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  1. #1
    robofish is offline Associate Member
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    Friend needs help with tren

    Ok my friend recently just got ahold of tren ... he asked me about it and i told him i know nothing about it. I've been doing some reading and from the sounds of it its some pretty hardcore stuff so i told him that he should hold off on using it and work on cutting some fat and work on his diet than later down the road consider steroids . Is that good advice or am i just talking outta my a$$ on this one?

    But he is dead set on taking it and id hate to see him mess himself up... The guy that sold it to him says its cool to just do tren and not stack it with anything is that true?? How many mgs a would be safe to take? What to do for a pct? He wants to do a 10 week cycle of it. Any info would help a ton...

    Heres his stats
    Age 25
    Height 6foot 1
    Weight 194lb
    BF around 15% (isnt that on the higher end??)
    THIS WILL BE HIS FIRST CYCLE (one reason i told him not to use tren..)

    P.S. Started my cycle last week. Its been a week today im up 7lbs (form diet and mdrol im guessing) Im still waiting for the test c to kick in... (any ideas when thatll be?) But everything is going great for me.

  2. #2
    CanYouDigIt is offline Banned
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    Tren on first cycle is a no no,
    tren without test is a no no

  3. #3
    hankdiesel's Avatar
    hankdiesel is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by CanYouDigIt View Post
    Tren on first cycle is a no no,
    tren without test is a no no
    Of coarse I agree with this. Unfortunatly your friend will probably learn the hard way.

  4. #4
    robofish is offline Associate Member
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    so anyway to help him out other than him not doing the cycle? (he is dead set on doing it...) And what exactly will happen to him for not running test with tren ??

  5. #5
    Bossman's Avatar
    Bossman is offline Bossman - AR Monitor
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    I know 2 guys in their 20's that ran tren W/test and are now on HRT. They did NOT run a PCT. But even after seeking professional help post cycle they were not able to recover. Can you imagine being in your 20's on HRT?

    Does your friend know what a PCT is?

  6. #6
    gymnerd's Avatar
    gymnerd is offline Senior Member
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    Tren is sooo harsh and to run it without test is stupid IMO. Also make sure he knows of a good aggressive PCT protocol including the use of HCG during the cycle.

    Everybody wants to jump on the tren bandwagon but the fact is if something is going to mess you up long term this is the drug that will do it to you and it xcan happen after one run, IMO tren should not even be on most peoples list of compounds as most people do not have their shit together enough to play with this dangerous of a compound.

  7. #7
    robofish is offline Associate Member
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    for a pct i have no idea what he has planned... when i asked him he just told me that the guy he got the tren from is also giveing him the pct stuff. So for him to do this right he will need some test and HCG ? Im pretty sure i can get him some sustanon 250. Since its a test blend i really dont know how ofter you need to inject it... As of the HCG ill have to look aroung.

    For his pct what do you guys suggest? I have liquidex cloimd and nolvadex all on hand (considering im cycleing test c right now) and i will have alot left over after my pct that ill let him use.

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