I have been a guest on here for awhile but never posted a question(obviously) well here goes...these are my stats I am 48 years old 6'4" 240 been traing hard for a while getting my BF down but not where i want it my diet is very good for my standards, about 300Grams protein, Carbs 130.....getting to the point I have always been interested in steroids but never taken the plunge but lately I havent been feeling right so my Doc ran some blood tests and come to find out I have very low Testo.he put me on andro patches at 2.5mg but now he wants to start me on T injections a good friend suggested I try and talk him into compounded 10% testosterone in a transdermal cream....I am learning the pros/cons of injection/cream
.... maybe this not the right forum for this but looking for advice and what to expect in the gym and how can I convince the doc if this does work out to be able to stay on this and should I be complementing this with something else..
I know I have alot to learn