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Thread: im new to this and need help asap

  1. #1

    Unhappy im new to this and need help asap

    Ok so here is my problem. I am on a diet. 1500 calories. 5 calories to gram of carb and protein. Work out 4 days a wk in the morning on an empty stomach. Usually 20 minutes of cardio and 20 of light lifting. I am 5`11 280lbs. Body fat around 33%. I am taking boxing lessons twice a wk. In the mornings I take oxi elite pro and optimen vitamenthen again before lunch. Morning meal is usually an apple whey protein shake with a scoop of p.b lunch is a tuna salad then a fruit snack midday and then a lite dinner with low carbs. I haven`t lost the weight I wanted to in the past 2 months. Averging maybe a lb a wk. I want to start a cycle but don't know what. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Cycling at your bf% can have some bad side affects my friend. And I know that this isn't something you want to hear. But it is reality and the truth. Diet and cardio will yield the best results. Personally working out on an empty stomach I wouldnt ever do. Your diet can definitely use some help. please visit the diet section and post up stats and your diet. there are plenty of guys more than willing to help you get that diet going. Personally 20 mins of light lifting isnt enough. How much are you doing in those 20 mins? Cant be much.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Canada Eh
    Post up your diet in the diet section to get it tweaked by the pros for you. losing 1lb a week is fairly good, its a healthy amount to lose each week, too much more than that and you'd be losing muscle. You definitely need to be lifting for more than 20 minutes and i would suggest only doing cardio on an empty stomach, never really hear of lifting on an empty stomach..

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Doing the cardio first thing on an empty stomach is best for fat loss. Not good for muscles though. Maybe hit a shake right after and then try to get a good workout in later in the day or something? What about clen or albut? Would that help him?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    280 pounds and only consuming 1500 calories a day? I know you are trying to lose weight, but you ARE NOT EATING ENOUGH. Your body is in starvation mode, and is catabolising any muscle mass you may have. This is why you have stopped seeing improvements.

    Our 'diet' section is awesome here. Post up what you eat everyday, and they will help you tweak it to reach your goals.

  6. #6
    Okay I will go post my diet here in awhile. Just wanted to say thanks for the replies. Going into the boxing gym now.. and the reason I only do 20 and 20 is because I get so tired and wrecked after a longer work out I downsized it to that because I have to work during the day . Again thank you for your replys

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