Hey everyone, I am new to the site and don't want to tick everyone off by posting a new thread but the only ones I have found that come close to addressing my questions are several years old. I am on sustanon 250 (1 1/2 cc a week). Due for my 4th injection this thursday and have a flight physical for the military this saturday. First and for most: do they test for that in a FLIGHT physical?? I have read numerous post that they don't test for it in regular military physicals but just want to be sure on the aviation side. I am not currently in the military but will be going to basic in june so this flight physical would be my first Class I physical and obviously the first for the military. Also would it be smart to hold off on my 4th injection until after the physical? I know that the sustanon is already in my system but wasn't sure if a new blast of hormones would increase my risk of detection since I'd take it two days prior.
Thanks so much for any help!!