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  1. #1
    tommysupra13 is offline New Member
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    Need advice...... Begginer cycle....

    Any advice would be highly appreciated..
    I have the following cycle that I plan on taking, just need some advice on how much to take and when:

    10 vials of Propinate (10, 1cc shots) @ 100 mg each
    2 bottles of EQ (20 ccs all together) @ 250 mg each
    2 bottles of enathate (20 ccs all together) @ 250 mg each

    30 Novladex tabs
    1 5000 IU shot of HCG

    I plan on taking the EQ for two weeks then starting the propinate to kick start the cycle and then after about half the shots of prop are done then start the enanthate and just run enanthate and EQ for the remainder of the cycle. then of course the PCT towards the end of the cycle. DOES THIS MAKE SENSE? any Suggestions?
    how many CCs of each should i be shooting each week and when??
    Should i be taking any Novladex during the cycle or only if i notice and gyno or major water retention?
    Will i have to shoot two times a week?
    Can I mix all these steroids in one needle?
    ANY information on how to go about taking this cycle the correct way would be much appreciated.. Thanks

  2. #2
    N2Deep's Avatar
    N2Deep is offline Associate Member
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    Stats? Cycle experience? PCT knowledge?

  3. #3
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
    gixxerboy1 is offline ~VET~ Extraordinaire~
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    again what are your stats.

    your set up isnt good. Running the prop and switching to enethate your going to have a lag from the prop clearing and waiting for the enethate to kick in.

  4. #4
    tommysupra13 is offline New Member
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    I am a beginner. I already have this cycle I just need to know the best way timing wise and dosage wise to take it. I am 25 yrs old about 165 lbs around 8% bodyfat. Looking to put on some weight and keep it. To eliminate the "lag" of the propinate what if I shot enanthate and prop from the beginning of the cycle this way when the propinate wears off the enanthate will be about ready to kick in ?? I don't have much knowledge on PCT other then what I have been reading. All I know is that it plays a big factor in keeping your gains at the end of a cycle. I also need advice on when to start the PCT and how much to take. Like I said I'm going to take this cycle either way I just want to know the optimal way to do it. Thanks for all of your time and help

  5. #5
    Shadeed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tommysupra13 View Post
    I am a beginner. I already have this cycle I just need to know the best way timing wise and dosage wise to take it. I am 25 yrs old about 165 lbs around 8% bodyfat. Looking to put on some weight and keep it. To eliminate the "lag" of the propinate what if I shot enanthate and prop from the beginning of the cycle this way when the propinate wears off the enanthate will be about ready to kick in ?? I don't have much knowledge on PCT other then what I have been reading. All I know is that it plays a big factor in keeping your gains at the end of a cycle. I also need advice on when to start the PCT and how much to take. Like I said I'm going to take this cycle either way I just want to know the optimal way to do it. Thanks for all of your time and help
    how tall are you?

  6. #6
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    i hate to be a parot but how your diet?...if you cant gain weight through diet natty then all the aas in the world will not help you....get that sorted out,start to gain natty first then maybee supplement with aas.... also take the time to learn about the compounds you plan to use,the esters and how to use them correctly.....your old enough to make your own decisions about using but how about setting yourself up for success from the the very least learn about pct and then obtain it before you start aas...good luck....

  7. #7
    N2Deep's Avatar
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    If your BF is to high you run a high risk of growing boobs as fast as you grow muscle. An AI will help you with that though. Why not save your EQ for a later cycle and just run test on your first to see how you respond. The gains from EQ are normally pretty solid but takes a long time to make a difference. You can mix in the same needle, prop needs to be shot eod. Test e can be shot once a week. I would run the prop at 1 cc eod and test e at 2 cc a week. Hope this helps.

  8. #8
    Mooseman33's Avatar
    Mooseman33 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    please dont give this guy cycle advice till we get his full stats...height. and even then i ask that you dont.

    no offense OP, but u shouldnt be cycling if you cant put a plan together. that shows the lack of research, which is a huge mistake.
    we can tweak shit for you, but to give you the basics means you have not done your homework.
    please take time to learn, and during that time get your diet and training squared away...

  9. #9
    tommysupra13 is offline New Member
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    I am 25 yrs old 5'10" 165 lbs. About 8 % bodyfat I just want to put on some weight and keep it. I have been researching and everyone says that you can't go wrong with test. Also everyone stresses the importance of PCT and how it helps you to keep your gains. Also I read that EQ is very good to stack with test and the side effects are low. Basically I want to run EQ and enanthate the whole cycle and kick start it with propinate. While I am on the propinate I would do only 1 cc of enanthate and the once the prop is finished I will build up to 2 ccs for the remainder of the cycle. Like I said before I have this cycle already. I am goin to do it regardless. I just want to know timing wise and dosage wise what would be the most effective and correct way to do it. U guys can't sit here and tell me that test will not help me put on weight that's just crazy. I know a couple people that are the same stats as me and they took prop and enanthate and they got great gains from it and kept most of their gains. Like I said I am doing this cycle either way I just need some advice on planning it out. And my diet is on point and will increase as I start my cycle. Let me know what you think. Thanks for your time

