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  1. #1
    newbie786 is offline New Member
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    please help, need info

    ive been weightlifting for over 3 years and ive decided to go on test 400 and im gonna stack it with dbol , also will be using proviron , is this a good stack?
    also how long should i run the cycle? and after finishing cycle should i go on clomid and hcg as pct?

    because i hate to be shut down and lose my libido etc. thanks for any help guys.

  2. #2
    mad dogs is offline Banned
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    weeks 1-12 1/2ml ( 200mgs) t400 every 3.5th day

    weeks 1-4 35mgs dbol per day

    what esters has your test 400 got in it bud?

    yes you need to use nolvadex and clomid after cycle ,hcg is not needed imo.

  3. #3
    newbie786 is offline New Member
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    not sure what you mean mate but i think it has enth, cyp, and prop

  4. #4
    mad dogs is offline Banned
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    t should say on the bottle something like

    test cyp -200mgs

    test ent- 150mgs

    test prop- 50mgs

    esters are the time release of the testosarone into your blood stream

    test enth and test cyp are slow releaseing so they can be injected x2 per week or even once per week while test prop is fast releaseing so it should be injected every day or every other day ,you have to find a good injecting routeen with the mixed esters as if you dont your blood levals may be up and down ,this in turn can lead to unstable blood levals and side effects.

  5. #5
    newbie786 is offline New Member
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    hmm sounds bad lol, ok i can have one test which would you recommend for fast gains plz?

  6. #6
    mad dogs is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by newbie786 View Post
    hmm sounds bad lol, ok i can have one test which would you recommend for fast gains plz?
    well fast acting test means more injection mate ,slow acting means less injections ,so lets see below-

    weeks 1-10 75-100mgs test prop every day

    weeks 1-12 500mgs test e or c injected x2 per week

    thats just an example of hw to use fast on slow esters ,a little word of warning ,test prop can be very painfull for some and as you have to rotate your injection sites every day this can lead to some disconfort.

    i would say for you go with a single ester test like test e or c and inject 250mgs every 3.5th day (x2 per week) for 12 weeks with a dianabol kick start and a nolvadex and clomid pct starting 14 days after last injection.

  7. #7
    newbie786 is offline New Member
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    ok mate thank you, ill do what you recommended, i should also take proviron troughtout my cycle right?

    and stop taking proviron on pct?

  8. #8
    sigman roid's Avatar
    sigman roid is offline Ar's cockney geezer Retired
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    The first thing that should have been asked is stats


  9. #9
    mad dogs is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by sigman roid View Post
    The first thing that should have been asked is stats

    am not a stats man ,i beive if someone wants to use then they should get the best advise possable ,i know people will say diet diet but am trying to educate him so when the times comes he has an idea of what to do ,but yes lets se some stats

  10. #10
    newbie786 is offline New Member
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    sorry, lol sigman im 5ft10, and pathetic 11 stones and im 25 years old. bf% i dont know.

  11. #11
    sigman roid's Avatar
    sigman roid is offline Ar's cockney geezer Retired
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    Quote Originally Posted by mad dogs View Post
    am not a stats man ,i beive if someone wants to use then they should get the best advise possable ,i know people will say diet diet but am trying to educate him so when the times comes he has an idea of what to do ,but yes lets se some stats
    We'll agree to disagree on this one as i dont see how he could get the best possible advice without knowing his stats.

  12. #12
    mad dogs is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by sigman roid View Post
    We'll agree to disagree on this one as i dont see how he could get the best possible advice without knowing his stats.
    lol ok bud ,what i ment is ill give him the heads up on the best cycle to run WHEN HE IS READY.

    were the stats op?

  13. #13
    newbie786 is offline New Member
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    right guys so im gonna go on test e, stack it with dbol and proviron .

    as pct ill use clomid and novaldax.

  14. #14
    mad dogs is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by newbie786 View Post
    sorry, lol sigman im 5ft10, and pathetic 11 stones and im 25 years old. bf% i dont know.
    your too light mate ,you need to get your diet sorted then run a test/dbol cycle.

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