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Thread: Need Cycle advice

  1. #1

    Need Cycle advice

    Hi Guys,

    This is my 1st post on here, i am about to embark in another cycle of gear and would like some advice.

    2x 10ml Trenbolone Acetate 100
    2x 10ml Mega test 350
    4500iu HCG

    cycle as follows;
    0.75ml (75mg) Tren, eod wks 1-6
    1ml (350mg) Test, once/twice weekly 1-8
    250iu HCG, twice weekly
    0.25 Adex, eod

    Nolva for PCT 20/20/10/10/10

    Is 700mg of test a week too much???

    Breakdown of Test
    global britannic megatest 350
    test prop 25mg
    test phenylprop 50mg
    test isocaporate 75mg
    test enan 100mg
    test deconate 100mg

    I am 27, 5'7", 16%bf and have had 3 deca/sus/dbol courses previously.
    Last edited by BigManSoon007; 03-24-2010 at 06:05 AM. Reason: e

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Running that test for 8 weeks is not worth while. The enanthate won`t kick in until around week 5 and the test deconate even later than that. Also because there are short esters in the test it should really be injected atleast eod. Also that Tren ace dose is pretty low too. You should also get some clomid for pct and keep caber on hand in case of prolactin sides though at that low of a dose I doubt you are going to have any issues.

  3. #3

    Any other opinions???

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