I've seen some writeups on why you should cycle with test, but rarely do I see an explanation on why some prefer to cycle without it...please aware me.
sorry if repost
I've seen some writeups on why you should cycle with test, but rarely do I see an explanation on why some prefer to cycle without it...please aware me.
sorry if repost
Some people are afraid of needles, some are afraid of aromatising compounds because of potential gyno sides, some people are worried about hair falling out etc etc.
Because there are very few times when people would be advised to run any aas without test involved in the equation... The most exclusive reason i would see somebody using without test, is if they are already on trt/hrt and they decided to run a compound without them, but most of those guys, wouldn't post something like that up, because newbies will think that its ok to do these things, and reality is, these guys are already at natural low test and have to inject for life, so the biggest risk is already out of the question, and is in effect? That's why nobody will post up about running aas without test. They would just pm to friends with questions as newbies will assume this is ok and its not
"dirty d"
I see...so basically, there is no good reason.
Also people are often miss-informed really.
Majority of people respond great to Testosterone but there are a few guys who don't and would rather run DHT's as there base compound.
For me personally Testosterone builds muscle tissue like no other, the strength and mass certainly outweighs any other AAS from my experience but not everyone is the same some prefer running a very low dose Test while using other compounds as stated above but I would say the majority prefer Test.
I think this is 80% of the reason... too many "I know a guy who has a friend whos buddy is 5'9, 250lbs, 6% BF and only does DBOL"
or, its shitty dealers who tell wimps that dont want to pin themselves that they can do the same with oral only cycles, just so they can make sales.
i hate test, imo its one of the weakest aas but its mandatory for proper physiological functions.. thus i run a low dose as a replacement to compensate for the suppression of my endogenous testosterone production.. then i run the hell outta a combination of nors/dhts and anything else that i find lying around
cycle without test if you have no interest in sex because that is what will happen, otherwise ALWAYS use test
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