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Thread: P90X ONLY + steroids =???????

  1. #1
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    Exclamation P90X ONLY + steroids =???????

    ok I recently bought the entire p90x program..I am only on day 2 but I worked chest and back the first day and I am muscles are wore out...anyway I am following the entire diet that they have laid out for my size and the goals I am wanting to reach...after these workouts I am VERY tired and woreout and NOWAY possible to lift weights using those muscles and yet I feel the same after I lift weights as I do after p90x..for example after I lift my arms are very swollen and tight without flexing and the same goes for I was wondering if you could possible take test E and D-bol with the p90x and not worry about lifting considering this program uses different muscles everyday for 6 days a week....what do you think??? Pros and Cons are greatly appricated....

  2. #2
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  3. #3
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    Just a question..the p90x you can substitute dumbbells for heavier weights and less reps which I dont see much difference than regular lifting except p90x drains you more than lifting

  4. #4
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    I'm not that familiar with the program, but isn't it mostly for toning up and slimming down? More of a "get your fat ass into shape" kind of thing, isn't it?

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by PantherPride View Post
    ok I recently bought the entire p90x program..I am only on day 2 but I worked chest and back the first day and I am muscles are wore out...anyway I am following the entire diet that they have laid out for my size and the goals I am wanting to reach...after these workouts I am VERY tired and woreout and NOWAY possible to lift weights using those muscles and yet I feel the same after I lift weights as I do after p90x..for example after I lift my arms are very swollen and tight without flexing and the same goes for I was wondering if you could possible take test E and D-bol with the p90x and not worry about lifting considering this program uses different muscles everyday for 6 days a week....what do you think??? Pros and Cons are greatly appricated....
    Try it and let us know what you find out.
    The nutrition guide with this program was
    nice. Cool meal planner,,recipes and shopping lists.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    I seek Immortality

    theres a bunch of threads
    do a search

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by **** View Post
    Try it and let us know what you find out.
    The nutrition guide with this program was
    nice. Cool meal planner,,recipes and shopping lists.
    cool..and yes the diet plan is VERY nice and VERY detailed with recipes and ingredients with everything they tell you to eat....I am on a VERY high protein diet which the book tells me that I need to be on a 2400 calorie diet..and YES the p90x is a "get your fat ass in shape" program BUT you can do the p90x in different ways...when you are using the dumbbells or the bands in the workouts you can go heavier weights with less reps (which is the same in the gym) except with this workout you will get your heart rate way up and it works EVERY muscle in your body including core and its more motivating than lifting byitself and yet I still feel the effects from it and this program PUSHES you to your limits

  8. #8
    P90x is insain I love the workout imo I get a better work out and pump of it than at the gym cause of the design of the work out I'm in my second phase but due to my arm I'm going to start fresh cause I been skiping workouts. On on juice and I'm getting great results from the workouts without going to the gym. I have a membership at a gym but for now I'm sticking with the p90x love the ab ripper x if u can hang with p90x u will see great results juice or no juice its not for everyone u have to have ur mind right. I don't know bout the diet part I just have the work outs I'm sure I would see better results if I had there diet but still getting good results.

  9. #9
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    unless ur advanced u should see muslce gains on p90x.. i personally gained 11 lbs of muscle in 3 months when i did it a few years back

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by matcules View Post
    P90x is insain I love the workout imo I get a better work out and pump of it than at the gym cause of the design of the work out I'm in my second phase but due to my arm I'm going to start fresh cause I been skiping workouts. On on juice and I'm getting great results from the workouts without going to the gym. I have a membership at a gym but for now I'm sticking with the p90x love the ab ripper x if u can hang with p90x u will see great results juice or no juice its not for everyone u have to have ur mind right. I don't know bout the diet part I just have the work outs I'm sure I would see better results if I had there diet but still getting good results.
    thank you I was thinking the same really tears your muscles down I am STILL sore from the chest and back from 3 days ago and I have to shoulders and arms today!!

  11. #11
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    Jun 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by PantherPride View Post
    ok I recently bought the entire p90x program..I am only on day 2 but I worked chest and back the first day and I am muscles are wore out...anyway I am following the entire diet that they have laid out for my size and the goals I am wanting to reach...after these workouts I am VERY tired and woreout and NOWAY possible to lift weights using those muscles and yet I feel the same after I lift weights as I do after p90x..for example after I lift my arms are very swollen and tight without flexing and the same goes for I was wondering if you could possible take test E and D-bol with the p90x and not worry about lifting considering this program uses different muscles everyday for 6 days a week....what do you think??? Pros and Cons are greatly appricated....
    Hey Bro.. You answered your own question in your very first post. If you are ripping up your muscles. Working to total fatigue. Feel like jelly and can't lift anymore.....It doesn't matter how you got there or what program you used. Your getting the job done. Yes you can do that and add Test E to it and see more gains. When you get to the point when your able to do it without turning to jelly you need to add more to it. I personally have done the P90X and still do it. Some of the workouts are killer! I don't care who says what. I say go for it (if your diet and BF% are in check) and keep us posted on the results.

