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  1. #1
    youngster26 is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2010

    help me with cutting cycle

    Ok I want to cut down for the summer, I have some clen and t3 and I did some research of the doses for those. But Im concerend about all the muscle loss that comes with T3. After reading past posts I think some prop and maybe some var. there seems to be conflicting post on the dosages for these to acheive my goals. Let me know whhat you guys think about this proposed cycle and then Ill post it all up for reviews, thanks

    no previous cycles
    traning for a few years
    cardio 4-6x a week
    lifting 3x a week

  2. #2
    JScondition's Avatar
    JScondition is offline Member
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    Jan 2010
    Gotham City
    What does your lifting look like (your split)? It seems like you might need to get your training in line before you go on a cycle. 16-18% is too high for a bf% to start AAS.

    To be honest using AAS for your first cycle for a cut will probably not be the best route IMO ( I find cutting to be harder than bulking and with a bf % of 18 no offense but you will probably find it harder as well). I would wait and use them for a bulk. Do a simple test cycle later on after more research and see where it takes you. Check out the stickies in the forum to guide you.

    In the meantime check out the diet and training section to get your bf % down. You are headed in the right direction though.

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