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  1. #1
    JScondition's Avatar
    JScondition is offline Member
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    Cycling and Sick?

    Hey guys

    I just wanted to know what you all have done in the past when running a cycle and suddenly come down with something (flu, cold, mono, etc.). What, if anything, would signal you to stop cycle and start pct abruptly?

    Just using this for reference in the future incase I happen to get sick while on a cycle.

    Thanks for the input

  2. #2
    dieseljimmy is offline Associate Member
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    last week I had the flu and continued cycle. I reduced tren and eliminated oral winni but kept plugging 150 mg of prop ED. I called it a week off of the gym and actually came back pretty strong and refreshed.
    I think is was from getting out of the gym and not looking at the inconsiderate, no gym manners, SOB's in my gym. I swear I am going to knock out the next f*cking guy doing barbell curls with a dime on each side on the G*DD*MN squat rack. or maybe I make him get under some heavy front squats and show him what the squat rack is for.

    sorry...anyways...I rarely get sick- I would keep up with the cycle unless I got something serious -like a boot up my ass for not wiping down the GD equipment after I greased it, or grunting while doing forearms. I could do this all night.

  3. #3
    vpchill's Avatar
    vpchill is offline "Born to lose, Dying to win"
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    I had strep throat early in my cycle. Just kept wit cycle and took meds and rested. Took about 3 days off from gym then back 2 bizness. It sux being sick but as long as ur taking care of urself it will pass and u can continue ur cycle.

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