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Thread: No results! Should I up the dose?

  1. #1

    No results! Should I up the dose?

    I had been training 20 plus years natually with good results before any cycling, but I am stuck now. Although I am great shape, 5'9" 195# 6-8%BF, and I am by far the most athletic in the gym, but now with multiple cycles I dont make any significant gains. The first real cycle I saw some gains, but I was about where I was naturally when I was in my late 20s. Now I am not getting much of anything fom cycles. I only pick up a little water weight and some fat without getting ahead at all. I might increase a few reps with my lifts but thats all. About the same as when I trained naturally the only difference is that I have slightly less BF now. Not sure if dose is too low or not with cycles or if I have become too desensitized now. I have experimented with dosage and found no effects good or bad. When I increase calories I add too much BF and have to diet it off which negates all the minimal gains. I tried dieting down first before cycle and then I regain back to the same place. I would like to gain something to get ahead of the game and notice some performance enhancment. What should I do?
    Last cycle was:

    Test Cp 350/wk 1-14 wks then taper off
    Deca 300/Wk 1-12 wks
    Winnie 50 EOD 1-10 wks
    Anti e Tomox 3/wk, Arimed 2/wk

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2005
    how many cycles you done?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    R.I.P My friends
    How old are you now? Your stats are pretty decent as they are. How much LBM are you looking to gain? If you want to avoid water gain, maybe run a simple Prop cycle @ 5-600/wk and make sure your diet is spot on. Check the diet section to see if you are indeed eating properly. Eating "X" calories/day is not the same as eating them at the right times.

    Try not to get frustrated, who knows why the first times didnt work out well, could have been crappy gear, who knows. Get a reliable source and try a nice, simple cycle as a baseline. If you like the results, add to that next time around. Probably wasent the best idea to run all those compounds in a first cycle.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    winny should be used ed, and 10 weeks of winny is long....

    and yeah i would up ur dose, run a cycle of 500mg week of test, or even higher..

    has all ur gear come from same source?

  5. #5
    Im 50 now but you would think that I was not over 35. I'm very impressive looking to most average people, I'm very lean and strong, 350 bench 450squat(natural). Everyone thinks Im a bodybuilder at first, but I dont compete in BB, I do other sports. Yes all gear is Doctor prescribed and same source, the best for sure. I am looking to gain any amount of LBM (10# or less)to see improvements in explosive strength and speed. My doc said to try water base next with suspension and winnie maybe with a little Deca also.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by PV165 View Post
    Im 50 now but you would think that I was not over 35. I'm very impressive looking to most average people, I'm very lean and strong, 350 bench 450squat(natural). Everyone thinks Im a bodybuilder at first, but I dont compete in BB, I do other sports. Yes all gear is Doctor prescribed and same source, the best for sure. I am looking to gain any amount of LBM (10# or less)to see improvements in explosive strength and speed. My doc said to try water base next with suspension and winnie maybe with a little Deca also.
    You have a cool DR. Maybe you need high dosage like 800-1000mg testE and about 450mg trenE weekly. Or perhaps look into the slingshot cycle.

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