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Thread: Var + Winny + Test E

  1. #1

    Var + Winny + Test E

    Hey Guys, I'd like to do a little bulking and finish with cutting phase.

    I'm 5'11 185 with not much body fat, just got some fugly love handles over the winter and 1/2 inch fat over abs. I want to put on about 15 pounds and drop the handles near the end with cardio and reduced diet.

    Test E 1-14 @ 500
    EQ 1-16 @ 600
    winny 14-19 @ 50 ED Tabs
    var ??? Need advice... how much and how long and where at in cycle?


  2. #2
    try this-

    tets e 1-16 500mgs

    eq 1-14 600mgs

    winny 14-18 50mgs

    var 1-6 60mgs

  3. #3
    Why run it in the beginning when I am bulking..wouldn't it make more sense to run it with winny for cutting or am i looking at it wrong?

  4. #4
    Var that is

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by beachbum11 View Post
    Why run it in the beginning when I am bulking..wouldn't it make more sense to run it with winny for cutting or am i looking at it wrong?
    well you dont want to run two oral together ,you can still bulk on a var kick start just make sure you have a clean diet and the gains willl be mean and clean ,after all we all want lean gains and no warter right?

  6. #6
    true, thanks bro..sounds good to me!
    Last edited by beachbum11; 04-05-2010 at 04:55 PM.

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