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  1. #1
    thegreek99 is offline New Member
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    any comments with this stack?

    Im 5'10'' 195lbs, descent build. I ran tren by itself for 3 months last year and got down to 172lbs which was very thin for my frame i think. i was very cut up and kept most of it but put some weight on. i was still working out everyday so ive maintained my strength and build.

    I am finishing 40 days on tren now and going to start taking dbol and then winny 2 weeks after i start the dbol...i figure the dbol will blow me up and then i can get up for summer time with the winny. what do you guys think? any suggestions?

    also should i take milk thistle or anything?

  2. #2
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
    gixxerboy1 is offline ~VET~ Extraordinaire~
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    dbol will put on water that will drop off.

    Your diet is gonig to effect if your cut up or not.

    And tren by itself is a bad idea.

    whats your pct?

  3. #3
    thegreek99 is offline New Member
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    Mar 2010
    tren by itself cut me up unbelievably , but i was also on a great diet and workout routine, my body fats probably around 14-15, lowest i ever recorded was 12.4 at the end of my tren cycle

  4. #4
    Mooseman33's Avatar
    Mooseman33 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    u need to rethink these cycles.
    u can only get lucky so many times.

    running tren by itself is crazy, u need to incorporate atleast an trt dose of test man...
    u have to be extremely shut down....

  5. #5
    thegreek99 is offline New Member
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    i understand why you would say that, but i really wasnt looking into getting too big. i was living in florida at the time and playing baseball and was looking more to be cut up, and thats exactly what it did. i was very vascular, very close to a six pack, and was playing a lot better. i live up in boston now and odnt play baseball anymore so im gonna try different things. i like the idea of doing the dbol for 2 weeks then stack it with the winny to cut me back up

  6. #6
    mad dogs is offline Banned
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    the greek - you want to use test in your cycles man ,use test with winny and you will have some very very goood results indeed -

    weeks 1-12 500mgs test e per week

    weeks 8-14 75mgs winny every day

    thats cycle gave me unreal gains and hardness.

  7. #7
    thegreek99 is offline New Member
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    Mar 2010
    ok ill try it out, i already have the dbol tho, should i take it for the first 2 weeks?

  8. #8
    jeffefrijoles's Avatar
    jeffefrijoles is offline Associate Member
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    Jabbin a needle in my ass
    Most will suggest taking Dbol for first 4 weeks to jump start the cycle, 40-50mgs/day.

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