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Thread: PCT or cruise??

  1. #1
    bdodge2's Avatar
    bdodge2 is offline Junior Member
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    PCT or cruise??

    I am just finishing a 10 week test e cycle at 500/week

    I am 39, this was my first cycle. I have gone from 198 - 220, 18% bf to 15% bf.

    also taking letro .25 eod, then .25 ed, now back to .25 eod and will taper for the next 2 weeks to 0.

    I have a script for TRT at 200 Test E EOW - I started my first cycle right when I got this.

    I have to do blood work the 3rd week in april for my TRT follow-up
    My Doc is worried about cholesterol levels with trt, and I know they will be crap due to the Letro.

    My questions are :

    1) Do I run my clomid nolva pct that I have on hand, as nolva should help with lipid levels? - also hoping I will go back with low test levels for my blood work. I can then keep my TRT doses for my future cycles, or even try to get them bumped to 200/week.

    2) Do I cruise and just run 200 test eow, or 100 ew, from now with no PCT. I want to stop letro and am worried about estrogen rebound.

    3) Do I cruise and run nolva to help with lipid levels?

    I am worried about:
    1) loosing my gains so far
    2) loosing my nuts cruising
    3) loosing my TRT scripd due to crappy blood levels.

    I don't understand the long term effects of cruising or TRT doses.

    I plan to run a test/tren cycle in June.

  2. #2
    AlphaMaleDawg's Avatar
    AlphaMaleDawg is offline Senior Member
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    depends. You need to ask yourself the following

    A) Do I want to inject every week for the rest of my life?
    B) Do I still want kids?

    You have a prescription, so that part isn't an issue. You just have to think of the pros and cons and then decide

  3. #3
    bdodge2's Avatar
    bdodge2 is offline Junior Member
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    Mar 2010
    72 longer in the picture lol....I'm 40 and kidded out.

    I don't know if I should PCT and see if my test levels stay low, then I can justify ew shots for TRT, or just cruise?

    I was given my trt script just as I started this cycle as my free test and test levels were low.

    He has me on 200 eow, I would like 200 ew, and somehow get proviron and hcg added....but he does not seem to think they are needed.

    I do need to get my lipid levels in check....what is the best way?
    I take ample omega's at the moment
    diet is 40 pro/20 carb/40 fat atm. and clean.

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