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  1. #1
    bgape is offline New Member
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    first time taking Dbol would like your help.

    Hello Im 25 6`3 235lbs, I Just got a bottle of 100capsules of dbol -25mg per capsule... I would like to know when and how many I should take in a day, I want to get big ripped arms and shoulders. I plan on taking Nolvadex after my dbol cycle is over...
    Can you help me out?

  2. #2
    vanduhl's Avatar
    vanduhl is offline Senior Member
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    Youre running Dbol alone??

    Thats a no-no

  3. #3
    The One's Avatar
    The One is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by bgape View Post
    Hello Im 25 6`3 235lbs, I Just got a bottle of 100capsules of dbol -25mg per capsule... I would like to know when and how many I should take in a day, I want to get big ripped arms and shoulders. I plan on taking Nolvadex after my dbol cycle is over...
    Can you help me out?

    well, if you want big ripped arms d-bol will not do it. the thing that will is cardio, light weights and more cardio also diet, diet, diet

  4. #4
    bgape is offline New Member
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    Yes I am taking dbol alone? What will this do?

  5. #5
    Ernst's Avatar
    Ernst is offline Borderline Personality
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    25mg capsules? They wouldn't happen to be from the banner above would they?

    Also, what's your bodyfat like?

  6. #6
    -Ender-'s Avatar
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    you will retain a lot of water that will be confused with lean muscle mass. After you quit taking the dbol the water will leave and so will your newly aquired size.

    I suggest that you do some research in the educational threads for a proper beginners cycle.

  7. #7
    MaNiCC's Avatar
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    would advise against this cycle. i personally wouldnt do a dbol only, also its not suited for what u are wanting to achieve

  8. #8
    JasonT's Avatar
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    have you ever done a squat in your life?

  9. #9
    vanduhl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jasont View Post
    have you ever done a squat in your life?

  10. #10
    crazycoolguy007 is offline Junior Member
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    People shouldNt post if they are gonna b assholes to the op. Give ur input if u want but in a polite manner. Most assholes here may be ripped and buff but they weren't raised right.

  11. #11
    vanduhl's Avatar
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    Yeah, in all honesty..double check your diet, that is the key above go to the your muscles up..then the battle is outside of the do you take care of the trauma you inflicted to your muscles? Eat healthy, sleep well, if youre thinking about steroid usage to help you along the way with your goal then look for beginner cycle info threads and what not, create a new user intro in the respective forum thread and go from there. Educate before you medicate, you will find why it is not smart to use Dbol alone. Cardio can help a lot towards the ripped look, so try that to. Good luck buddy.

  12. #12
    JasonT's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by crazycoolguy007 View Post
    People shouldNt post if they are gonna b assholes to the op. Give ur input if u want but in a polite manner. Most assholes here may be ripped and buff but they weren't raised right.
    Do you walk into a room and just start talking or do you look around first?

    He's asking very basic question about a compound in his possession...he could find his answer in the profile sticky for dbol , which would be the first place he should've looked for information. In general, on any forum, people that ask to be spoonfed don't receive polite answers.

    I was raised in the valley btw

  13. #13
    crazycoolguy007 is offline Junior Member
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    I'm not saying the op isn't in the wrong. Obviously he came here cause he didn't know exactly what he was doing. When it comes to aas that's not a good idea. But being rude to the man doesn't make him more likely to listen to u. Instead if u treat him with respect and give him the facts nicely he is more likely to listen now and maybe come back in the future to learn from people who are nice.

  14. #14
    AlphaMaleDawg's Avatar
    AlphaMaleDawg is offline Senior Member
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    op don't listen to some of these assholes who are dicks for no reason. What you should do is try to get some testosterone -enanthate if you want to run a cycle. Then you can use both that and dbol together. Test in an injectable though. If you dont mind, you will see great results with a test and dbol cycle

    also, run some searches on the forum. You will find the answer to everything you need

  15. #15
    AlphaMaleDawg's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JasonT View Post
    Do you walk into a room and just start talking or do you look around first?

    He's asking very basic question about a compound in his possession...he could find his answer in the profile sticky for dbol , which would be the first place he should've looked for information. In general, on any forum, people that ask to be spoonfed don't receive polite answers.

