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  1. #1
    student11 is offline New Member
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    Unhappy Can anyone help me? Anavar & H Drol

    Is there something Im doing wrong here? I get a decent amount of views but no one wants to give advice... Im just wondering if I can stack Anavar with H drol and if my PCT looks okay...

    One bottle of Hdrol - 30days
    188 pills of anavar which i was thinking of taking 40mgs a day lasting 47 days.. I was thinking of starting the anavar and being on it for 17 days 47 - 17 = 30. That way I can stack the last thirty days with 40mgs of var and H drol together.

    Post cycle would be Clomidex - Nolvadex (tamoxifen ) - and a test booster.. maybe nolvadex xt and tribulus?? I was wondering if that sounds okay. Ive done prohormones once before but ****ed up my libido for a month without any post cycle so im trying to do it right this time.

    PCT = first 2 weeks - clomidex (2 pills at night) - Nolva (40mg)
    last 2 weeks - clomidex (2 pills at night) - Nolva (20mgs)
    with a testbooster throughout the whole post cyc....

    Any thoughts please?

  2. #2
    BJJ's Avatar
    BJJ is offline Sapiens Fingit Fortunam Sibi
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  3. #3
    student11 is offline New Member
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    Yes sorry.. 26 - 180 pounds - 5' 7'' pretty fit ...I have some body fat. Id say about 13% .. lower abs probably that im trying to get rid of arms are cut but its that freakin lower abs! i figured var + drol would do me justice but im not sure.. does that sound ok?

  4. #4
    student11 is offline New Member
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    Im just trying to gain some upper chest muscle and more mass on my arms.. while cuttin the abs.. i did research on var and it said ppl who took it didnt even work out and noticed fat loss from the mid section.. interesting

  5. #5
    BJJ's Avatar
    BJJ is offline Sapiens Fingit Fortunam Sibi
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    I would simply try a var cycle, without contemplating the use of HDrol, unless you want to overstress your liver.
    ANAVAR Cycle (for those interested)

  6. #6
    student11 is offline New Member
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    Yeah.. I was kind of thinking the same thing. Thanks for your help!!! I appreciate it. Maybe Ill do the Hdrol Do my post cyc then anavar and post cyc... 50 mgs for 6 weeks or something.

  7. #7
    student11 is offline New Member
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    Quick question.. How do I bridge those? Do i need a pct after Hdrol if i wanted to do H drol then anavar .. or could I just start the anavar and wait till im done then do a pct

  8. #8
    jjfman's Avatar
    jjfman is offline Associate Member
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    i think 50mg may be a little low, ive read on here 80-100mg but i rnt to sure i have no personal experience with it. Dont take what ive said there to be true please continue to research.

    Dont rush into it and have a half ass cycle ive been planning 2months on my 4 week mdrol cycle that starts next week.
    good luck hope it goes well for you.

  9. #9
    student11 is offline New Member
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    Thank you Jjfman ill let you know what i decide and what gains i have!! Summer time baby! Throw your wife beater on, grab the juice, and strap in your liver!

  10. #10
    jjfman's Avatar
    jjfman is offline Associate Member
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    haha no probs mate, yeah PM me let me know how its going and ill let you know how my mdrol goes.
    and be strict with yourself for the time your taking var/hdrol NO ALCOHOL dont wana be kicking your liver when its down lol
    you have liver support ready yeah??

  11. #11
    student11 is offline New Member
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    Definitely.. Maybe Mdrol is a good option for me in 6 months haha. =x

    I was just gonna take milk thistle... That should be okay no?

  12. #12
    jjfman's Avatar
    jjfman is offline Associate Member
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    I'll be using milk thistle also so in my opinion yeah that's ok. But alot of people say it does nothing for liver protection lol and they reccomend liv 52. But than again others say it's good stuff

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