  12. #12
    I would never run test e or any injectables on p90x. Its more of a get ripped program not really for getting bulked up. My buddy of mine did anavar @ 40mgs a day for 90 days with p90x (never missed a day) and he did the diet with it. Good god, he is ripped as shit. its crazy how well tony horton put that workout together.

  13. #13
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    well he can do the same with test e and that is drop bf it is not for just bulking,first of all whats your stats to include age? whats your training history?

  14. #14
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    Jul 2007
    The P90X is a great workout, you can use it to lose weight or gain muscle, just use heavier weights and less reps and you should be fine.

  15. #15
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    He's 23, 6'1" and 185 lbs. nuff said.

    You have asked for advice on diet which is a good thing.. but, that was days ago. You were only given foods to eat to bulk by the poster probably thinking that you would hit the diet section and read. Do you think you have your diet squared by now? Your wrong.

    You asked for help on bulking and your cycle. You were given info about eating right and waiting until you put more natural muscle on. You replied:
    Quote Originally Posted by PantherPride View Post
    thanks far as trying to progress naturally it is very hard for me to gain weight...I am getting stronger but my size and muscle mass has been about the same since i graduated from high school. I certainly understand the one chemical at a time. If I do use the test prop how often should I inject it? and if no side effects and I introduce the D-bol how long should I look for side effects before I begin the D-bol?
    You were told if you are gaining strength then you are gaining more dense muscle and again told you need to get your diet in check and realize that AAS is just not the way quite yet.

    You wanted to try AAS so you can bulk and NOW you want to use P90X while cycling Dbol and Test. If your wanting more physical size then this is bas ackwards.

    You need to eat. You need to read. You need some patience.

    Maybe in your next thread just title it "Doing a cycle regardless of your info please tell me what i want to hear".

    Not trying to be a dick. Just trying to help.


  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by wheninrome View Post
    He's 23, 6'1" and 185 lbs. nuff said.

    You have asked for advice on diet which is a good thing.. but, that was days ago. You were only given foods to eat to bulk by the poster probably thinking that you would hit the diet section and read. Do you think you have your diet squared by now? Your wrong.

    You asked for help on bulking and your cycle. You were given info about eating right and waiting until you put more natural muscle on. You replied:

    You were told if you are gaining strength then you are gaining more dense muscle and again told you need to get your diet in check and realize that AAS is just not the way quite yet.

    You wanted to try AAS so you can bulk and NOW you want to use P90X while cycling Dbol and Test. If your wanting more physical size then this is bas ackwards.

    You need to eat. You need to read. You need some patience.

    Maybe in your next thread just title it "Doing a cycle regardless of your info please tell me what i want to hear".

    Not trying to be a dick. Just trying to help.

    not trying to be a dick?? ok I am DOING the p90x and I am following their diet...I DID NOT say I was taking the roids right now nor did I say when I was going to.. I was asking if I would see results from can take p90x over and over again...right now I am doing it naturally and I am eating right... I asked for advice and I appriceate it. I have read ALOT about roids and dieting and I am taking the right directions based on you guys advice. PLEASE quote me where I said i am taking it anyway no matter what you say...ALL I wanted to know was for the future when I DO start taking it if I could run the p90x please before you want to start cutting someone down ASK me first what I plan on doing THEN if I say I am going to start anyway then I could understand your post, regardless thanks for your input on the matter.geezzzzzzzz
    Last edited by PantherPride; 03-27-2010 at 11:32 AM.

  17. #17
    Join Date
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    your mom's vagina
    Understood. My apologies. I don't mind a good kick in the yap once awhile.

    Much luck my friend,

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by wheninrome View Post
    Understood. My apologies. I don't mind a good kick in the yap once awhile.

    Much luck my friend,
    LOL no problem man...thanks for your advice though it is greatly appriceated

  19. #19
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    I think it would be sick to run EQ and sust at 500wk. If you were tryn a summer cut. Man thatd be insane! My sister has it.. I have the pull up bar its pretty bad a** for a home bar. The only prob w me is I live up stairs and my neiighbor would crap if iz to jump around like a maniac. Lol! But if he said anything I'd just flex on em

  20. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by 6ft5 View Post
    I think it would be sick to run EQ and sust at 500wk. If you were tryn a summer cut. Man thatd be insane! My sister has it.. I have the pull up bar its pretty bad a** for a home bar. The only prob w me is I live up stairs and my neiighbor would crap if iz to jump around like a maniac. Lol! But if he said anything I'd just flex on em
    sometimes when people start talking shit about me, i put their face in between my pecs and flex.

