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  1. #1
    focus1234 is offline New Member
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    Experienced Lifter Needs Advice

    can we change the focus to a good cycle for me. most of you on here sound more knowledgeable than on other posts. my stats below. I have been training for about 14 years and am very dedicated. I have peaked naturally. I took 400 mg of test E and 300 mg of tren A once a week for my first cycle.

    I am 29 yrs old. 5'11" 175 lbs. Injecting doesnt bother me. I really didnt have any sides from my first cycle. I did get noticeably bigger and extremely cut from Test E and Tren A. I did the proper clomid PCT. I kept almost all of the gains and have now finished 16 weeks off of everything (still working out though)

    I eat as much as possible.

    5 am 6 eggs with oatmeal and bacon
    10 am protein shake and meal replacement
    1 pm 2 chicken breast, cottage cheese, peanut butter sandwich
    4 pm 8 oz tuna packet
    5:30 pm and pre-workout drink
    6 pm Intra workout drink
    8 pm steak, mashed potatoes, etc

    Thank you for all your advice. I am looking for a solid injection cycle. I can eat and workout with the best of them but am clueless when it comes to the cycle part.

    Tren A 100mg/ml - 10 ml per vial (4 bottles)
    Test E 300mg/ml - 10 ml per vial (4 bottles)
    Winstrol 50mg/ml - 10 ml per vial (4 bottles)

  2. #2
    Nooomoto's Avatar
    Nooomoto is offline Productive Member
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    What are you trying to accomplish?

  3. #3
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    Tren on a first cycle is a big no-no. First cycle should be some form of test 400-500mgs week for 10 weeks. 5'11 at 175lbs something seems off on your diet whats your BF% ? I suggest getting your diet in check and just running the cycle i stated above. Tren is a very strong compound and is only for experienced users.

  4. #4
    AlphaGenetics's Avatar
    AlphaGenetics is offline Senior Member
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    You shot tren a once a week?

  5. #5
    6ft5's Avatar
    6ft5 is offline Member
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    Looks loke your tryn to get big and ript. Looks like you could do.
    Test E- 300 2xwk mon morn- thurs night. Wk 1-12
    Tren A- 100 eod wk 4-12
    Winny 50 ed wk 6-12. And winny hurts like a biotch.
    Nolva on hand
    An ai to block prolactin, prob proviron .
    Figure out how much hcg u need.
    Clomid post cycle.
    U prob have sum gear left. That's just my 02. I tried runnin ten a couldn't get past week 3. I got pist of bad and it scared me so. That's that. Good luck. Keep askn I'm no guru try marcus or titanium.

  6. #6
    focus1234 is offline New Member
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    I am trying to get ripped and add about 7-10 lbs. My BF% is about 10-12%. Yes I took tren once per week during first cycle. I had bad advice and want to do this right.

    Feeldpump89: what cycle did you state above?

    Does everyone agree with 6ft5's cycle advice?????

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by focus1234 View Post
    I am trying to get ripped and add about 7-10 lbs. My BF% is about 10-12%. Yes I took tren once per week during first cycle. I had bad advice and want to do this right.

    Feeldpump89: what cycle did you state above?

    Does everyone agree with 6ft5's cycle advice?????
    Test E @ 500mgs per week for 10-12 weeks,250mg injections every 3.5 days(not weekly). I think 6ft5's advice was very poor and is not whats recommended in your situation. Just cause its what you want to hear doesn't make it logical advice. But most importantly you need to make sure your diet is spot on. I think you should be more close to 190-200lbs with your stats and cycle/training history.
    Last edited by feeldapump89; 03-28-2010 at 07:26 PM.

  8. #8
    6ft5's Avatar
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    Also you should eat every 3hours at least. Move protein 20 min max post workout only. Casin before bed. Don't lift hungry eat max 1 hour pre workout. Tren is wicked you could eat all kinds of crap and prob gain, but not advisable. I like all complex carbs, fast carbs burn off way to fast for me. Unless its post workout. And I usualy eat meat and taters fresh green beans or broc/veg mix 1 hour post I'm A.D.D.n out and tren still not a real good choice 2nd cycle but your cycle. Best luck dude

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by feeldapump89 View Post
    Test E @ 500mgs per week for 10-12 weeks,250mg injections every 3.5 days(not weekly). I think 6ft5's advice was very poor and is not whats recommended in your situation. Just cause its what you want to hear doesn't make it logical advice. But most importantly you need to make sure your diet is spot on. I think you should be more close to 190-200lbs with your stats and cycle/training history.
    It is poor in this situation. 500mg wk is the norm. I wouldn't do this cycle for a second one. Maybe a 6th or 7th. That's his gear and that's what I commented on. I sent him to the right peeps. In reality 500mg 3.5 days is all you really need. Besides a clean diet and cardio. Clean diet and cardio + knowing what you doing in the gym is all you really need. All that gear will jack you nasty if not carefull. Its for pros, pre-contest, and for people who can't gain anymore geneticly.

