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  1. #1
    SkinnyTony is offline New Member
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    Nooooob from AZ, with questions! (like all noobs)

    Howdy all!

    My name is Tony and I've just signed up on this forum I've been reading the site for about 2 weeks and there is just so much information on here.

    Anyways I am 24years old, been working out for 13 months now. I am 6' 2" and weigh 190lbs... I'm a skinny guy, but have been consistant with my workout time at the gym and at home (for those too poor days like we have in our current economy).

    I believe I am ready to start supplementing my workout routine with some AAS. I know I know, use the search function, and believe me I have, but there's just SO much information on this site, it's actually quite difficult for me to find information that I can actually understand

    I'm looking at just a simple stack, really looking at this article and seems to be simple and something easy for me to start off with.

    Now here's where I admit I'm a *****.... I really really would like to avoid using needles, somehow I've ended up with two full sleeves of ink but still cannot stand the sight of a needle that actually pierces my skin.

    Is there an testosterone Enanthate that could be taken orally? This "novice cycle" says 400mgs once a week, and 20mgs of Dianabol every day... Being a noob I have to ask, is there a way to be close to this stack with only orally taken AAS?

    I apologize in advanced if I didn't see this stuff on any of the main pages, like I said, there's a TON of info it really is hard to see it all. And if this is the wrong section if a mod could please move it I would appreciate it

    Thanks again

  2. #2
    hankdiesel's Avatar
    hankdiesel is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Tell us exactly what you eat every day.

  3. #3
    SkinnyTony is offline New Member
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    Typically, eggs and some whole wheat bread in the morning. Steak, Juice, and a banana for lunch, and some salad and chicken for the night..... Not exactly that way everynight, but my wife feeds me good =)

  4. #4
    bjohnson1968 is offline Member
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    My best advice for you is to head on over to the diet section and learn how to eat then come back and present your case for aas use


  5. #5
    brokendown is offline Junior Member
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    I agree ^^proper diet is your first weapon to change your body

  6. #6
    Exilus is offline Banned
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    if you fear of needles you have nothing to do around AAS

  7. #7
    MotoLifter's Avatar
    MotoLifter is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by SkinnyTony View Post
    Now here's where I admit I'm a *****.... I really really would like to avoid using needles, somehow I've ended up with two full sleeves of ink but still cannot stand the sight of a needle that actually pierces my skin.

    Is there an testosterone Enanthate that could be taken orally?
    Your pretty SOL here bud. Sack up and accept that needles are a fact of AAS.

    some people will tell you you can make AMAZING gains with dbol and var alone but its all about getting the AAS into the muscle. No way around it.


  8. #8
    DaBullet is offline Associate Member
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    Yeah bro get your diet in check, get over the fear of needles, and get a little more time in the gym I dont think 13 months of going to the gym will have your body prepared for what gear is going to do to you, you need to strengthen your ligaments and tendents a little more bro, you dont want to go in there and 5 weeks into the cycle you injure yourself and unable to workout. Just my 2 cents bro. Goodluck.

  9. #9
    Regulator77's Avatar
    Regulator77 is offline Junior Member
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    You or your partner need to read up about proper intramuscular injection technique, and just get over it. The senior members are right. Even if oral AAS only were used you still have to deal with all the liver support, and I don't think trans dermal preparations can bring test levels high enough without affecting absorption or your skin long term.

  10. #10
    SkinnyTony is offline New Member
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    Ok, I've been reading the diet section and I'm going to start trying some different stuff. Yea I've been working out "regularly" for 13 months, but even prior to starting a consistant routine, I wasn't exactly a fat slop. I've always been in decent shape just from being young and I suppose doing sports and good genetics =)

    Thanks for the feedback everyone. I know how annoying the same ol' questions get with the noobs.

    So what supplements/AAS could I take to help gain some definition now? Since injectables aren't in my book, there's got to be something else I could take with my new diet to helpfully give me a boost

  11. #11
    SkinnyTony is offline New Member
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    I'm looking at starting a small cycle of Anavar of 8 weeks and 30mg a day, but what brand should I go with? BD and Orbit seem to make the "good stuff" (or at least what I've searched for on here) but it's hard to find to buy. I know we're not supposed to post links of where to buy, but how is one supposed to get this kind of stuff? I live in a small town where it's probably close to impossible to find it in person. Any advice is appreciated!


  12. #12
    2jz_calgary's Avatar
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    30mg is a pretty low dose you wont feel much from that imo. id say 50mg minimum

  13. #13
    RoadToRecovery's Avatar
    RoadToRecovery is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by SkinnyTony View Post
    I'm looking at starting a small cycle of Anavar of 8 weeks and 30mg a day, but what brand should I go with? BD and Orbit seem to make the "good stuff" (or at least what I've searched for on here) but it's hard to find to buy. I know we're not supposed to post links of where to buy, but how is one supposed to get this kind of stuff? I live in a small town where it's probably close to impossible to find it in person. Any advice is appreciated!