    I was raised in the valley btw
    that doesn't mean you should ask him whether he has every squatted in his life

  16. #16
    JasonT's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AlphaMaleDawg View Post
    that doesn't mean you should ask him whether he has every squatted in his life
    "I want to get big ripped arms and shoulders"

    sorry bud, but the gym is full of these guys...they're usually the ones curling in the squat rack

  17. #17
    crazycoolguy007 is offline Junior Member
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    No one here is amused with ur smart ass comments. U wanna tell him that he should emphasize working out his legs find a nice way to do it. I assume u joined the forum because at one time or another u needed help. Would u have liked to b treated badly?

  18. #18
    JasonT's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by crazycoolguy007 View Post
    No one here is amused with ur smart ass comments. U wanna tell him that he should emphasize working out his legs find a nice way to do it. I assume u joined the forum because at one time or another u needed help. Would u have liked to b treated badly?
    Yes, if i asked a question like that, i'd expect certain answers.

    I joined and read all the profiles about the compounds i had questions about before asking those questions...90% of my questions were answered without me having to ask. I still don't know that much, but when i do have a question, i search first.

  19. #19
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by crazycoolguy007 View Post
    No one here is amused with ur smart ass comments. U wanna tell him that he should emphasize working out his legs find a nice way to do it. I assume u joined the forum because at one time or another u needed help. Would u have liked to b treated badly?
    I was. The squating comment was funny

  20. #20
    vanduhl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    I was. The squating comment was funny
    i chuckled a bit

  21. #21
    bgape is offline New Member
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    First off, Thanks for the replys... I know that I am Asking a Question that may seem uncommon to you all, However this is why I am asking this, I have read lots I am confused though, I read that Dbol is a great mass builder, water retention, and can spike estrogen rates, This is where the nolvadex come into play is it not?
    Basicly I have read about the cycles and injections and oral, But this is were my question is about the Dbol alone? As I am not looking to do injections I would like to stick with the oral treatments/cycles... I am also wanting to keep my cost down...
    My guy I got the Dbol from recomended it however didnt state anything of the application of using it.. So If I could just get some basic responses to What would be the best drug to cycle with Dbol that isnt an injectable... Also having said that how hard is it to get access too... When is the best time to take it? morning, night, before, after a workout?

  22. #22
    Booz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JasonT View Post
    Do you walk into a room and just start talking or do you look around first?

    He's asking very basic question about a compound in his possession...he could find his answer in the profile sticky for dbol , which would be the first place he should've looked for information. In general, on any forum, people that ask to be spoonfed don't receive polite answers.

    I was raised in the valley btw

    do you read the rules mate?

    this is basically condoning flaming of which is against the rules here...............

    Remember.............for us to help you you need to help us....................stats and exp.........

    Source checks and Ugl's to be kept to PM's
    dont ask for source checks unless you have 100 posts/and 45 days minimum as a participating member.........

    Booz.. a long-standing member of the AR Police:

    sorry but absolutely no sources will be checked at this present time....

  23. #23
    JasonT's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Booz View Post
    do you read the rules mate?

    this is basically condoning flaming of which is against the rules here...............
    That's not the meaning that I intended to come across, but I understand how it could be interpreted that way.

    I was just making a general observation about the type of answers that are usually received for those types of questions...wasn't commenting on whether those answers were encouraged or not.

  24. #24
    americanoak's Avatar
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    hey, i know you are tring to keep the cost down, but anavar sounds like the way to go for you. I have never taken it, but i have done a good amount of research on it. It produces dry gains, and does not aromatize (convert to estrogen). It gives you clean quality muscle and a good icnrease in strength gains as well. I am not saying this part is true, but people have referred to it as a "fat burning steroid ".

    Most cycles of anavar range from 6-10 weeks in the 60-100mg dosage. The time you run it and the dose is very dependant on how much money you want to spend because it is a costly steroid. But if you are not willing to inject then this seems like the right path for you. It is also very mild on your HPTA which is a plus, though you are probably done growing since you are 25, so this shouldnt be too much of an issue for you. Still get the proper PCT either way! Pct for var could be:
    Nolv: 40/40/20/20
    Clomid: 100/50/50/25

    Unless you want to go with tren or winni or something, but i dont know much about those except people use them while cutting.

    (i've never cycled before, but I am pretty confident on my var info. However, anything someone tells you on this board you will certainly want to double check as these coumpounds are no joke)

  25. #25
    speedfreak's Avatar
    speedfreak is offline Associate Member
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    Heard conflicting reports on PCT for var....I guess you cant go wrong running the nolc/clom... What is the best time to start the PCT, I was thinking around 8-9 hours after cycle is done?

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