    they usually have a headache for a couple weeks.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by PantherPride View Post
    not trying to be a dick?? ok I am DOING the p90x and I am following their diet...I DID NOT say I was taking the roids right now nor did I say when I was going to.. I was asking if I would see results from can take p90x over and over again...right now I am doing it naturally and I am eating right... I asked for advice and I appriceate it. I have read ALOT about roids and dieting and I am taking the right directions based on you guys advice. PLEASE quote me where I said i am taking it anyway no matter what you say...ALL I wanted to know was for the future when I DO start taking it if I could run the p90x please before you want to start cutting someone down ASK me first what I plan on doing THEN if I say I am going to start anyway then I could understand your post, regardless thanks for your input on the matter.geezzzzzzzz
    Hey Bro, as you can see from my post count I am new around here to. I had a lot of trouble with guys thinking I wanted to cycle right away when in fact I didn't. It seems like over kill but you have to spell everything out very clearly every time or you will continue to get guys doing this. Keep in mind. A couple are just being ignorant, but MOST only want to help even if they are a little to blunt about it. I think you handled this one very well. As did wheninrome. Well done guys.
    I really think when you are ready to cycle you should go for it with the P90X. I have no doubt you would get some nice results.

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by wheninrome View Post
    Understood. My apologies. I don't mind a good kick in the yap once awhile.

    Much luck my friend,
    Nice. Well done wheninrome! (you were a little brutal on him). LOL
    Glad to see your intent was good.

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by First6 View Post
    Hey Bro, as you can see from my post count I am new around here to. I had a lot of trouble with guys thinking I wanted to cycle right away when in fact I didn't. It seems like over kill but you have to spell everything out very clearly every time or you will continue to get guys doing this. Keep in mind. A couple are just being ignorant, but MOST only want to help even if they are a little to blunt about it. I think you handled this one very well. As did wheninrome. Well done guys.
    I really think when you are ready to cycle you should go for it with the P90X. I have no doubt you would get some nice results.
    Blunt, Us??? No way.... LOL yes we can be because if you read some/many of the other post there are dozens of kids ever day who ARE wanting advise on running a cycle when they have no business doing so. They are way to young, they want to run some crazy cycle that only a VERY experienced body builder should/would, they heard it from a friend of a friends neighbors brothers cousin who is 22 and has LOTS of experience that this is a good way do things (what is PCT???) and so on... you get the idea.

    PX90 is awesome as said for cutting or even gaining muscle to an extent. You wont get BIG but you can get lean and cut and if you dont have much muscle mass you will defiantly gain muscle.

    I would not consider running any AAS for it though due to it's not a program where you are trying to gain any strength or size above what you should be able to gain naturally.

    Now it's great to use for the first 6 months or year prior to starting a bulk cycle and you would get great results all things being equal. You have your diet worked out by then, you have your body fat down, you now know how to work out properly and have a good routine.

    Stick with the program for now. Get your diet in check and make sure you are gaining weight, not loosing it and of course gaining a lot of muscle. For your height/weight you are already/still a little thin. Work on the diet.

    Good luck.

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    Blunt, Us??? No way.... LOL yes we can be because if you read some/many of the other post there are dozens of kids ever day who ARE wanting advise on running a cycle when they have no business doing so. They are way to young, they want to run some crazy cycle that only a VERY experienced body builder should/would, they heard it from a friend of a friends neighbors brothers cousin who is 22 and has LOTS of experience that this is a good way do things (what is PCT???) and so on... you get the idea.

    EXACTLY Right.

    PX90 is awesome as said for cutting or even gaining muscle to an extent. You wont get BIG but you can get lean and cut and if you dont have much muscle mass you will defiantly gain muscle.

    I would not consider running any AAS for it though due to it's not a program where you are trying to gain any strength or size above what you should be able to gain naturally.

    Now it's great to use for the first 6 months or year prior to starting a bulk cycle and you would get great results all things being equal. You have your diet worked out by then, you have your body fat down, you now know how to work out properly and have a good routine.

    Stick with the program for now. Get your diet in check and make sure you are gaining weight, not loosing it and of course gaining a lot of muscle. For your height/weight you are already/still a little thin. Work on the diet.

    Good luck.
    lovbyts does raise some good points here. P90X is designed for natural growth. (that statement has me rethinking a little here)
    I think you would gain faster and better on test but maybe only to a point and then you would have to add a "bigger" workout to it.

    I don't know lovbyts do you think the p90x on test would help him maintain being in great condition (once he is there) and just would not support him getting huge? Better than if he stayed natural, maybe get him a little beyond his natural size/strength . What if he did a lighter cycle? I'm not educated enough to have these answers.
    Last edited by First6; 03-29-2010 at 08:00 AM.

