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  1. #1
    amoureux is offline Associate Member
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    need real answers please help

    Ok Thursday will be my last shot of test prop I've been taking it for 13 weeks at 500mg and I took 11 weeks of deca at 400mg and 4 weeks of dbol at the start for 4 weeks at 40mg a day now I'm about to start pct 3 days after my last shot Thursday I have one 5000 iu bottle of hcg and nolvadex and clomid from ar-r what dosage and how should I take all of this can I take nolva and clomid at the saem time? Should I do the hcg intramusclar or how? Should I just do 1500 iu every four to five days please help I really need the total breakdown as I'm getting ready to start pct

  2. #2
    scribbs12's Avatar
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    im pretty sure no one is answering you because all that can be easily found using search.
    also you didnt post stats and cycle history. and you should have had shit together before you started your cycle ie steroid , pct knowledge and compounds themselves. and i mean this in the nicest way. help us, help you.

  3. #3
    amoureux is offline Associate Member
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    This is my 2nd cycle and if 5 foot 8 206 lbs its not that easy to search using a mobiile device when I had a cpu I had no problems with it hcg is kind of tricky I've read a bunch of conflicting articles and I'm not 100% sure on about the clomid and nolva breakdown

  4. #4
    Kibble is offline Anabolic Member
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    HCG should have been used during your cycle. Start taking it now at 500iu EOD until two days before pct starts. Once PCT starts,

    Clomid - 100mg for 1 week, 50mg for 3 weeks
    Nolva - 40mg for 2 weeks, 20mg for 3 weeks

  5. #5
    amoureux is offline Associate Member
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    Thank you so its ok to take clomid and nolva at the same time

  6. #6
    Kibble is offline Anabolic Member
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  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Ohh reeaal answers!
    What's a fake answer?

  8. #8
    amoureux is offline Associate Member
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    I will be starting my pct Sunday so today I will inject 500 iu of the hcg and then 500 wed then 500 fri 500 Sunday then just one time 500 after that? Does that sound right also some people have told me to just shoot it into my stomach about one inch in but I've also read you can shoot into your muscle so can I just use a normal 23g needle and pin it in my delt like I do injecting the prop

  9. #9
    amoureux is offline Associate Member
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    Do you guys even think hcg is a good idea for pct I jst want to use it bc I heard it keeps your gains but if it would be smarter just to save for my next cycle that's cool too I'm just very unsure of how to use it bc the guy told me it should only make 3 shots he gave me the 5000 iu of the powder sealed and then a syringe with the water in it but if it will be great for pct then I will use it

  10. #10
    amoureux is offline Associate Member
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    I see I'm talking to myself here thanks for the nolva and clomid breakdown I only have 3 shots of the hcg so I guess I will do 3 shots of 1500iu starting today I sure would love to use the search button but living in the sticks my cell phone is extrmely slow and when I press the go buttton it doesn't work before I moved here I always used the search button and rarely had to post I wouldn't mind dropping some knowledge for someone if I knew it would help them

  11. #11
    RoadToRecovery's Avatar
    RoadToRecovery is offline Senior Member
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    This would be a perfect thread to make as a sticky to show new members why research and planning is important.

  12. #12
    RoadToRecovery's Avatar
    RoadToRecovery is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by amoureux View Post
    I see I'm talking to myself here thanks for the nolva and clomid breakdown I only have 3 shots of the hcg so I guess I will do 3 shots of 1500iu starting today I sure would love to use the search button but living in the sticks my cell phone is extrmely slow and when I press the go buttton it doesn't work before I moved here I always used the search button and rarely had to post I wouldn't mind dropping some knowledge for someone if I knew it would help them
    I will admit that the search button is a bit buggy. But you can just navigate yourself with out it.

  13. #13
    Hard.On's Avatar
    Hard.On is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by New2Anabolic View Post
    Ohh reeaal answers!
    What's a fake answer?
    A "fake" one would prob be,
    You are too young, too light etc.