  10. #10
    Mooseman33's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tommysupra13 View Post
    I am 25 yrs old 5'10" 165 lbs. About 8 % bodyfat I just want to put on some weight and keep it. I have been researching and everyone says that you can't go wrong with test. Also everyone stresses the importance of PCT and how it helps you to keep your gains. Also I read that EQ is very good to stack with test and the side effects are low. Basically I want to run EQ and enanthate the whole cycle and kick start it with propinate. While I am on the propinate I would do only 1 cc of enanthate and the once the prop is finished I will build up to 2 ccs for the remainder of the cycle. Like I said before I have this cycle already. I am goin to do it regardless. I just want to know timing wise and dosage wise what would be the most effective and correct way to do it. U guys can't sit here and tell me that test will not help me put on weight that's just crazy. I know a couple people that are the same stats as me and they took prop and enanthate and they got great gains from it and kept most of their gains. Like I said I am doing this cycle either way I just need some advice on planning it out. And my diet is on point and will increase as I start my cycle. Let me know what you think. Thanks for your time
    what im going to say i mean in the nicest way possible...

    You are an idiot. you hav eno clue what the hell you are doing. you have no clue what these chems do to help and hurt you.
    your diet cannot be on point or u would not be 165 lbs at your height.

    it is kids like you that give us responsible users a bad name.
    you have already made ur mind up right, well then i suggest you go elswhere for advice, because u have NO business using steroids ....

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mooseman33 View Post
    what im going to say i mean in the nicest way possible...

    You are an idiot. you hav eno clue what the hell you are doing. you have no clue what these chems do to help and hurt you.
    your diet cannot be on point or u would not be 165 lbs at your height.

    it is kids like you that give us responsible users a bad name.
    you have already made ur mind up right, well then i suggest you go elswhere for advice, because u have NO business using steroids....
    amen brotha'....kid just dont want to listen....

  12. #12
    tommysupra13 is offline New Member
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    Ok so tell me what to do then. What should I change? I didn't mean to insult anybody I'm just going by what I was told and I guess what I was told was wrong. So what would you do if you were me? I have goten up to 175 natuarally before. What do u guys reccomend I do?

  13. #13
    Mooseman33's Avatar
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    do it again.
    fix ur diet and training and u will gain.
    go to the diet section, them guys are the best...
    and keep ur attitude in check, we all love to help people, just not knuckleheads with the thought process of"im doing it anyway"

    in that time learn about what u want to take, how to take it...
    learn the positives and the many,many negatives..

    man, this is not candy we are playing with, the damage can last a lifetime...

  14. #14
    tommysupra13 is offline New Member
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    You are right and i appreciate you steering me in the right direction. So basically the cycle i have is no good and I shouldnt use it? So at what point would you say that it is okay that I can take steroids ? What is the difference of if I am 165 or 175 and I take a cycle? What is bad about the combination of steroids that I have? I really dont mean to insult you, I am coming to you for advice and I truly do appreciate you taking the time to write back. I obviously dont want to do anything that is going to hurt me in the long run, but I would like to learn the proper way to supplement with steroids, and I am curious to know just what is so bad about the cycle that i have and why you are saying that its not a good combination. Like i said I know a lot of people who are doing the same type of cycle and If it truly is bad like you say I would also like to steer them in the right direction.. Thanks again

  15. #15
    JasonT's Avatar
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    When you hit your genetic limit (i.e. diet and exercise are in check) and progress takes longer than usual. The longer you wait, the better.

    Before starting, research all of your options, research all of the profiles on the drugs you plan on putting in your body (possible side effects, how they work together, etc.). Start with something shouldn't be overwhelming yourself. If there is anything you don't understand, keep asking questions.

    EDIT: Read through the threads in this section:

  16. #16
    B1gDaddy's Avatar
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    He's not saying your cycle is completely wrong, hes just saying that if you cant gain weight naturally on the diet your on, you wont be able to hold the weight you gain on cycle, specially since this is your first cycle, so it would be a waste of your money an time and you could end up hurting yourself for nothing. and that there could be a better cycle thats suited for your needs if u do ur research an put it together.

    Get your diet set first off, do some research around here, put up a diet u think works with all the macros and the pros in the diet section will be happy to make some changes for you, but they wont make up a diet for you, you need to put in the work for that.

    Then do some research on the shit your going to be injecting into your body, so you can get the best results and do things right from the start and show your friends how its done, the right way. Once again, make up your own cycle an post it up for help like u did. But keep it light.. as it's your first cycle you dont want to go too heavy in case your body doesnt react well to the substances.

    Hope this helps. And i hope for the best for you

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