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by First6 View Post
    lovbyts does raise some good points here. P90X is designed for natural growth. (that statement has me rethinking a little here)
    I think you would gain faster and better on test but maybe only to a point and then you would have to add a "bigger" workout to it.

    I don't know lovbyts do you think the p90x on test would help him maintain being in great condition (once he is there) and just would not support him getting huge? Better than if he stayed natural, maybe get him a little beyond his natural size/strength . What if he did a lighter cycle? I'm not educated enough to have these answers.
    You have to be careful about the so called light cycles. The main problem is if you go light you may only be replacing the same amount your body would naturally produce then you have to battle trying to get your body to start up again after the cycle is complete.

    Yes I think once you are at a good strong level with the PX90, you have your diet down and you can get through most of the workouts on a regular basis now without feeling like you are going to die then Yes running a cycle of test, upping the dumbbell weights and steeping things up another notch Im sure you would have some good results gaining some good lean muscle and even some decent size.

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    You have to be careful about the so called light cycles. The main problem is if you go light you may only be replacing the same amount your body would naturally produce then you have to battle trying to get your body to start up again after the cycle is complete.

    Yes I think once you are at a good strong level with the PX90, you have your diet down and you can get through most of the workouts on a regular basis now without feeling like you are going to die then Yes running a cycle of test, upping the dumbbell weights and steeping things up another notch Im sure you would have some good results gaining some good lean muscle and even some decent size.
    Solid advise. That is what I was thinking but didn't want to come right out and say it because I am not all that educated on it yet and didn't want to give bad advice if I was wrong. Yeah I didn't think to much about the light cycle being a prob...since I am HRT it doesnt matter to me so I dont really think about that.

    Just noticed the OP has not checked back for a couple days so maybe we are just talking to each other anyway. LOL

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by First6 View Post
    Solid advise. That is what I was thinking but didn't want to come right out and say it because I am not all that educated on it yet and didn't want to give bad advice if I was wrong. Yeah I didn't think to much about the light cycle being a prob...since I am HRT it doesnt matter to me so I dont really think about that.

    Just noticed the OP has not checked back for a couple days so maybe we are just talking to each other anyway. LOL
    Nah Im still here lol just been busy. umm thanks for advice..I do think it would be a good idea to run the p90x for a while maybe the 90 days naturally and see how far that gets me and then run the p90x again...there I could run some pre-test E- pics and some post-test-e pics and def would be able to see if there is any difference between the p90x(no test) and the p90x(w/test)...thanks guy

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by PantherPride View Post
    Nah Im still here lol just been busy. umm thanks for advice..I do think it would be a good idea to run the p90x for a while maybe the 90 days naturally and see how far that gets me and then run the p90x again...there I could run some pre-test E- pics and some post-test-e pics and def would be able to see if there is any difference between the p90x(no test) and the p90x(w/test)...thanks guy
    Yeah I say go for it. I think it's a good idea. You say you just started it recently right. still in week 1 or 2. So post a pic now and another after the natural run then one after the run on test. That would be the ultimate answer.
    Then when another p90x thread comes up (and they do from time to time) you can say okay here is proof!
    Personally, Having gone through that whole program - I think you will have great results if you "Bring it" - as Tony would say

  29. #29
    PX90 is simply interval training w/ light weights involved. I think its a great program for shedding bodyfat and staying in good cardiovascular condition. If you want to look in shape I'm all for it. I just think if you let weights be weights, and cardio be cardio you'd get even better results. Its the diet that brings you in, on any program. The weights and type of workout actually has a lot less to do with it than most think. I see no reason you couldn;t run anabolics with the program, you'd probably loo pretty damn good in 90 days bud, good luck!!

  30. #30
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    The p90x is a great workout, and I think you can make it as difficult as you want, with heavier weights, or if your advanced just go straight to phase 3, very tough workouts.

  31. #31
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    540 views on this thread as of now!!!
    There is def some interest in this!
    You should seriously do this and post the pics!

  32. #32
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    get ripped in 3 weeks bro!

  33. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by cryste View Post
    get ripped in 3 weeks bro!
    HAHA you look like those ads floating around myspace "get ripped in 4 weeks" haha ,

    yeah im in the second week of my program...Ill try and get a pic posted of me right now...I have some measurements that I measured when I started...arms are 22 inches (I know its not big lol im just cut) I cant remember chest and thighs I will have to go look but im sure if it does work I might send the pics to p90x and maybe make some money on advertisment like jared from subway LOL

  34. #34
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    Might want to run Test just to try to hold onto some muscle, you eat 2400 cals a day and burn 1000 during a work out I don't know how you could possibly gain anything?

    Test will work fine with any type of resistance training you do but don't expect to get big on P90X you can get shredded fine but id try to put on as much muscle naturally before you start burning all of that fat and muscle on p90x

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