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  1. #1
    Deadmanshand is offline New Member
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    Mar 2010

    Arrow 3rd cycle, need advice please

    hi, ive recently joined,

    and im planning on my 3rd cycle.

    this is the cycle...

    test100 prop and equi200 1ml each twice a week on monday and thursday
    then a pre-mixed stack- 50mg masteron , 50mg tren acetate, 50mg test prop 1ml twice a week on tuesday and friday.
    then also 5xanavar tabs 10mg each. 5 days a week..

    on it for 5weeks, then of for 2 weeks, then on again.

    my nutrition is pretty decent. on wake-up serving whey shake.
    breakfast: cup of oats, with 5 eggwhites.
    snack: another whey and waxymaize shake with multi vitamins(1hour from training).
    pre-workout: NO shotgun
    intra-post workout: NO synthesize
    post: waxymaize with whey
    lunch: 200g chicken, cup brown rice, veggies
    snack: whey shake
    dinner 300g steak, veggies/salad
    before bed: whey shake.

    please let me know what you think.

  2. #2
    mad dogs is offline Banned
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    cycle is all over the place man ,you need to iject test prop every day or at least every other day ,eq at 400mgs every week will do jack ,50mg masteron , 50mg tren acetate, 50mg test prop 1ml twice a week on tuesday and friday this is a very bad idea as your blood levals will be all over the place leading to side effects.

    on it for 5weeks, then of for 2 weeks, then on again.

    again this is a very bad idea ,why the hell would you want to come off for 2 weks then jump back on cycle?

    what do you have for pct?

    your cycle is a mess and i recomened you replan the whole thing.

  3. #3
    JasonT's Avatar
    JasonT is offline Member
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    for your diet, i only see 3 solid food i missing something?

    i would replace the 2 snacks with solid meals

  4. #4
    dieseljimmy is offline Associate Member
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    couple of things in my opinion
    your doses are really scattered. I think you can fix it by cranking that premixed concoction to EOD it will help level the substances in your blood level out. If I were you I up the dose of that blend to 2cc EOD or 1cc ED. Even then your only running 350 mg of masteron and tren which is a soft dose. 550 mg of test and 400 mg of eq. I am actually liking this cycle more and more(I would like more but I like where you are going)

    5 weeks on 2 weeks off-I dont see a full recovery of your nat. test so I think it is a waste of time and loss of muscle.

    your diet looks ok. just carefull using shakes as a backbone of your diet. it can cause distress. I have a sytha 6 in the morning first thing and evening last thing. and a small whey shake after working out. I think that is almost too much. I would cut a shake or two and add some fruit and yogart, or some granola and peanut butter- keep them as snacks just give your body some food that it is not going to process in less then two hours.

  5. #5
    Deadmanshand is offline New Member
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    Mar 2010
    thanx for all the advise,

    the thing is ive got my first contest in August this year. and ive never used test in a cycle, my previous ADVISER(if you can call him that) told me that my natural test is enough.....
    ive been on 2 cycles, first was only tren150 enanthate with winstrol for 10 weeks.
    2nd was a mixture of deca equipoise , methadriol... with anavar tabs.

    after that mishap i decided to ditch the guy and not follow his advise...
    with both my cycles i had decent gains. nothing less than 7kg(obviously not all muscle).
    ive kept my shape. but tired of messing around.

    the dieet is a basic plan, thats the least i eat a day, sumdays it changes a bit. but nothing less that this.

    how long would you advise i break for. know its still a few months till august but i want to pick up lean mass. if it helps at bodytype is ectomorph-mesomorph.

    my previous guy completelly confused me. so on a know-how level im starting from scratch...

  6. #6
    D_iamond's Avatar
    D_iamond is offline Junior Member
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    deep,very deep (maryland)
    you need to increase your test to at least 500 a week eq to at least 600 and you will succeed my friend also inject your test every day!!! eod at the very most strecthed out the more you wait the more messed up your blood test levels will be

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Soul Society
    Ok let's start from scratch
    bodyfat %
    training experience

    As far as diet switch the shake after lunch for some 4-6oz of tuna with mayo, almonds or other nuts and some complex carb. The shake pre workout could be swapped with peanut butter, yogurt and some fruits. And the last one should have some casein protein.

    I'll provide with advise after stats. Cycle is all over the place. Do not trust the person that set this up.

  8. #8
    Deadmanshand is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Age: 23
    weight: 85kg (187lb, i think)
    height: 181cm (5ft9")
    bodyfat: 8%
    training exp: been training serious for 4 years..

    thank you for all the help... i really need it....

  9. #9
    Deadmanshand is offline New Member
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    anyone with more info?

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Soul Society
    You have listed 4 different compounds, I'd drop one. If you cannot put on muscle on three compounds then something else is wrong. With that said I'll drop the equipoise . Now the three compounds you wanna use form a killer stack but you need to inject everyother day at least, the ideal situation would be daily. I'd run the prop, tren a and masteron daily at 50-75mg each for 8 weeks. You could throw in the anavar at 60-80mg a day for the first 4 weeks. What's your planned pct? Are you gonna use hcg while on cycle?

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