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  1. #1
    lostboy74 is offline Junior Member
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    tren a, test p, eq cycle questions

    I have been on a test, eq cycle for the last 10 weeks. I am completely unhappy with the results thus far so I added in some tren A and test P I have changed my cycle up a bit, it now looks like this-

    week 10-20 test p 50 mg ed
    tren a 10-20 100mg ed
    week 1-16 eq 300mg e3.5d
    week 1-16 test e 250mg e3.5d

    since it took so long for the test and eq to give me any results am i going to have to wait for a long time for the tren to kick in? i am on day 7 and im only feeling minor agression but no other sides...when should i expect it to kick in? i was hoping for alot more out of the test e and eq but i was let down, a mod on here recommended i add in the tren and test p since it was on hand...

  2. #2
    mj34 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by lostboy74 View Post
    I have been on a test, eq cycle for the last 10 weeks. I am completely unhappy with the results thus far so I added in some tren A and test P I have changed my cycle up a bit, it now looks like this-

    week 10-20 test p 50 mg ed
    tren a 10-20 100mg ed
    week 1-16 eq 300mg e3.5d
    week 1-16 test e 250mg e3.5d

    since it took so long for the test and eq to give me any results am i going to have to wait for a long time for the tren to kick in? i am on day 7 and im only feeling minor agression but no other sides...when should i expect it to kick in? i was hoping for alot more out of the test e and eq but i was let down, a mod on here recommended i add in the tren and test p since it was on hand...
    You gotta remember its gonna take awhile to see any significant gains from long-estered compounds such as EQ. It takes me about 8 weeks just to fill the EQ kick in and I'm on test always due to Hrt but it took about 5 weeks for the test to start kicking in. U shoulda noticed some appetite increase with EQ which causes u to consume more calories thus growth should be taking place. Perhaps, with a cycle like this you might want to next time kickstart it with some dbol or whatever oral. I personally like to run Winny/Var at 50mgs a piece as I get strong as hell but without a lot of water retention. Another idea is to run Test Suspension (I use an oil-based cus water based is so damn painful) gains from test susp come on quick. I love it but you have to inject ED.
    I'm alson running Tren right now and to be honest I didn't notice much in terms of strength gains for 10 days and as far as gains etc., it took up to 4 weeks. I'm on week 6 with the tren right now and outside of it destroying my cardio I've gained muscle and dropped 2 waist sizes. Tren is very powerful. I personally don't get much in terms of sides. Sweating but no disturbed sleep and thank God I've always escaped the tren cough (knock on wood). 700mgs is a lot and gains can be made with 350-400EW. I hope u have used it before cus that's a hefty dose. I would advise 50-60mgs ED. If sides get too bad within a few days you will be fine. Otherwise, looks like a nice lean bulker.

  3. #3
    lostboy74 is offline Junior Member
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    thanks mj...are you taking tren a or enenthate? also, any truth to the rumor that you should pin short esteres like tren a right before you work out? i have read a few posts but it never made any sense to me...however i am look into getting the best results possible...

  4. #4
    Knockout_Power's Avatar
    Knockout_Power is offline "Even sexier than Siggy"
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    Your initial cycle (if the gear is legit) is pretty decent. I would have left out the Eq but its still not so bad. You have to expect it to take a while to show its effects. When on Enan, I usually see the best results around week 8-11 or 12. Eq is not going to show you the gains you want until even later. Rushing and adding more is not always best. Do you have anything on hand to combat the Prog. sides that may arise from the Tren ?

  5. #5
    lostboy74 is offline Junior Member
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    yes i do, i have caber on hand and i have pct in place.

  6. #6
    AlphaMaleDawg's Avatar
    AlphaMaleDawg is offline Senior Member
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    im surprised nobody asked about his diet

  7. #7
    lostboy74 is offline Junior Member
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    my diet is good. twist from the diet forum critiqued it for me and made some changes. the only thing lacking are enough calories. i eat 5-6 meals a day oatmeal and eggs in the morning and talapia, chicken, salmon with rice and asparagus or broccolli throuout the day...twist recomended suplementing in three protein shakes a day, 1 at wakeup 1 after workout and casein with 1/2 cup of cottage cheese at bed time. this got my calories up and my protein up to well over 2 grms per pound of body weight.

    my macros were adjusted by a trainer at a local fitness center so im sure things are good. my diet has been this way since week1 except the shakes which were added in at week 4

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