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Thread: Pain @ INJ site

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Starbuck Em' and Fvck Em'

    Question Pain @ INJ site

    Today was my first injection of Test Enanthate. I injected into my quad with a 1.5'' .21G needle.

    I am still skeptical about my gear being legit or not.

    Does injection site pain let you know that the gear was real?

    What if I don't experience any inj site pain?

    I have pictures of it up in the Anabolic Pictures Forum.

    Is the pain supposed to come tomorrow?

    Thanks guys.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    thats a big pin to put in ur quad...

    plus its a virgin muscle, u will be ok...

  3. #3
    the pain from injections mostly comes from the ba solvent useing in the makeing of the product,now it is very possable for someone to make a sterile oil with some ba in and then filter it into vails and this would give post injection pain,most undereducated users would assume the product is legit due to the pain ,not the case .

    not saying your gear is bunk but just giveing you the heads up on what is possable,get that pic up and ill take a look for you.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Gotham City
    No pain is good lol. You don't necessarily need to experience pain. If you don't that just means the BB/BA % is good with your gear. Doesn't necessarily mean your gear is no good. You will most likely have pain from soreness tomorrow, but that is also no biggie.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    You could probably reduce your pin length to 1" unless you got really thick quads. The only gear that gives me pain is anything with prop in it unless you hit something sensitive or just have a bad stick. I like quad shots, but if you ever get a painful shot you wont forget it.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Starbuck Em' and Fvck Em'
    Quote Originally Posted by mad dogs View Post
    the pain from injections mostly comes from the ba solvent useing in the makeing of the product,now it is very possable for someone to make a sterile oil with some ba in and then filter it into vails and this would give post injection pain,most undereducated users would assume the product is legit due to the pain ,not the case .

    not saying your gear is bunk but just giveing you the heads up on what is possable,get that pic up and ill take a look for you.

  7. #7
    never seen the two blue cap ones but the middle one i belive to be mex gear ,mex gear has somewhat of a bad rep from what i have seen so becarefull with that.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Starbuck Em' and Fvck Em'
    What type of things makes Mex have a bad rep? just curious i dont wanna get AIDS

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by vanduhl View Post
    What type of things makes Mex have a bad rep? just curious i dont wanna get AIDS
    lmfao ,gotta be carefull with the large ammount of counterfit gear from mex.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by vanduhl View Post
    Today was my first injection of Test Enanthate. I injected into my quad with a 1.5'' .21G needle.

    I am still skeptical about my gear being legit or not.

    Does injection site pain let you know that the gear was real?


    What if I don't experience any inj site pain?

    Then there are less preservatives then other UGL's.

    I have pictures of it up in the Anabolic Pictures Forum.

    Is the pain supposed to come tomorrow?

    Pain can come instantly, or within 24 hours generally. Depending on the preservative content.

    Thanks guys.
    How's that 21 feel? I never go below 22. Cosign Mad. Whenever I'm messing with Prop, Tren, or NPP, I'll usually pre warm my syringe to allow for smoother injects, then sleep with a heating pad on the inject site to alleviate pain.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Starbuck Em' and Fvck Em'
    Pain..Needles..that shit dont bother me....stick me with an .18 idc

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Ah tough guy. If you can handle 18 why not do it? Sucks up the oil much easier then anything smaller.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Starbuck Em' and Fvck Em'
    Haha i was just kidding, it actually didn't hurt bad though. Minor discomfort when breaking the skin but after that it didn't feel bad at all. Even the 21 had a little bit of a tough time sucking the oil up though

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Any new injection site to a virgin muscle is going to cause a little pain. My delts seem to be the only painless spot for injections, but when i injected test prop/mast into my quad for the first time i couldn't walk for almost a week, so it comes w/the territory. And my gear was legit since my source is the same one i use and have been for a while now. It'll take a few injections into that muscle before it starts being almost painless.

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by vanduhl View Post
    Haha i was just kidding, it actually didn't hurt bad though. Minor discomfort when breaking the skin but after that it didn't feel bad at all. Even the 21 had a little bit of a tough time sucking the oil up though
    try heating the vails before you draw ,use a heat pad or a hair dryer to warm the oil ,this will thinin it out and make life a easyer when drawing/injecting.

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