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Thread: ORAL or INJECTION?????

  1. #1

    ORAL or INJECTION?????

    Hello im new to the site but i have worked out alot on and off over the past few years i have been getting back into working out alot lately and eating right and my question is are any oral(Pill form) steroids even worth taking? Or is it best to just go with injections? i have never used either and am curious whats the best and why? If any Orals are worth taking tell me why plz sittin at 200 even right now 5'10 got some fat but im not fatass lol any information thats useful will be greatly appreciated thanx!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Give us some more infor like age, bf%,training experience and goals etc.

  3. #3
    Age 28

    bf% around 20% im guessing but i seem to be droppin it fast eating alot of high protien and good carbs almost no sugar no crappy carbs drinking lots of water training 5 days a week doing diff muscle groups for each days so i dont rework sore muscles also like to do alot of shadow boxing exp wise i would say i know alot about nutrition and how the body works....wieght wise ive tried almost everything machines,free wieghts,martial arts,pyramid reps,negative reps,good form,i prefer free weights my biggest downfall in the past has been getting lazy Main goal is to better myself and destroy my competition! hope that helps narrow it down a little bit thnx

  4. #4
    oh ya and im not looking to BULK up tons would like to stay around 200 but just burn fat and pack on lean muscle only supplements i have been using is Kaizen 100% isolate whey and glutamine

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