Hi Guys,
This is my 1st post on here, i am about to embark in another cycle of gear and would like some advice.
2x 10ml Trenbolone Acetate 100
2x 10ml Mega test 350
4500iu HCG
cycle as follows;
0.75ml (75mg) Tren, eod wks 1-6
1ml (350mg) Test, once/twice weekly 1-8
250iu HCG, twice weekly
0.25 Adex, eod
Nolva for PCT 20/20/10/10/10
Is 700mg of test a week too much???
Breakdown of Test
global britannic megatest 350
test prop 25mg
test phenylprop 50mg
test isocaporate 75mg
test enan 100mg
test deconate 100mg
I am 27, 5'7", 16%bf and have had 3 deca/sus/dbol courses previously.