I had been training 20 plus years natually with good results before any cycling, but I am stuck now. Although I am great shape, 5'9" 195# 6-8%BF, and I am by far the most athletic in the gym, but now with multiple cycles I dont make any significant gains. The first real cycle I saw some gains, but I was about where I was naturally when I was in my late 20s. Now I am not getting much of anything fom cycles. I only pick up a little water weight and some fat without getting ahead at all. I might increase a few reps with my lifts but thats all. About the same as when I trained naturally the only difference is that I have slightly less BF now. Not sure if dose is too low or not with cycles or if I have become too desensitized now. I have experimented with dosage and found no effects good or bad. When I increase calories I add too much BF and have to diet it off which negates all the minimal gains. I tried dieting down first before cycle and then I regain back to the same place. I would like to gain something to get ahead of the game and notice some performance enhancment. What should I do?
Last cycle was:
Test Cp 350/wk 1-14 wks then taper off
Deca 300/Wk 1-12 wks
Winnie 50 EOD 1-10 wks
Anti e Tomox 3/wk, Arimed 2/wk