  10. #10
    scribbs12's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 6ft5 View Post
    Looks loke your tryn to get big and ript. Looks like you could do.
    Test E- 300 2xwk mon morn- thurs night. Wk 1-12
    Tren A- 100 eod wk 4-12
    Winny 50 ed wk 6-12. And winny hurts like a biotch.
    Nolva on hand
    An ai to block prolactin, prob proviron .
    Figure out how much hcg u need.
    Clomid post cycle.
    U prob have sum gear left. That's just my 02. I tried runnin ten a couldn't get past week 3. I got pist of bad and it scared me so. That's that. Good luck. Keep askn I'm no guru try marcus or titanium.

    i 2nd most of thisthis. but do tren wk 1 to 6 or 8. and winny 8-14 then start pct. im somewhat prone to gyno, and if you are i would consider taking aromasin throughout cycle and pct. and correct me if im wrong but i would normally use nolva 10-20 a day to keep gyno down.. but not with tren am i right?.
    and you can do any steroid IMO... just as long as you got your shit together.. and the whole cycle with you... dont buy half and then be scrambling the last min looking for a pct. good luck.

  11. #11
    scribbs12's Avatar
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    and your diet needs to be worked on.. try to stay away from meal replacements. get all your nutrients from real food.

  12. #12
    6ft5's Avatar
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    The only reason I would do tren 4-12 is test e wouldn't kick in good till 4th or 5th wk.Yep, Nolva doesn't work with tren. And if you do a cycle like that its a big diffrence between 1shot of tren a wk and like 3 shots tren is fast and the levels would be even threwout the week. Scribbs is right too. Tren will rip you too, prob won't even need winny. I shot 50mg 1/2cc in delt it was swoll for a week and hurt real bad. No infection just pain. Screw that!
    Last edited by 6ft5; 03-28-2010 at 08:54 PM.

  13. #13
    scribbs12's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 6ft5 View Post
    The only reason I would do tren 4-12 is test e wouldn't kick in good till 4th or 5th wk.Yep, Nolva doesn't work with tren. And if you do a cycle like that its a big diffrence between 1shot of tren a wk and like 3 shots tren is fast and the levels would be even threwout the week. Scribbs is right too. Tren will fip you prob won't even need winny. I shot 50mg 1/2cc in delt it was swoll for a week and hurt real bad. No infection just pain. Screw that!
    thats why i would start tren a ED for week 1-to whatever.. to kickstart you're cycle.. makes more sense.. that way you're building muscle while you wait for test to kick in.. and then the synergy kicks in when the test does..

  14. #14
    focus1234 is offline New Member
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    Wow. Thank you everyone. I really appreciate the advice. I am going with the cycle below. Please confirm it looks good.

    Test E - 250mg every 3.5 Days weeks 1-12
    Tren A - 100 mg EOD weeks 6-12
    Winny - 50mg EOD weeks 6-12

    I am going to lift heavy and eat like a machine during weeks 1-6 to bulk then lean out 6-12.

    Any thoughts?

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by focus1234 View Post
    Wow. Thank you everyone. I really appreciate the advice. I am going with the cycle below. Please confirm it looks good.

    Test E - 250mg every 3.5 Days weeks 1-12
    Tren A - 100 mg EOD weeks 6-12
    Winny - 50mg EOD weeks 6-12

    I am going to lift heavy and eat like a machine during weeks 1-6 to bulk then lean out 6-12.

    Any thoughts?
    Scribbs is right too. Make shure u research pct and get the best AI for the job. U will be shut down for shure, and if you wanna keep gains you have to be on point. Injecting winny will give u huge welps like an infection, think u can take it oraly and its onr the most hepatoxic aas out there liver protection is a must. Sooo after research and you can find all you need to know here. Hcg , AI for tren, pct. Make a post w diet, cycle, stats, pretty much everything you will be runnin. And get it fine tuned. The modds and vets here are the best. Best luck!

  16. #16
    6ft5's Avatar
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    You could prob knock the tren down to 75, and winny to 4 to 5 weeks

  17. #17
    focus1234 is offline New Member
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    My whinny is oil based. will it still leave welts?

    Either way i also have aromasin on hand for the tren . I may not do the whinny depending on my gains. I also have clomid on hand for pct. i am taking this seriously and sincerly appreciate all the posts. please keep them coming.

  18. #18
    redz's Avatar
    redz is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    You may also want to add in some Nolva for pct and run some hcg through the end of the cycle atleast.

  19. #19
    focus1234 is offline New Member
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    How much hcg do you reccomend and when should i start and end it? Also how much nolva should i take along with clomid for pct?

  20. #20
    6ft5's Avatar
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    I have no exp. W hcg , but u can use search button for a proper protocol.

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