    Your going to hear pretty much the same thing over and over again.
    You need to navigate around this site a bit and start with the stickies.
    But I will help you along the way but dont expect to be spoon fed information.

    First off, heres a few questions for you.

    1. What does your macronutrient intake look like for the day?
    2. What does your current training regimen look like?
    3. What supplements do you take?

  14. #14
    SkinnyTony is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by RoadToRecovery View Post
    Your going to hear pretty much the same thing over and over again.
    You need to navigate around this site a bit and start with the stickies.
    But I will help you along the way but dont expect to be spoon fed information.

    First off, heres a few questions for you.

    1. What does your macronutrient intake look like for the day?
    2. What does your current training regimen look like?
    3. What supplements do you take?
    I'm sorry, just soooo much information on one site that's really hard to get it all. I've been reading for the last 4 hrs literally trying to soak it all up lol.

    Currently I don't take any supplements, just diet and exercise.

    Here's a loose outline of what I do mostly every day, sometimes swap fish for chicken, celery for carrots, etc.

    9am: Usually eat about 4 eggs, 2 slices of whole wheat bread, and steak if I have any left over from the night before.

    2:00pm: Get off work. Change and go to the gym. Start off by walking a 1/2mile, then running a 1/2mile-1mile depending how I feel. Then I'll do crunches, free weights, and some machines depending what day it is. Then walk another 1/2 mile and jog a solid mile before leaving. Usually I work out between :45minutes-1hr 30minutes.

    5:00pm: Some more eggs, celery and peanut butter.

    8pm: Chicken/fish, homemade macroni, and milk.

    Then I'll do about 100 crunches and 50 pushups before going to bed at around 1am.

    I am very open for being critiqued. Even though I am already lean and decently cut, I would just like to take it a step furthur without hindering my time too much more

  15. #15
    RoadToRecovery's Avatar
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    I would just like to take it a step furthur without hindering my time too much more
    This is probably why you wont see much response from anyone. For you to ask advice and guidance is asking for time from the gurus, experts, and knowledgeable people. Now you are on our time. Read the stickies and find some patience.

  16. #16
    warchild's Avatar
    warchild is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by SkinnyTony View Post
    I'm sorry, just soooo much information on one site that's really hard to get it all. I've been reading for the last 4 hrs literally trying to soak it all up lol.

    Currently I don't take any supplements, just diet and exercise.

    Here's a loose outline of what I do mostly every day, sometimes swap fish for chicken, celery for carrots, etc.

    9am: Usually eat about 4 eggs, 2 slices of whole wheat bread, and steak if I have any left over from the night before.

    2:00pm: Get off work. Change and go to the gym. Start off by walking a 1/2mile, then running a 1/2mile-1mile depending how I feel. Then I'll do crunches, free weights, and some machines depending what day it is. Then walk another 1/2 mile and jog a solid mile before leaving. Usually I work out between :45minutes-1hr 30minutes.

    5:00pm: Some more eggs, celery and peanut butter.

    8pm: Chicken/fish, homemade macroni, and milk.

    Then I'll do about 100 crunches and 50 pushups before going to bed at around 1am.

    I am very open for being critiqued. Even though I am already lean and decently cut, I would just like to take it a step furthur without hindering my time too much more
    you are not eating enough. first meal is at 9am and then your next meal is at 2pm. no no no bro.

  17. #17
    SkinnyTony is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by RoadToRecovery View Post
    This is probably why you wont see much response from anyone. For you to ask advice and guidance is asking for time from the gurus, experts, and knowledgeable people. Now you are on our time. Read the stickies and find some patience.
    I understand. I am on many other forums, and I get how newbies get old, but at the same time I usually try to go out of my way to give them some technical information or help, is that different on this forum?

    I'm really not trying to "bulk" up too much more. How much should I eat for a lean/toned diet? I just got through reading many of the threads in the Diet section.

  18. #18
    RoadToRecovery's Avatar
    RoadToRecovery is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by SkinnyTony View Post
    I understand. I am on many other forums, and I get how newbies get old, but at the same time I usually try to go out of my way to give them some technical information or help, is that different on this forum?

    I'm really not trying to "bulk" up too much more. How much should I eat for a lean/toned diet? I just got through reading many of the threads in the Diet section.
    UNoffical "How to Cut" thread and sample diet...

    You really couldnt just click the sticky that says "How to cut"?

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