Ok so here is my problem. I am on a diet. 1500 calories. 5 calories to gram of carb and protein. Work out 4 days a wk in the morning on an empty stomach. Usually 20 minutes of cardio and 20 of light lifting. I am 5`11 280lbs. Body fat around 33%. I am taking boxing lessons twice a wk. In the mornings I take oxi elite pro and optimen vitamenthen again before lunch. Morning meal is usually an apple whey protein shake with a scoop of p.b lunch is a tuna salad then a fruit snack midday and then a lite dinner with low carbs. I haven`t lost the weight I wanted to in the past 2 months. Averging maybe a lb a wk. I want to start a cycle but don't know what. Any help would be greatly appreciated.