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  1. #1
    dock holliday is offline Associate Member
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    Question Gyno Prevention Clarification?

    i am running tamoxifen 10mg daily, so am i safe to prevent gyno while running sustanon 500mg every 4 days for 13 weeks? i recently noticed bilateral feet swelling, and was told by a vet that tamoxifen doesn't prevent water bloating, which i now understand why based on the fact that there are two different types of estrogen receptors (alpah and beta or 1 and 2).

    im ordering my liquid arimidex to alleviate the bloating, but am i safe to assume the reason i am not having gyno symptoms is because tamoxifen blocks the alpha estrogen receptors, but not the estrogen 2 receptors, thus the reason for my bloating?

    sorry for posting so much lately guys, i just presently have some times on my hands.

  2. #2
    AlphaGenetics's Avatar
    AlphaGenetics is offline Senior Member
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    Do you know if your gyno prone?

  3. #3
    dock holliday is offline Associate Member
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    im pretty confident im not. never had any problems with gyno or hairloss. but being fearful, im running nolvadex and was running finasteride (but quit).

    but now that im running a pretty good dose of sustanon (500mg q4days), i just wanted to make sure to prevent it.

  4. #4
    lexruger's Avatar
    lexruger is offline Associate Member
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    i took tamox at 10mg a day, im on my first cycle but i still have had a gyno flare up i ordered some adex and it works so much better!

  5. #5
    dock holliday is offline Associate Member
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    im getting the arimidex from ar-r mainly because a vet said it was real, but i still have some doubts because it is so cheap. what do you think about the ar-r arimidex?

  6. #6
    Ripped Mass's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dock holliday View Post
    im getting the arimidex from ar-r mainly because a vet said it was real, but i still have some doubts because it is so cheap. what do you think about the ar-r arimidex?
    It may be cheap compared to HG...but not for research prices. Its actually a little higher than most that I have seen. I only bought once but unfortunately for me it was too late my gyno had been built up over the years but I never really noticed it b/c like an idiot I thought if prohormones were legal than were safe....NOT the case. Anyways almost immediately after taking it the itchiness and sensitiveness went away...think I was taking .5 a day. I will for sure be using them again in the future.

  7. #7
    amcon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dock holliday View Post
    i am running tamoxifen 10mg daily, so am i safe to prevent gyno while running sustanon 500mg every 4 days for 13 weeks? i recently noticed bilateral feet swelling, and was told by a vet that tamoxifen doesn't prevent water bloating, which i now understand why based on the fact that there are two different types of estrogen receptors (alpah and beta or 1 and 2).

    im ordering my liquid arimidex to alleviate the bloating, but am i safe to assume the reason i am not having gyno symptoms is because tamoxifen blocks the alpha estrogen receptors, but not the estrogen 2 receptors, thus the reason for my bloating?

    sorry for posting so much lately guys, i just presently have some times on my hands.
    first have you ever had gyno issues? if not why are you so worried about gyno? and as for bloating some bloat is good... and so is some estogen... it occures naturally in all male bodies...

  8. #8
    dock holliday is offline Associate Member
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    no, i've never had issues, but this is the heaviest cycle i've ran and i do have some swelling in my feet which is new. i'm going to order the arimidex and take .25mg /day.

  9. #9
    AlphaGenetics's Avatar
    AlphaGenetics is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by dock holliday View Post
    no, i've never had issues, but this is the heaviest cycle i've ran and i do have some swelling in my feet which is new. i'm going to order the arimidex and take .25mg /day.
    Thats the best way to try to prevent gyno on cycle

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    ar-r chems are legit, I would run their exemestane while your on cycle, that is my favorite ai. But their liquidex is also very good.

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