I don't think it is wholly this.

    I wanted to start adding some cardio, but time is seriously hard to find.

  5. #5
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    If your body is telling you to slow down listen to it, have a few days off it wont do you any harm.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by sixxer View Post

    I'm leaning towards lack of sleep. Although I am only training 4 days a week, sleep is still important with this much volume, combined with the stress of my engineering degree.

    Diet, may be a contributing factor, but my diet is pretty high in vitamins and minerals, so I don't think it is wholly this.

    I wanted to start adding some cardio, but time is seriously hard to find.
    it's more important to have WHOLE foods than supplements. Dont rely on the shakes or pills to get you though the day. Maybe OK for a meal replacement once in a while and a boost here or there but your body needs REAL food, whole foods, protein carbs, fats, everything to function properly. I can tell a huge difference when I eat right and my sleep is really screwed up 90% of the time. I work nights 4 nights a week so Im screwed. LOL

    Really look more into the diet also but yes sleep is very important also.

  7. #7
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    I don't take any supplements except Whey and No Shotgun pre workout.

    Cod Liver Oil and Royal Jelly too, actually.

    I eat a lot of eggs, almonds, beef, fish, chicken, fruit, veg, yoghurt, mostly whole foods. No processed shit.

    Don't really rely on supplements for my nutrients, except the Cod Liver Oil for Vit A & D, which I'd get a lot from eggs anyway.

    I think Marcus is right though, I might do Shoulders and Abs tomorrow as normal, but next week I'll drop the intensity and volume a bit. Maybe 15-18 sets, and 75% of the weight I'm lifting at the moment.

    Thanks for the advice.

  8. #8
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    it may sound crazy but my biggest gains seem to come when i get back in the gym after a break. i mean a good break, to the point i feel guilty from being lazy. so if needed try it. take a break, maybe even a couple weeks if needed. then when you return, if your anything like me, you will explode. good luck

  9. #9
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    If your feeling run down, well then.......Your Run Down! Relax and get your body rested. Sometimes when I train too much I get so run down that I can't sleep or get enough rest and it takes me a couple of days for my body to recognize that I'm not going 100 mph. Then I can get some rest and repeat, and It feels good get back to training

  10. #10
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    I think you're all right.

    It would just feel like such a waste missing a workout or two while on cycle, let alone a whole weeks worth or more.

    What do you think?

    If I decide to say miss a couple workouts. Should I start back with the two workouts I missed or pick it up where the routine would normally be. Like say I decide to skip Saturday & Sunday (Legs/Abs and Chest/Tri) on Tuesday should I start with Legs/Abs then Wednesday do Chest/Tri or do what I would normally be doing on Tues & Wed, Back/Bi and SHoulders/Abs?

    Also, should I miss a few injections?

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    lol well no i wouldn't skip weeks while "on" but a couple dayz no worries! just skip and pickup your routine where you left off. look at it kinda like a script med... if you miss a dose, don't double up just start again

  12. #12
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    and no, i wouldn't skip the injections

  13. #13
    dec11's Avatar
    dec11 is offline 'everything louder than everything else'
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    *no sources i wont reply*
    take a week off, trust me you'll gain more by doing this

  14. #14


    Quote Originally Posted by sixxer View Post
    Is it possible?

    I'm just feeling really run down all of a sudden.

    Only in to my eighth week of Test E & Deca, just added Winstrol at 100mg/day 3 days ago.

    Training 4 days a week (Legs/Abs, Chest/Tri, Back/Bi, Shoulders/Abs). 20-24 sets in the 6-12 rep range. Studying, getting 6-7 hours sleep (probably more often 6) except on weekends I might get a good 8-9hrs in on a friday or saturday. Eating over maintenance.

    Could it be,

    1. Too much volume
    2. Too little sleep
    3. Just getting Test Flu, or an actual flu
    4. Addition of Winstrol 3 days ago (I doubt this one)


    Yes it is possible to overtrain.
    Limit your workouts to 4 days per week.
    Try to keep intensity high and be in and out
    of the gym in 1 hour or less.
    Be sure your getting plenty of sleep daily,,at
    least 8 hrs per day.

  15. #15
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    I only train 4 times a week. 2 on, 1 off, 2 on, 2 off.

    Intensity is high. I'm training in the 6-12 rep range. 6-8 for heavy compounds such as squats, deads, press, bench, etc. 8-12 for curls, leg extensions, leg curls, etc.

    I rest 3mins between sets though. Some times I have to wait for a machine or squat rack or something and I may be waiting up to 7 or 8 mins between exercises. My sessions are pretty much right on 2hrs. Just rest time (24 sets x 3 mins) is ~72mins though. I can't see how I would get it done in an hour. Unless I dropped the weight significantly and did 60sec rest intervals. And I hate this type of training, I find it doesn't benefit me. Sure I get some sarcoplasmic gains, a nice pump, but no real strength or myofibrillar gains.

    My sleep is way off. I'd get an average of 6hrs sleep most nights, on the weekend I might get a good 8-9hr sleep in.

    Going to pin my Winstrol now and go to the gym, last day of the workout week. See how I feel when Saturday rolls around if I am up for it, or another days rest.

  16. #16
    Join Date
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    Ok, I wimped out on my Winstrol dose, will do it tomorrow in the chest. Although it hurts there, you don't need your pecs to function day to day like your legs. Only problem is I pinned both pecs on Monday, too close together you reckon? What do people do when your cycle involves 12 or so stabs a week?

    I also skipped on the gym. I was heating up heaps, had a fever and my heart felt like it was popping out my chest. Plus my leg was killing me and it would have made training more awkward than it needs to be. Even though it's only Shoulders and Abs day.

    So I went to the Doctor instead. Simple throat infection! Amazing how much I feel like shit from something so minor. Got some antibiotics and codeine for the pain.

    I'm taking tomorrow off Uni to rest and if I feel up to it I'll go do today's workout tomorrow.

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