  14. #14
    amoureux is offline Associate Member
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    Maybe I'm too dumb but if too light 206 and 28 years of age I guess your right I think hcg is just tricky for more people than will admit

  15. #15
    amoureux is offline Associate Member
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    I mean ill make it through my balls and sex drive are fine and clomid and nolva is probably all I need but I would like to use the hcg too if it needed I've read good things about it I was just looking for genuine help on the topic without spending eight hours on google with totally conflicting arguments

  16. #16
    Hard.On's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by amoureux View Post
    Maybe I'm too dumb but if too light 206 and 28 years of age I guess your right I think hcg is just tricky for more people than will admit
    Lol, E Z there champ,
    Never said u were,
    Just giving an example of what some would consider a fake answer.

    IMO hcg is the most tricky thing to put into your cycle.
    During cycle, After Cycle, Both etc.

    All answers seem to be right. So I would say run it near the end and into the PCT.

  17. #17
    americanoak's Avatar
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    i hacvent cycled and could tell you nolv and clomid doses.. this is your second cycle and you are wating till the wayyy end of it to find this out when u prolly shoulda knew it for your first?

    Im not trying to bash on you, im trying to say find out your info on your pct BEFORE you even take the first pin. That is the most important part in my book out of everything i have heard and read.

    I dont know the dose for the HCG but I have seen videos of people just grabbing a peice of their stomach skin and injecting it (not into a muscle).

    I also heard not to run hcg for more than 6 weeks, you have 5000 IU so i thnk you dont have enough to even last 6 weeks, but if you do I wouldnt.

  18. #18
    amoureux is offline Associate Member
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    I know I should have doone more research and this was stupid but I just thought maybe it would help and it was a last minute find I may just have it til next cycle after I've done more research I've heard the stomach thing too but I know a close friend that just shoots it like in his delts like with test I'm just looking for the proper procedure its all good thanks guys

  19. #19
    americanoak's Avatar
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    well you atlast have a dosing example of you nolv and clomid from bigkuntry
    Clomid- 100/50/50/50
    and hcg isnt always 100% nessecary, so run your nolv and clomid and keep trying to find out how you should do HCG. Bigkuntry also said how to do the hcg, and this may sound dumb, but go on youtube and you can def find people injecting with HCG.

  20. #20
    amoureux is offline Associate Member
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    Ok thanks guys and yea he did say how to use the hcg but the guy gave me some water in a syringe and told me that I needed to do it in 3 shots so I guess I would need to start today then eod for the next 2 I was just unsure bc he said 500 and I have 5000 but maybe the 500 3 times would be better help then no hcg

  21. #21
    amoureux is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by BigKuntry1984 View Post
    HCG should have been used during your cycle. Start taking it now at 500iu EOD until two days before pct starts. Once PCT starts,

    Clomid - 100mg for 1 week, 50mg for 3 weeks
    Nolva - 40mg for 2 weeks, 20mg for 3 weeks

    Ok I'm done with my cycle as of Thursday so Sunday I'm going to start taking the clomid and nolva together like suggested above I ordered my clomid and nolva from ar-r my question is the bottles they send u is that enough for the 4 weeks or do I need to buy another bottle of each

    And about the hcg the guy told me to take half a ml Monday then a quarter of a ml fri and then wed take all that's rest hopefully that will all

  22. #22
    amoureux is offline Associate Member
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    After doing some research I think I'm going to leave the hcg out of my pct what do u guys think?

  23. #23
    Kibble is offline Anabolic Member
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    DOn't worry about the hCG . Use it during your cycles in the future. You also only need one bottle of each from AR-R .

    The guy that told you to take half a ML one day then a quarter ML the next day is an idiot. The MLs do not determine how much solution of hCG you are injecting. The saturation in relation to volume depends on the mixture. So unless he told you exactly how to mix it, he is an idiot

  24. #24
    lovbyts's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by twotimer View Post
    Lol, E Z there champ,
    Never said u were,
    Just giving an example of what some would consider a fake answer.

    IMO hcg is the most tricky thing to put into your cycle.
    During cycle, After Cycle, Both etc.

    All answers seem to be right. So I would say run it near the end and into the PCT.
    I think he failed to read your post correctly and missed the meaning of a FAKE answer. LOL

  25. #25
    amoureux is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by BigKuntry1984 View Post
    HCG should have been used during your cycle. Start taking it now at 500iu EOD until two days before pct starts. Once PCT starts,

    Clomid - 100mg for 1 week, 50mg for 3 weeks
    Nolva - 40mg for 2 weeks, 20mg for 3 weeks

    Ok just so just 100mg ed for the first week then I will follow as you said

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