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  1. #1
    gunslingerKA is offline New Member
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    Clen during a cycle?

    What up guys,
    I'm a 23 yr old student from California studying in Bangkok for a while, figured this was a perfect opportunity to do my first cycle. Been training for 5 years, 6'4" 200lbs ~15%bf.
    I plan on beginning my cycle on april 1st but I have a few questions before I begin.

    At the moment, my cycle is as follows:
    Test Prop 500mgs/week, administered every 3rd day. weeks 1- 10
    D-bol 40mgs/week, weeks 1-4

    PCT, 3 days after last prop injection:
    20mgs of Nolva/day 4 weeks.

    I plan on taking 1mg of arimidex for the first 4 weeks of the cycle, and then administering as needed if I notice any signs of excessive estrogen.

    I've bought everything mentioned above, including something I haven't mentioned- clen . After reading up on it, I've come across two different opinions:

    1. clen can help lose fat and build muscle, but loses it's effectiveness after 6
    2. clen has anti-catabolic properties that will help with pct, and will actually inhibit the effectiveness of other anabolics if taken during a cycle.

    I'd like to use clen for 8 weeks, with a 2 week on 2 week off dosing at 80mcgs. If opinion #2 above is partially right in clen helping in PCT, I'd use it in a similar dosing cycle during PCT.

    Can anyone provide some clarification?

  2. #2
    OhioMuscle22's Avatar
    OhioMuscle22 is offline Associate Member
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    Wait for more info. but the prop is gonna need to be ran everyday or every other

  3. #3
    azz10's Avatar
    azz10 is offline Associate Member
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    use clen during PCT will be more beneficial than during your cycle. but depending on ur goals really. if your goal is for bulking, stay away from the clen. if its for cutting, clen will do well.

  4. #4
    gunslingerKA is offline New Member
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    I have the prop set up for every other day for example:

    week 1, injections on Day 1, 3, 5, 7.

    To keep the weekly dosages the same at 500mgs, day 1's amount would be 200mgs, 3-7's at 100mgs. Are variations in the dosages during a week going to be a problem?

  5. #5
    OhioMuscle22's Avatar
    OhioMuscle22 is offline Associate Member
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    im guessing that your prop is dosed at 100mg/1.....if not than change the math. But if it is just go past the 1 on the syringe a 1/4 of the way to 2. That way each of your 4 shots in the week will be the same amount and will come out to 500mg/week.

  6. #6
    OhioMuscle22's Avatar
    OhioMuscle22 is offline Associate Member
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    forgot to include. im pretty sure you want each shot to me the same amount (mg wise) as others.

  7. #7
    DaBullet is offline Associate Member
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    I think you should just run the test since it is your first cycle and alot of vets would also tell you that, also your a little young to do your first cycle but thats just my 2 cents.

  8. #8
    gunslingerKA is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by OhioMuscle22 View Post
    im guessing that your prop is dosed at 100mg/1.....if not than change the math. But if it is just go past the 1 on the syringe a 1/4 of the way to 2. That way each of your 4 shots in the week will be the same amount and will come out to 500mg/week.
    Thanks for the reply, you guessed right, they're at 100mgs. They're also in ampules, so i thought there'd be a higher risk of infection or some other complication if i didn't use the entire 100mgs and left some in the ampule for later use. Am I being over cautious on this?

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