Age: 21
Weight: 205
Height: 6'1"
BF: 8-10% (Cut)
Cycle Experience: None
Lifting/Diet Experience: 2 years of serious training and dieting
Barbell Bench: 225lb for 8 reps
Barbell Squat: 315lb for 10 reps
Dead Lift: 455 for 6 reps
Dumbbell Shoulder Press: 2x90lb for 8 reps

I have a friend who has done several cycles and is a user on this site, and he recommended me this cycle for my first:

Week 1-10 Test C at 500mg/week (Twice per week)
Week 9-12 Stanozolol at 50mg/day (Oral spread out evenly)
Week 2-12 HCG at 150iu/eod

Pct would look something like:
Week 1-4 Nolvadex (40mg/20mg/20mg/20mg)
Week 1-4 Colmid (50mg/25mg/25mg/25mg)

Is this a proper first cycle? I've done some research, and I think the only thing deterring me here is age... thoughts?